I do agree with ol' Robby about one thing, Tourny's are not nearly as fun as they should be. I think that this is mostly cause they are not fair. I know that there is going to be a group of guys jump on me for this statement, but these are probably the guys that get all the benefits and are usually the one putting the events on, or are buddy buddy with event organizers.
Now, I finished 2nd place for the season in the South TX Five tourny trail, so Im not making any excusses, Im just giving my opinion on what I have experienced.
Tournys have become very political and not everybody is held to the same rules and standards. I have seen way to many times when anglers are able to break or bend rules because of their name. I have lost money on several occassions because of this. For example, an angler being allowed to weigh in fish after the cut off time! I dont care if its 1 minute past or 10 min past, if you are not in on time; you should be DQ'd! This things cost way too much money to get bumped by someone that didnt follow the rules! I could go on and on with other examples.
Next; younger guys, newbies, and the likes are really picked on alot! Especially if you are out fishing alot of people. Me and my partner, are constantly being turned in for false accusations or nitpicking exaggerated offenses. For example, on Amistad; I pulled up on a big offshore Flat with a step ledge on its border that runs about 300-500 yds. Its a giant fishing area, enough for several boats to fish and not bother eachother. When I pulled up there was one guy, I wnt to the other side well away from him, about 300 yds away. I even worked the area in the oposite direction he was going! I am very carefull to never impose on another fisherman/boater if they were there first!
After weigh-Ins, we got talked to by the organizers! The guy had reported to the organizers that we had pulled up on him as he was fishing a point! It was total BullSH*%! In no way did we impose on him, we didnt even get within shouting distance. Yet, something was said anyways. IT is like this all the time, it really stirs my blood!
As for cheating, what do you think about this? An angler followed a guide friend around during a tourny for the whole event. The rules stated that the guide could not fish, but nothing was said about following a guide around from another boat. Thats what this guy did. He was in first place after day one, and finished 2nd for the tourny and won seveal thousand dollars.
Though there was no rule against it, I think this is totall unethical and wrong. The organizers should have taken some sort of action about it, but Im sure he was part of the "in" group!