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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. I know they have the option to weigh in early if you have concerns over the fish care or for yourself with the heat. I'll e-mail Tony and see. note to self < get more "please release me" and hydrogen peroxide for the boat.
  2. It would fun if some of us could get together one evening. These are some pretty good restraurants, that are within 7 miles of the Host hotel. http://www.tripadvis...ud_Florida.html (This located on Lakeshore at the East Lake Toho marina) http://www.tripadvis...ud_Florida.html This one is on the main drag (192/East Irlo Bronson Mem Hwy/!3th street. All same road-different name).
  3. You can still send it in, deadline is June 8th for mail in. I'm sending mine in this payday. "Single entrant’s registration is $75.00, 100% of which is refundable if not matched with a partner. Teams may register at the tournament until 4 a.m., June 18,Teams that sign up on tournament day must pay cash. Checks are acceptable through June 8th. Rules may be obtained from the website.
  4. my feet are covered with ankle socks and a pair of croc knock-offs or running shoes with a good sole.
  5. This happened to me yesterday. While reaching down in the bait locker to grab a box of Space Monkeys, I heard this terrible ripping sound. Yes, my old, favorite pair of comfortable, UV protection, fishing pants ripped from the waist band down the seam to the leg. Felt a little breezy too, but at least I was wearing a bathing suit underneath.. My husband asked "what happened" and I said, I guess there's still a super moon over Toho. BTW, we kept fishing with me sitting down when we passed near other boats, and I continued to catch some nice bass.
  6. I've changed how I dress for fishing as well. I get carved on by my dermatologist every 6 months and now he has a photo of me fishing, hanging up in his office. I'm wearing long sleeved fishing jersey or a long sleeved columbia shirt, big floppy shade hat, long UV protection pants, sun gloves and a buff for my face.The only exposed skin is my finger tips. I found that I'm cooler wearing this than when I would fish in a tanktop, shorts and flip flops.
  7. I'll be there.. so far your Gold is safe from me.. . I'm just not on any big ones. Does anyone need the schedule or entry form? http://www.lawgames.org/schedule.html http://www.lawgames.org/applications/2012-Separate-Tournaments-Bass,Scramble,Kingfish,Poker.pdf http://www.lawgames.org/applications/2012-Official-2-page-application-form.pdf
  8. Well, we will see how it is on the 5th for our local Big bass an Hour tournament. Might be good then, but bad on Sunday for the Couples Tournament.
  9. Now that is funny! Great description.
  10. Nice fish! Thanks for sharing and keep posting your catches. I love those top water strikes!
  11. I have a locking pin through the hitch. But if they want it bad enough, they'll get it.
  12. I love working frogs hollow bodied or soft plastic texas rigged. The hardest is the wait making sure he's got it before you set the hook. I use a MH rod with a baIt caster 6.5.1 and 65 lb braid to get them out of this Kissimmee grass. Then I do like my husband told me, when I set the hook : "I better have a bass or it's lips attached." I also try different ways of working the frog. I'd throw it, pop it once or twice, then let it sink. Sometimes its resting against submerged grass like a real frog may while it's getting its bearings. Then I'll twitch it or swim it under water. I usually get pounded when it first twitches or I see my line moving. I'll hop it from pad to pad, letting it rest between, or run it on top. Just vary your retrieve to something the bass hasn't tuned out.
  13. Wow, that was very moving.
  14. The disabilities varied to where some had great upper body strength and could manuver all around the boat, a few had their chairs adapted to mount to the insert for the rear seat, (They would manuver themselves into the seat once they get ready to fish), some had no balance and remained in the passenger seat, a few had their own boats and took out other more able bodied anglers. Those had various setups to help. One had a hand rail built in to allow him to manuver to the front seat. My angler had no problems at all with his baitcasting reels. He could wing it out there pretty good. The only problem was our main fishing area was very grassy with pockets of open water, boat trails, and pads. It's where some bass were concentrated and unfortunately the kissimmee grass blocked some of his view, resulting in some missed hook sets. All in all a great experience.
  15. I met FishingDaddy this past weekend during the Paralyzed Veterans Bass tournament on Toho. It was FishingDaddy who posted about the PVA being short of boaters for the anglers. That made up my mind to go ahead and sign up to take one out. So thanks to FishingDaddy for his part in my having a great experience. Just as nice and helpful in person as he is on the forums! If you've never taken part in the PVA, I highly reccomend it. It ran like a well oiled machine with lots of volunteers who helped getting us lined up, transferring the anglers to the boats, backing us into the water parking trucks/trailers, then loading us up when it was time to weighin. I'm not as experienced as most of the boat captains there, but I promised my Angler (Jack), I would do my best to get him on fish. The wind gusts were pretty fierce out there and if it wasn't for the tournament, I wouldn't have gone out on the lake. There were times I had the trolling motor as high as I could get it (Ramming speed LOL) just to make any kind of headway. The other boat captains were great to talk with and share stories of how the fishing was. I'm already looking forward to next year's tournament. I wasn't sure of what my assigned anglers abilities would be, so I purchased two spinning rods, and rigged them up. He ended up not needing them, so I donated them to the PVA after the tournament. My angler had difficulty with his balance, so he fished entirely from the seat and from that position he often couldn't see where he'd cast,( if we were in the thick grass). So I made sure to position the boat to his advantage and tell where to cast. He did land two solid keepers, lost about 4 that he just couldn't get a good hookset on. We threw a crank a few times and a large pickerel chomped it and the line. As I was retying another rattletrap ,I told the fish "I hope you choke on it". That's when we could hear a distinct "rattling" as the fish was leaping and trying to shake it loose. I said "well that's him choking on it". He was pleased with how he did in points and that he'd caught more fish this time than the last times he was in Florida. He told me that he'd told his wife he might be fishing with KVD and after he drew me, he told her it was KVSHE instead. LOL. All in all, I enjoyed taking part in this event, it's a great cause for these people who have done so much for us. Thanks to FishingDaddy for posting about it and letting us know of the need for more boats. I was really good to meet you in person.
  16. The device was interesting and something to think about. I managed to find an antique chamber pot, that is very small and can easily fit in a dry storage box in the boat. With it on the floor and a rain jacket covering you, no one can see.
  17. <note to self< Do not go fishing with bigbasshunter
  18. I use a 3/0 EWG with a weight, but mostly I use a speed craw as a trailer on a jig.
  19. So I was right, she is "Gone Fishing" .....sounds like someone else is going to get new "fishing boots" when they go fishing with Ghoti.
  20. Fishingcowboy and I went out Sunday to locate some areas to fish this weekend. I'm taking out a Veteran for the Paralyzed Veteran's Tournement on Lake Toho this weekend. Didn't get so much as a hit in the morning, went home took a nap, came back out and had what would be 7 solid keepers located in an hour. We will go out again tomorrow and Thursday after work to see if I can find a couple more spots. I'm hoping my Vet is able to have a good time and decent fish in the boat for his open competition on Saturday and that we do well on Sunday for the team competition.
  21. I'm glad you got his information. Did you happen to take any photos?
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