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About Bainza

  • Birthday 06/10/1988

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  • Location
    South-Central PA

Bainza's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. If i had a boat i would be there considering its only 15 min from my house
  2. I didnt find it scary at all. I actually thought it was pretty stupid buts thts just my opinion.
  3. If I dont got much money to spend I go with Miller Lite. I have found a brewer from West Chester area though...Victory Brewing Company. Ive had a couple of their brews and its pretty good. They got this one called "Golden Monkey." Its one powerful monkey...we were at Victory eating dinner with my gf's parents and her dad kept ordering me these. After about 5 I found out they are almost %10 alcohol!
  4. Ive had a lot of luck with the Berkley 2.5"-3" Pink worms. Both the regular berkley and the gulp work pretty good. The gulp is a little thicker which makes it easier to get on a small hook...i use size 12. Also the gulp has a lot more sent on it than the regular berkley. Check em out.
  5. Ok so i really do think it is coming to an end. They were asking everyone with a snowmobile to help pick up stranded people today. My mom works at a retirement home and it took her over 2 hours to make her 20 min drive this afternoon. All the major highways in PA are shut down and most of the local roads are also. And im about outa smokes n beer since I havent been able to leave the house since friday
  6. i think this snow is getting to us all...every road near my house is shut down and they had 81 and the turnpike shut down today
  7. Do you guys got wild or stockies?
  8. Mines starting to get bad and then i remembered...i have guns...and lots of wild rabbits and squirrels...squirrel or rabbit stew is amazing
  9. I use YUM dingers but either watermelon seed or black blue laminate
  10. For me it was amazing! Im not talking about the who of course but the lighting rig! I am a professional theater techie part time and ive done some pretty big productions, multiple touring musicals and many big bands, but i have never seen a lighting rig like that. I was actually in the kitchen getting some grub when i got a phone call from one of my friends i work tech with and he just said turn on CBS. I actually had to put it on mute but my jaw was on the floor the whole time. Good game though! Me at Skillet Skillet again...these guys just put on an amazing show...if you have heard the song Monster thats these guys I get high for a living...only about 45 feet Third Day has some cool lighting
  11. About 26" here. One of my friends in Deep Creek Lake, MD got 41"
  12. None of you guys have snowblowers?!? I just got our 1/4 mile long driveway done in lil over an hour.
  13. We have 2 feet and my road hasn't been touched yet...the best part is about an hour ago someone came down the road...about 2mph though
  14. Im set for the weekend. Got plenty of food in the house and a case of beer in the fridge. We are only guna get up to 18" though
  15. No I'll be pickin up a used car
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