Earlier this evening my son and I went fishing. I recently found this forum, thanks to all for all the great information. So I just started to bass fish. I have been fishing since I can remember, but up here, Superior, WI, I was taught to fish walleye and northerns. Recently I was informed that the chain of lakes my inlaws have a cabin on are good bass fishing lakes, so naturally I spend most of my time at work on the internet researching bass. Thanks to all the members I can spend countless hours on this site. Now on to the story....
Like I said earlier my son and I went down to the St. Louis river. The river is mostly known for its walleye and muskie. It's nice because we only live about a mile away and we like to go down there and cast. Well we decided to try to find a new spot. We found a little pull off down the road and parked. Walked down the trail a couple hundred yards and went down a hill into a bay off the main channel. Well I thought this would be a great area to practice with my new bass plastics before we go back to the cabin. So I tie on a worm and jig for my son and his fist cast he has one on. It surfaced once and spit the hook. My son is only 9 and setting the hook will be the next lesson. So I finally tie on a 4" yum dinger and cast it out along the shore. Well in doing so I end up with my line hung up in a tree branch.
So there I am trying to free my line and wham, something takes my bait. I try to set the hook and miss. The bait now has gotten hung up in the tree too. So I walk up this little hill to get closer to the tree and pull the branch in, luckily it was a small branch. As I'm balancing there freeing my hook the fish or another fish jumps just feet from me.
Now I can't explain this as good as I would like but I'm up on a bank with a 4'-5' drop to the water. Not sure if the fish got me too excited or what but the next thing I know I'm slidding down the hill very slowly. I reach for a tree branch, it breaks. I grab some small weeds, they rip out of the ground. The next thing I know I'm in the water. I landed right on my hip, dam that hurt, still does. I hop up and my son comes running over. "dad you ok, dad you ok" he kept saying. Now I'm soaking wet, cold, and a fish that bit what I had on the line just got away. I tell him I'm fine and to keep fishing. Now I try not to curse in front of my kids, and when they do here it they are shocked. Well I'm saying every cuss word ever invented and I look up the bank and he is standing there with this deer in the headlights look. I compose myself (stop swearing) and he busts out laughing. There was nothing I could do but laugh.
We fished the next half hour or so with no luck. Of course this was my fault for falling in the river. A good laugh was had by my wife when we got home, and my 2 year old daugther kept asking my why I went swimming with out her. What a day..