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  1. I fish the shallows on my local reservior at night with topwater, I usually do pretty well with catching hybrid bass. I noticed that although fishing in spots where LMB and SMB would be, they don't really hit the topwater baits as often as i would think. Maybe 1 LMB or SMB for every 25 or 30 Hybrid bass caught. I don't get it? There are high populations of both LMB and SMB in the lake, where are they? > My question is, do you think that the larger and more aggressive Hybrid bass that come in the the shallows to feed on the herring are spooking the LMB and SMB and pushing them out of the shallows and into deeper water? I have given this much thought and this is my only guess? What do you guys think?
  2. Never use Paypal!! Only buy on ebay where you can pay by credit card! They will cheat you out of your $ do a google search they have an entire website dedicated to people who have been cheated by them. They are owned by a the same company that owns ebay. But of course they will never advertise it because it is such a blatant confict of interest.
  3. I am new to fishing and just learned how to "walk the dog" with a zara spook. It is hands down the most fun, and the most productive topwater lure i have tried so far. I have a do it all $40 cabelas rod, and am looking to upgrade to a rod specifically for working this presentation. I know i want it to be more lightweight, but am looking for advice as far as length, handle length and how it affects the balance of the rod and reel, tip action, and power. I know some of this is personal preference, but i am just looking for general ideas. I am not ready to switch to a baitcaster setup at this point as i want to stick to what I know for now so i can focus more on other areas of learning. If anyone has specific suggestions that would be great too. I am looking to spend around $100-$150
  4. Yesterday me and a few friends tried senkos for the first time, and honestly, i am no great fisherman by any stretch, hell, descent would be giving me too much credit! But i love it and try to get better all the time. It almost seems to easy to catch fish with these things! We caught so many fish, i got tired of taking them off the hook. Most of the hooks were swallowed, I feel horrible when they have a good chance of dying from my hooks as i am sure most people on here feel the same way? After reading posts and tips on how to most effectively fish this bait i have found that when fishing them very slow with a mslack line, the bite can be undetectable at first, which is what allows them to swallow hooks. How do I fish it properly and at the same time know when to set my hook in time before they swallow the bait? I was using 2/0 offset hooks with 4 and 5 in senko's would bigger or smaller hooks make a difference? Sick of hurting the fish!
  5. Spruce run hybrids are great to catch, hella fighters, pretty big, most i have caught or have seen caught are in the 4-8 lb range. I am a rookie fisherman that is lucky enough to have friends who are avid bass fisherman. Right now is a great time to catch them as they are very active from late may to early july. We usually only fish for them with topwater, and only from 11pm to 3 or 4 am. That is when they seem to usually be feeding. Do not bother going if you are a numbers guy, this isn't the right lake, but we usually get a half dozen or so a night. I have never tried but i have heard they love live herring too! good luck
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