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About Edro

  • Birthday 07/06/1985

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  • Location
    salyersville, Ky

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  • About Me
    Love to fish

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Thanks for the advice rhino. I have been to the doctor and still pretty active, its just all the knee and ankle injuries from highschool and college ball catching up. Alot of sprained ankles and twisted knees. I guess i was hoping for one cure all.
  2. Well thanks to a life of sports and my job being on my feet all day, my knees, feet and back are painful after a full day on the lake, in the boat. The carpet in the boat is good so i don't want to take it up and put down padding. I know there are shoes specifically designed for boating. I trust your opinions and i want to see some reviews on what you do to fix the pain issues. I know I will still feel discomfort but the regular shoes aren't cutting it anymore.
  3. I will be heading to Dallas in a month or so and was wondering if any of you guys have any advice on a guide service for lake fork.
  4. Put in at goose pond, go under the bridge to your right. As soon as you cross the bridge look to your left, there are some pads in the second holler. I just got back from there about 3 weeks ago and the pads where already on top the water there. Keep an eye out they will probably be some schooling bass around as well. Good luck. P.S. It is extremely shallow outside the channel past the first bridge.
  5. my boat is older but i had the same problem. It was my speedo. Check all you guage connections. It has to be coming from a guage. Check the connections begore buying a new guage.
  6. I have the mold to make up to an 8 ounce egg sinker, I just have to find it. If I find it Ill PM you and send you a few. Ill let you know
  7. Not a mechanic, but had the same issue on a friends boat and it was the power pack. Take one cylinders spark plug out, start the motor and check for the spark. Do this until you find out if all 4 cylinders are sparking, if the are not sparking you found your problem, and can trace it back. Do a little investigating on your motor before you start swapping parts, that can get expensive. If I had to bet it is the power pack. Find the model number of your motor, and go to this website it gives you pretty good schematics, while trying to trace a problem. http://shop2.evinrude.com/ext/index.aspx?s1=1e80cd189ca740acefb14db429fa55f2 Hope this helps
  8. Thanks for the different point of view chris. I actually never took the time to look at the whole population of the species. You are right nature protects itself, with certain strategies. The lake I fish is full of 8-10 inch not heads. So it probably wouldnt hurt to start taking some of those home to eat. They actually have a slot limit on the lake. Take anything escept 12-15. You can go one day and catch 20 fishing and never break the 15 inch mark. Like i said thanks for the different point of veiw and insight. Good fishing
  9. That's pretty neat. Nature is amazing, and cruel. Sometimes just watching can be better that catching.
  10. Well done a little research and my previous knowledge was wrong. I read so much that it gets cluttered. The male bass guards the nest while the female usually hangs out deeper around a drop or deeper cover. I wish i knew this sunday. Thanks for the replies. Jason
  11. I read it somewhere, don't remember. I read a lot about bass fishing, as I'm sure most of you all do. Maybe I was wrong. Anyone want to share some knowledge on the female role in guarding a nest. I might have been misled.
  12. I don't have a problem with other people doing it, but i will never sight fish for bedding bass again. This trip was a learning experience that I will not forget. Just because you pull and hold the male off the bed, doesn't mean the female will protect the bed. This was the first bass i had ever seen on the bed. I wanted to learn more about sight and bed fishing so I tried it and didn't care for it at all. Sorry if I started something, just wanted to share my trip.
  13. Well saturday I fished a small tourny, and found a few beds in the process. The wind was blowing 35 mph and I couldn't stay on the beds to fish them, so I left them and decided to come back on sunday. Ended up finishing 4th in the tourny. Went back sunday and tried my hand at fishing the beds. The first bed had a male on guard. I have read that if you pull the male off the bed the female will come up to protect her eggs. So I started fishing. I finally got him mad enough to start taking my lure (shakey head and a fluke). I set hook in him, but he came off at the boat and went straight back to the bed. The next time he took the lure i broke my line on the hook set. The third time he took my lure I got him in the boat and put him in the live well. Expecting the female to take over the guard duties, I left and returned an hour later. When i arrived back to the bed, Two huge carp were on it causing havoc. I then took the boat over the bed and scared the carp off and released the male back to guard what was left of his bed. I have never in my life felt sympathy for a fish until now. I felt horrible. This male was protecting his nest and I pulled him off of it and allowed thousands of eggs to be destroyed. This is my first and last bed fishing trip. I will never pull another fish off the bed. Just my take on a touchy subject.
  14. I was ripping a crankbait through grass last weekend, and then the rod bends double. I played the fish as well as I could and finally seen a grass carp that would of went 35-40 pounds. Never weighed it, didn'd feel like getting slime all over the boat. was excited for about 15 minutes. BIG let down.
  15. Try a smaller bait, Maybe a tube with a 1/8 ounce tube jig. If the bass grabs the skirt and moves it out of the nest trim the skirt down. Try smaller so the fish is not spooked. Oh and back off your spot.
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