I use a lot the zoom lizards, mostly 6" in any wms, shapes my favorite is watermelon red chartreuse, if I fish in new place is my to go bait, in Texas rig, from 1/8, to 1/2 lead bullet weight. Depending on wind, deep and cover.
I don't know why, most people uses only in the spawn season , those things are really effective all year round, the spawn season the only difference is that, you can use any color, particularly the red and pink, colors, like pumpkin fire, cherry seed, chameleon, tomatoe seed, etc.
This lure is very effective on Carolina Rig, it seems me that the lizards are made for this rig, which size ? All of them are effective I don't like 4" are too tiny, if I need to go finesse I use 5" with 1/0 owner "j" hook, and for 6" I use from 2/0 to 4/0 in Mustad 37177 or Grammy Ewg, preferably 3/0. For 8" I use 4/0 maybe 5/0 in the same brands and models of hooks.
Some times side rigging the lizards improve the bite ratio, it means, if you exit the point of the hook, by "ribs" instead the back.
Good fishing