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  • Gender
  • Location
    Washington Illinois
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Emiquon near Havana IL if I am using a boat.

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  • About Me
    Been married to my wife for going on 42years and we have 5 daughters.

    Mainly a bank fishermen and mainly for LM bass

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  1. I finally found someone that is similar to me. I'm kind of a combination of several from above. Perhaps its a competitive deal I'm not sure. lol I'm also not a fan of parting with my stuff in general! If I think that someone is trying to screw me then forget it. I'll either hang on to it, give it away to a needy person or worst case I'll put it in the trash. That being said the grandkids are starting to get old enough that I gave them & the son-in-law a bunch of gear late last year. The grandkids are still really young so I didn't give them top notch stuff but good enough that they won't get frustrated. I bought the son-in-law a Pflueger President spinning real for Christmas so that he gets a taste that better gear is worth it & makes fishing more fun. 5 daughters = 4 grandsons and a 5th grandson on the way! Paybacks are priceless!
  2. Some of the posts on this thread are hilarious. Thank you for the entertainment.
  3. I started to write it one way then switched mid-stream, not by best job of editing! Lol I tried to say that the poster didn't specifically say that all fisherman were one way or the other. i wouldn't be surprised if a large percentage of dock fisherman were inconsiderate. It seems to be an "it's all about about me" society that we live in these days. re: "The OP wrote "I find fisherman to be very rude and inconsiderate of people who own lake property." There is no way one can read that sentence and infer any other meaning than all fisherman, even if he didn't use the word all. In that sentence, "All" is implied." Yes there is a way to read that & infer that he doesn't mean all. The glass is half full or half empty would be one example. Perhaps one of those agreeing to disagree situations.
  4. Personally I find the original post in the thread to be fairly classy. He(or she) didn't necessarily say that all fisherman were bad as many replies implied. He or she didn't not say all fisherman were not bad either. I think that he or she made a fairly classy post and was ripped for it. Whether it was a 1st post or not seems irrelevant. Obviously I'm in the minority and will most likely also get ripped as well. Just saying that I thought that some Bassresource posters could have done better. FFI
  5. I do a lot of bank fishing for bass in the dark and only for about 2hrs per outing so time is of the essence. Thus getting, into the tackle box, retying and all that stuff not to mention dealing with the flashlight wastes a ton of time. As a result I carry at least 2 rods and sometimes 3. I have them pre-rigged with what I want to use so I can have up to 3 ready to go options.
  6. Although it is fairly fake I enjoy Garage squad. Also enjoy Bitchin rides. All girls garage isn't bad Leno when I catch him is really good Counting Cars is good. Graveyard cars has great cars they focus on Mopars but the owner is so full of himself it isn't funny.... He prob means well but he is an arrogant know it all jerk. He is super smart and super talented but personality-wise he is an idiot. I watch Stacey David's show once in a while because it is so hands on.
  7. These are movie quotes so not quite the same.... Sleezy uncle Michael Douglass to his parentless nephew- "What's the matter son did you get you get her to the coat check room and find out she had a ten pin up her skirt?" Robin Williams when he screwed up in Good Morning Vietnam. If I make a boneheaded blunder I use this line to myself - "This won't look good on a resume!"
  8. LMAO, Nicely done, timing was perfect.
  9. I heard that instead of calling this "The Redneck fishing Tournament" that they were going to rename it "The Raider Nation Open". There was a technical glitch though as to rename it there had to be a "quorum" of members present to vote on the name change. Once quorum was mentioned it seems as though all the members immediately headed to the local quarry and haven't been seen nor heard from since! ???
  10. That is the Illinois river and is only minutes from me. I don't fish the river but those fish are a pain. As you can see people have learned creative ways to make the best of it. There are guided trips to bow fish for them, an annual redneck fishing tny for charity that draws 100's of boats where everyone wears crazy costumes and fishes with nets and such.
  11. Let's just say that I have categories & subcategories! Lol From land, from a boat Just damp, Partially submerged, fully submerged, Almost involved a Boyscout attempt of lifesaving me- I told him to stay on shore I'd sooner drown 1st! long story, maybe expound later? (Eyeroll).
  12. LS whU? I'm not necessarily a ND fan, just stirring the pot a little to have some fun.
  13. C & G, You've got a lot of time invested in this and 1-1/2 months is not going to kill you. Maybe make it a challenge and think of it this way.... It is 2 min's left in the 3rd period and you are tied, reach back and find that little bit extra fire you've trained to find throughout your career. If your 90% wasn't good enough the coach wouldn't be having you wrestle. Unless he is rewarding your loyalty and should really be starting someone else that is. Another option is to talk to the coach and tell him that you are burned out and know that you are not wrestling your best and would understand if he needs to start someone else. Maybe he wants to make that decision but is struggling with it. You probably ought to stick it out anyway as you committed to it. You can get through practices and ride the bus for 1-1/2 months. There is another sports season after wrestling so you will still have time for the fishing very soon. As others have said not finishing what you started can be easy but in some cases it can lead to habits that transpose in other facets of life. Quick story: College wasn't the norm in my generation and certainly not in my family history. I was essentially the 1st person from my family for as long as I know of to attend college. I only sought out a 2yr degree but as I was working full time it took me 4.5 yrs to finish it. I did this while working a 40-50+ hr a week job (some of which was 2nd shift), getting married and owning a home. for 9months of the year I had a 2nd job (baseball & softball umpire) at night often from 5-10pm anywhere from 3 to 5 nights a week and often 6-10 hrs a day on weekends. Several times I was exhausted and wanted to quit but I slugged through it and graduated with a degree in Industrial Electronics Instrumentation. I would have survived w/o it but I wouldn't be who I am today had I not finished it. More importantly my children wouldn't have had the opportunities that they now have. Good Luck with whatever you decide (sorry for writing a book) My .02 FFI
  14. Your feedback is way out in left field and way over the top in my opinion. Not one single person here is telling him what to do he asked for feedback and people have offered very classy well thought out tasteful replies. No one including the author mentioned anything about anyone forcing him to do anything. he seems completely at will to make whatever decision he wants.
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