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Everything posted by Jrob78

  1. It seems like in previous years players went to waivers for the main tue\wed waiver period and then were considered free agents after they cleared waivers and could be added immediately. The only players on waivers after wed were players that were dropped off of a roster on wed, they went to waivers for Thursday.
  2. After wed you should be able to add and drop players on a daily basis, the process is the same as the tue/wed deadline. You still have to bid but you're usually bidding against less people (bid less money) since most people pick up players wed. Just make sure you drop a corresponding player. If it is unsuccessful it probably means someone outbid you. It is the exact same process as the wed waiver but it happens every day. Also, if you bid on a player and don't get him, go to our league main page and it shows all transactions for the day so you can see if someone else got the player and outbid you.
  3. Luke can probably expand on this but I will give it a shot. The main waiver period is Tue night/wed morning. Whomever bids the most on a player wins that player. If there is a tie in the money bid, the person with the lower waiver order gets the player. After tue/wed, you are free to pick up anyone you want and there is a waiver period every night. You can get more than one player at a time and during a given week, as long as you drop corresponding players from your roster. If you bid $6 and win, it costs you $6 regardless of what anyone else bids. I think what Luke is talking about is waivers have been turned off completely on Sundays so that no one can make changes before games start on sunday. This hasn't effected me though so I'm not 100% sure.
  4. No better way to end a Sunday than watching the Cowboys stomp the Eagles ??
  5. After Dick's recent gun stance I'm fine with them being out of the outdoor sports world all together.
  6. My dad has always owned and used Estwing hammers, and also has a hatchet and a small axe, like in between a hatchet and a regular size axe. He's had most of them since I was a little kid and still uses them to this day. I own 1 hammer and it is an Estwing. Great tools.
  7. Dude we get it. You don't like cbd but by your own admission don't need it, have never tried it and have no desire to try it. You're throwing your opinion out there with nothing to back it up other than "marijuana is bad mmmkay." A dozen people in this thread who have used it say it helps them. Your Reefer Madness claims based on your inexperienced, biased opinion and nothing more aren't helping anyone.
  8. It cracks me up that there are still people talking about MLF changing to a 5 biggest fish format but with c&r. They've been doing this for what, 10 years now? As soon as they got the chance all the top anglers in the sport jumped to this format. MLF just bought FLW and is changing their format to the MLF format, in the best way that they can without having to cut the field down dramatically. The every fish counts format isn't going anywhere, it's expanding. Yes there were some BPT events this year where 1 pounders ruled but there were also some where 5-8 lbers were plentiful. It isn't that much different than BASS or FLW events where 12-14 lbs a day wins the tournament and guys spend all day culling up 2 oz at a time. The drama is always at the cutline or for #1 spot on the final day. I am really curious to see if any of the top FLW guys are given entrance to the Elite Series. I'm sure some of them aren't happy about being relegated to the MLF feeder system.
  9. Zaldain Hartman Pipkens Paquette Wendlandt
  10. Nobody is suggesting pro fishermen don't use products from non-sponsor companies. The question is about companies or individuals taking non-sponsor rods and reels and disguising them to pass them off as sponsor gear. I've heard people say that for years but haven't seen anything other than hearsay to prove it. Evidently @BassWhole! has super secret CIA proof of this happening but I remain skeptical.
  11. Yeah, it just doesn't make sense to me and to suggest that a company would willingly take a product from a competitor, strip it down and put their logos on it is crazy. I knew a rod builder who made a few custom spiral wrapped flipping sticks for a pro, who was coincidentally sponsored by Quantum, about 10-12 years ago but there was no attempt made to disguise it. It was what it was.
  12. So the answer to my question is no, got it.
  13. I figured this was coming sooner or later. The vast majority of the Strike King pro team also use Lew's rods and reels. It makes zero difference to me and is all about $$$ for them. Does anyone have any proof that pros use competitor rods or reels and put their sponsor labels on them? That sounds like nonsense to me.
  14. Cowboys offense looking very strong, albeit against 2 not very good teams. Dolphins next week and then it starts to get a little tougher. The defense needs to step it up a notch.
  15. Good call on upping the WR/RB numbers, time to start spending my waiver money
  16. Make sure you are lubricating the knot really well before you cinch it down too.
  17. I've only ever had 1 order from Japan get held up in customs and I've placed many. I ordered from Europe once and it got held up. I figured it was coincidence that the European order got held but maybe not.
  18. 8pm central works for me
  19. Per Chris Zaldain's Instagram, he, Caleb Sumrall and Ed Loughran had their boats broken into last night and all their rods and reels stolen.
  20. Matt Herren Keith Combs Hunter Shryock Cliff Prince Gary Clouse
  21. Yikes, this thread took a weird, ridiculous turn ?‍♂️
  22. I put oval split rings on every crankbait I buy if they don't come with them already. I don't personally like snaps but not because there is anything wrong with using them. Just make sure you don't become complacent with retying while using snaps.
  23. Live Target makes a hollow body frog that is under 2" in length. You could probably cut most of the tail off and have a pretty small bait that might be better than most of the dragonfly baits on the market.
  24. For me it's two different things. A light skirted jig (which I assume is what you're asking about) is 3/16-1/4oz while a light t-rig is 1/16-1/8oz.
  25. It sounds good to me. I've never been a huge fan of how the traditional waiver system works, if you aren't in the front of the line you have no chance at getting top guys most weeks. As far as the minimum dollar amount $1 makes sense to me. What happens in the case of tie bid?
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