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Everything posted by bassguy

  1. use a good strong knot that u know works. i use the palomar and the trilene knots. i have lost many bass pitching jigs into bullrushes by trying new knots and doing them incorrectly. also with 8lb. test u should wet the line before u sinch the knot cuz if u dont wet the line, the part near the lure will be damaged and will snap very easily
  2. thanks..ya i have been trying crankbaits with some success
  3. where in cali do u live cuz im in southern and i want to be in a club too. im a youth too
  4. i wouldnt recommend doing that unless u have the rod in ur hand because i have had too many rods dragged into the water by lunker bass. the cool thing is i always got em back with the fish still on ;D
  5. i fish a lake that is fairly shallow, but has some deep parts(up to 36 ft.) and i was wondering how some of u guys find baitfish without a depth finder when they aren't busting up on the surface and how u would find suspended bass Thanks
  6. irvine..lol mybad
  7. southern cal
  8. first try hoppin them down long points and then anchor on top of the point and hop up them if u get no bites hoppin down
  9. i tried using the shad colored super fluke weightless and texas rigging a creature but came up with nothing... these bass are very finiky ???
  10. thanks for the info, i tried fishing a green 1/8 oz. jig with a crawworm trailer this morning with no results the water that i fish in is stained with bluegill and shad as the main forage. do u use a porkrind trailer when flippng into cover or a crawworm trailer? what kind of retrieve do u do when u fish points? dropoffs? hopping retrieve? slowrolling? do u use attractants?
  11. i want to join a bass club in southern cali or get some people together to start one :
  12. Jimmy Houston cuz he seems like a ton of fun to fish with and he is very deadly with a spinnerbait and plastic worm o ya.. and cuz he lives on his own private lake with tons of lunkers ;D
  13. i usually fish with spooks and poppers. how i hookset with these is when the fish hits i count to 2 or 3 depending on how explosive the strike was, reel in the slack line and set the hook hard to the side. i remember i lost many a fish getting excited and pulling the lure from the fish, but stick with it and itll pay off
  14. try locating structure on structure such as a humb or ledge on a long point these can hold tons of bass if the baitfish are there also. if u find the baitfish u find the bass good luck
  15. i live in southern california and most of the lakes down here are heavily presssured. i was wondering if anybody could give me some tips on how to fish jigs effectively in these kind of conditions and what size, color work best. trailers?most of the lakes have some cover with lots of points. also do jigs work best on afternoons? : any comments would be greatly appreciated thanks ;D
  16. try getting ur hands on any type of frog lures (strike king and snag proof is highly recommended) cast them on to the lillies and twitch em off, pausing when they're in between lillies this technique could be dynamite on a little pond like that good luck
  17. thanks for all the help... i have been trying rat l traps at dusk and have caught some small ones... im gonna try all of these methods and let you guys know how they worked. thanks for the advice ;D
  18. i fish at a pond/lake that has lunkersand it is fished pretty heavily. when i walk down there i can see 10+ pounders swimming in the shallows. i try throwing everything in my tackle box but i only got one on a texas rigged lizard awhile ago, should i just use live baitfish
  19. when u fish on the lake during those nights try finding those x-mas trees by casting ur worm out and draggin it on the bottom, and when u find em try fishing a black/blue/purple buzzbait over them vary ur retrieves and see what they want, that works for me when fishin gets tough ;D
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