All of the previously menioned and a couple more.
Check out a management lake where it is catch and release only, start out wth shiners or have them on hand when it looks like she may be getting bored or frustrated. (works for the kids too).
If and when she she starts getting into it, show her how to tie some knots, and set up some cans for pitching practice. She made need a shorter length rod than you use.
If she wants a "pretty color", let her use it. I'm pretty sure the bass don't see it that much, and may want some thing "different". During a couples tournament, I had a sexy shad plastic swimbait that had a watermelon red bleed on it in the heat we have down here. Hubby said" you aren't fishing with THAT are you??" I look at him, grin, cast it out while he's shaking his head...
>> doink.. fish on... 3lber.
cast out again..
>> doink.. fish on.. 2. lber..
He say's I'll just shut up now and be netboy. We won that tournament.
Check out and ask around for a local couples tournament for fun. Or start one. We have one 1x a month, go to different lakes so the same couple doesn't travel a great distance every time. It is from safelight until noon, we weigh in and all go meet for lunch, and tell stories. We get limit excemptions (10" minimum), the ladies catch 3 and the guys catch 3. You can only cull your own 3 fish. If the lake has a restriction or start time like 8 am, we all meet for breakfast, convoy to the lake, and eat after the weigh in and tell stories. We usually pay 3 places and big fish. last place gets a $1.00.
When she sees other ladies out having fun with BF, husbands, fathers or sons (we have a grandmom that flat kicks our butt on big fish catches), she'll get hooked on it.
most of all, don't get into a competition with her if she hooks into a big one, or try to reel it in for her.. Just encourage her, be Netboy, and get excited.