I hate a wordy topic as much as everyone else but I think I need to get the whole situation out on the table to get the help I need..
I got a kayak for graduation a few weeks ago and have been having some trouble locating/catching anything.
I live in Ohio and for the past few years have been fishing a lot of streams in the area that feed into the Great Miami River.. Basically all of the bass fishing I've done up until this point has been in these streams that are usually only 10 to 20 yrds wide and a few feet deep and I've had a lot of success...some decent smallies and always a bunch of rock bass on a regular basis. I usually use some small spinners in white or chartreuse or small Rebel "craws" in a variety of colors.
But now that I can fish in the river itself which is obviously a lot deeper and wider I'm having issues. I've went out on half a dozen or so separate occasions, all in different parts of the river and haven't had a fish on yet! I've tried just about everything in my arsenal and it hasn't worked. I've read a bunch of suggestions on here and tried some new things but it just hasn't worked. I try to fish around cover and along the eddies and have used just about every thing I have.
The only thing I've only used a few times are plastics and jigs. Seems like everytime i throw a jig or tube I'm getting caught on the branches and such on the bottom...From what I've read on here it seems like being able to successfully work a jig or tube would help me a lot so any suggestions on not getting caught up constantly would be great too.
Any help for a young angler would be really appreciated!