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Everything posted by Marty

  1. Marty


    Just a personal preference, but I use the Strike King Buzz King Jr., tri-wing blade, which I think weighs 3/16 oz.
  2. That's some pretty inviting looking stuff.
  3. I fish topwater much more than any other technique. Generally it's in water up to 10' with varying amounts of weeds. Conventional wisdom says to use topwater during low light periods, like mornings, evenings, overcast days and at night. I'll fish them all day long because I've caught a lot of fish on them on sunny days.
  4. There was that well-known book by a grammarian about 10 or so years ago titled "Eats, Shoots and Leaves." Obviously a comma, or lack of same, can make a big difference.
  5. I have to disagree. I have a card with a credit union that has no annual fee and I pay off the balance every month. A lot of money goes through that card what with groceries, dental and medical bills and just about every purchase over $10. I've gotten $100s in rewards (all taken in the form of gift cards or cash) and it hasn't cost me one cent.
  6. You may have a problem, as they aren't even on the manufacturer's site, except in sizes 1/0 and 2/0. You didn't ask my advice, but I'd give it up and get another brand. There are numerous good hooks out there and I don't think you'd experience any dropoff in your success.
  7. I don't know anything about river fishing. But you've listed just two categories of lures, topwaters and soft plastics. To increase versatility, you might want to add a couple of spinnerbaits, crankbaits and maybe some jigs. Good luck.
  8. If I'm understanding you correctly, the APR DOES matter. Even if you pay on time, if you're making less than full payment, then you're paying the APR on the unpaid balance. Someone warned against B of A, but I have -0- experience with them. I think it's excellent that you're starting to build up a good credit history at your age. As someone already mentioned, don't buy stuff with your card that you wouldn't have been able to afford if you didn't have a card.
  9. Illegal here in New York.
  10. Can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work in Upstate NY or anywhere else. I'm planning on trying it this season, although I've heard that it can tire out your arm pretty quickly. I would also think there would be more missed strikes because of the erratic lure movement.
  11. As Mark said, they'll take anything. If I had to start somewhere, I'd try spinnerbaits. Or grub on jighead in deeper water. They also take all colors, but I've always thought they had an affinity for chartreuse.
  12. There are so many good colors that arbitrary choices probably have to be made. Just as an example, you probably can't go wrong with black in the murky water and pumpkinseed or watermelon in clear. And any of those colors will also work in the other water clarity.
  13. I understand where you're coming from and for years I've hoped for the same thing. But in the last few years we've had some abnormally warm early weather and the rest of the year is often screwed up; not necessarily fishing only, but other things in nature. So I've changed and mainly hope for normal weather, if there is such a thing anymore.
  14. Four-minute video.
  15. They've been my favorite crank ever since they were introduced 30+ years ago. I use both the shallow and deep-running models and fish them from spring through fall. I've only cranked them, never used them as jerkbaits, but they should work that way too.
  16. Shallow Shad Raps are great lures and I use them a lot. But I've never used any bigger than size 9, although I see no reason why the 14 wouldn't be good when they want something large.
  17. I use buzzbaits and other topwaters all day, including bright, sunny afternoons. Despite conventional wisdom, you'd be surprised at the action you can get on midday topwaters. I've been using those for many years and I can't understand why you're not catching anything other than you may not have used them in the right place at the right time. I'm unaware of a buzzbait that won't catch fish.
  18. Wow, your Mom's one rugged gal. We keep ours at 70°and half the time we need an extra shirt!
  19. From Wikipedia: A great deal of strategy and teamwork goes into choosing the ideal path and placement of a stone for each situation, and the skills of the curlers determine how close to the desired result the stone will achieve. This gives curling its nickname of "Chess On Ice".
  20. I've mostly used Strike King Buzz King Jr. with a triple-wing blade, but I've seen numerous brands be effective. I don't know how much difference it makes, but I lack confidence if I'm not using a trailer hook. I've had just enough fish caught on the trailer hook only to make me use them all the time.
  21. I've been a big fan of Shad Raps since they were introduced some 30 years ago and they're very high on my list of confidence cranks. I use them from spring through fall. "Deep" is a relative term; they are available in Shallow and Deep-running models, with Deep meaning deeper than Shallow, not deep as in DD22.
  22. I used 10# mono for many years until I switched over to 15# braid. Rods of 6-1/2' in M power and Fast action have served me very well as all-purpose rods and I've used them for just about all techniques. I use Daiwa reels in the 2500 size.
  23. Any size, it's a matter of where. Obviously you don't want to be in the middle of a large body of water where huge waves could kick in at any time, but big waters have protected areas plus you can go out from a lee shore. I've seen canoes and kayaks on Lake Ontario, but not far out from shore. I regularly take my canoe out on a 10,000-acre lake, but I'm at the extreme south end in weeds and can go there anytime except when there's a big wind out of the north. The fact that you have canoe experience should make it easier on deciding when and where to go.
  24. If a Bills game is on, my partner will fish a scheduled tournament, but generally will not do recreational fishing. I'd miss the game to fish.
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