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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. Check with the Florida Fish and Game and see if they have been maintaining that lake over the years, such as for hydrilla and weed control. If they have, then it is a public lake, expecially if it has a desgniated boat ramp. If not, then each and everyone of those home owners need to pony up ALL costs of lake maintenance. Tax paying monies are not to be used to maintain private property.
  2. Scissors. (And carry a spare reel, that's how I end up dealing with the truly bad ones).
  3. Shoot 'em in the head!! Shoot 'em in the head!!
  4. yes. In fact I wore out mine and just purchased a new pair.
  5. Didn't you know that Mermaids migrate south for the winter?
  6. You can go back in the Marshall link with your e-mail, member # and click on the lake. It will tell you that you are already registered if it was accepted. That is how I knew. I just didn't know until later if I was registered for the 3rd day. (Or if you see the $100 taken out of your account)
  7. I use mine regularly. Some don't cover their nose, I do. I can get my lens fogged up on occassion, but it takes a little adjustment. I am heat sensitive, with rosacea that the sun will cause flare-ups. ( I also hate getting carved on by the Dr). They are very breathable and they do help!
  8. How about in the south, during the summer, not during Spawn?
  9. I marshalled on Okeechobee this year. Some are talkers, some are not. I would let them do most of the talking, especially after they catch some fish and a little less stressed. The hardest thing for me was 3 days of being on an awesome fishery and watching other people get to fish. You can't give them advise or point out fish. (I was within fingertip reach of a solid 10 lb bass that my Pro didn't see). You'll get a list of do's and don'ts at your briefing. Carry plenty of water, a few snacks or sandwich, sunscreen. I fit my rain gear, save face mask, snacks and drinks all in a small bag. The mask is good even if it isn't cold or rainy. Hitting a bug with your face at 70-80 mph HURTS! If you draw J. Todd Tucker and he offers you a piece of steak that he cooked in the Big Green Egg, take it!! That was an excellent mid-day snack! It's a pretty good chance to see how they break down the lake, figure out the fish and even a few still in production type lures. After the tournament there is a tent setup for the Pro's and Marshalls with refreshments.
  10. Congrats! it's become my go to bait.
  11. Baitshop with Bill Engvall and Billy Ray Cyrus. The baitshop is Big Toho Marina. I love fishing Okeechobee, but the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes has some pretty big bass and you you are close to other attractions to visit.
  12. Whoop whoop!! go Deb!
  13. You can organize a cleanup day with your fishing club, baitshops, marinas, and even the homeowners that border the lake. Advertise a clean up day and get the media involved, even if it' the local newspaper. You can take photos yourself, write a little article and submit it to the paper. I've done it for other types of events and they are always looking for something to put in the news. A little positive news would be a nice change from the violence, doom and gloom that tends to be the norm. That would put a positive spin on fishermen, and environment.
  14. I'll ask my step son. He's stationed there.
  15. I wouldn't want to imagine! Son!
  16. Congrats on your new-to-you-boat! I agree with getting the motor at least checked out. The electronics can be purchased as your budget allows. Or drop some birthday /Christmas gift hints to family
  17. Thanks! That is one the baits I've decided to familiarize myself with this year. Last year was the jig.
  18. Exactly! I concentrated on fishing a jig last year and I have to say that 90% of what I'm catching comes from the jig. I do like to use cranks, soft plastics weighted and un-weighted, but the Jig is starting to be my go to bait. But a top water strike is always exciting to me. Last night I had them either pound it as it hit the water, or when I would hop or swim it. Only one ran off with it and I didn't feel him grab it. Just saw the line moving before I could turn the handle. i'm still learning but my bigger fish are coming off the jig.
  19. Absolutely! Get him out there. I wish I could fish again with my father. I know he'd love how much I've progressed and I just believe in my heart that he and my husband would have spent many days out fishing. To fish with someone living, (besides my husband) I would pick Shaw Grigsby
  20. Depending on the condition, you could get them re-upholstered for around $200 each or so. That's what I'm doing with ours. It could be a couple hundred $$ cheaper in the long run.
  21. If you have a Bealls outlet nearby, that is a great place to get men's Columbia fishing shirts at a discount. I rarelt see women's Columbia shirts at the outlet, but I have worn the Men's if it is a small or medium size. Ditto on the floppy hat with brim or the shade hat with neck flap and sun buff. I wear the gloves too. My husband likes the Columbia or World Wide Sportsman. He wears them to work until they get a stain I can't get out, then they become a fishing only shirt.
  22. Now which sun block or sun screen does NOT stain the clothes! I do want to know.
  23. Nice!! < note to self, get Flip Clips
  24. Thanks for sharing. Some of my best memories are fishing with my dad, who I lost to cancer at a too young age.
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