I went out to the new river again today in Montgomery county and Radford. I can never seem to get a bite there. I throw everything in the Tacklebox, but nothing bites. There water was really up today, and the current was quite fast. I dont know if that had anything to do with it, but I really want to get a bronzeback soon before the school year is over here at VT.
So what I am asking is what does everyone look for when they go out for smallies from the bank. Do you look for pockets behind rocks where there are current breaks or what?!
Also what types of baits are you throwing. I was trying mainly tubes today with some jigs thrown in there.
Also is it easy to tell when you have a bite, because whenever I cast out I always get the little ticks of it jumping over rocks and into little crevices in between rocks and mud and such.
Any help is much appreciated because like I said I want a smallie, and with the New River possibly being the best smallmouth fishery in virginia I would say that I have pretty good chances.