I don't know how old you are, but I used to be the same way. I'm 29 years old, started smoking around 14. Currently trying to quit, and I wish I never started. It's very, very, very hard to quit... Not only the physical addiction, but it becomes a way of life. For 15 years, after lunch, I went out for a cigarette. I lit a cigarette when I go on the boat... Last Friday, I can't tell you how many times I reached into my pocket to grab a cigarette, and I didn't even have any with me. It's hard.
When I was in high school, I worked out every day, I played hockey, football, went running every morning, and was in pretty good shape. In football and hockey, I almost always won the sprints, even being a smoker. When I applied myself and tried, I was always at the top of the class for the mile run, pull ups, etc. But, it catches up to you. I'm still in pretty decent shape, I'm active, I have a dog, so I do alot of physical stuff with her. We are hiking up the mountains regularly, long walks on hilly roads, etc. Even still, I'd be lucky to run down half the block before I pass out, huffing and puffing.
Makes me feel old saying crap like this, but people always told me I would regret smoking when I got older. I thought yea right, I'm probably the healthiest, fittest, strongest person I know, what's going to happen... I used to think the other people were just lazy, and didn't want to work out, that's why they were in such bad shape. I figured if they did half the exercise I did, they wouldn't be complaining. lol. Then one day, it catches up to you, and at that point it's a complete ***** to try to quit.
Talk to someone who has lung cancer, throat cancer, emphesyma, chronic bronchis, heart problems, etc. and ask them if they enjoy their life. I bet they said the same things when they were young, "only live once" etc. Ask them if they could go back in time, how many of them would still pick up that cigarette. Ever see someone with lung cancer or something along those lines? My father in law was a smoker for a long time, he developed a tumor on his voice box and throat cancer all at once. Literally within a month, he went from healthy (comparitively, at least) to skin and bones. He went into the hospital the day after our wedding. He couldn't eat, couldn't talk, lost probably 100 pounds, and now has to go through chemo. He has gotten so week, and needs so much physical therapy he almost can't handle it. He needs help to walk up stairs...
A few years ago, his thoughts were, "may as well enjoy life". I can promise you, he is not enjoying life...