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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. Yes, I pair it with a Rage Tail Space Monkey as a trailer.
  2. 1/4 to 3/8 ounce swim jig, in black and blue, with a Rage Tail Space Monkey in green pumpkin as trailer.
  3. Oh, I did forget to put the weights in..oops. The big girl and personal best was 7.46 lbs. The one my husband has weighed in at 7.27 lbs. The one we released weighed 7 lbs. Our total weight was 22lbs. We were ahead of 2nd place by 7 lbs. We won $250 for 1st and big fish put another $120.00 in for us and moved us 112 points to 4th place in standings so far this year.
  4. My husband (fishing cowboy) and I fish a local club (Weekend Warriors) once a month and the lake is randomly drawn the morning of the tournament, and you must stay in that particular lake. This month was Lake Kissimmee and it was held yesterday. We caught our first 5 limit by 8 am and were pretty happy about that.(no excemptions)Then hubby catches two 7 lbers back to back casts using a senko in the lily's. We were totally excited about that,but figured if as usual, we were catching them, so was everyone else in the club. It was hitting mid 90 degrees and the air was so heavy, it was just stifling. I wear long sleeve UV clothing, gloves, big hat, and a buff. my face still gets bright red from the heat. It was so hot some of the guys told me later, they even dipped there shirts in the lake to try and cool off. We managed to cull 2 more of the 14" minimum fish we had with a 2 and 3 lber. That left one 14" to try and upgrade. We were pretty sure we would move up in the standings from 11th. We called the tournament director to verify the 22" rule,and I'm sure he looked at his partner and wondered what was going on, because we've never weighed in one fish over 22" in a tournament. With just 15 minutes left before the 2 pm weigh in,I catch one on a lipless crankbait and was hoping it was a short 3 lber at least. Instead, it was the biggest fish in my life!!! We were celebrating that big old gal and realized........ " We have to cull a 7 lber!" We just couldn't believe we had caught 3 big fish on a hot, dog days of summer. We were one of the last teams to weigh in and it took both of us to carry the bag to the weigh in. I'll never forget hearing one of the guys sitting there, " oh that doesn't look good at all". Several even got up to see us pulling the fish out of the bag. We won 1st place with 22lbs and my big gal, caught in the last 15 minutes won big fish. We moved up in standings to a tie for 4th.
  5. What great words of advice. Thats what we are telling my husbands son's.
  6. Already wearing it and plus fishouflage has a sale going on. We got our longsleeve UV shirts at a really great price. I found they were very comfortable even in 90 + degrees.
  7. I cover up completely, hat, sunglloves, buff, long sleeve, long pants, watershoes, and the only exposed skin is the first knuckles of my fingers. I wear a big floppy straw hat I got at Bass Pro that is 50+ rated. I hated that most sunscreens will stain my clothing orange, after it is washed and it does not come out. So no sunscreen /sunblock and coverup completely. I am actually cooler this way than ever before and just fished a couple tournaments where it was 94+. I'm high rsik for skin cancer and already had several taken off from my younger days. (yes, I have to change my profile photo to what I wear now, lol)
  8. Well, we caught fish, but just couldn't find the big bite (except for 1 crazy big mudfish), hubby nearly knocked off the boat by a flying Gar and me nearly taken out when we disturbed a huge school of mullet (big ones) and one leaped between me and the boat motor, under my rod! I had a blast regardless, it was great seeing Gartracker and others. It was a well run tournament and I'm already looking forward to next year. The Phoenix boat handled the water well, as told by my husband and a friend from Tallahassee PD who he took out for a ride in it to the Spoil Islands on Thursday. They'd just stopped, dropped trolling motor when a huge wind gust came through. In just the short time it took to put the trolling motor back up and the motor started, there was 5' waves crashing at them. Both said "they were alittle concerned" to put it mildly.(They were a LOT concerned, neither of them like bad weather, or big waves). but the boat handled it well and they made it back wet, but safe and sound, in time for the steak dinner I had going for them.
  9. http://www.lawgames.org/2013-applications/printable-paper-application/ click on the applications and check out the registration rules,venue information. The Bass Tourney is on it, with venue, rules, and fee. It is open to sworn, retired, etc.
  10. You can still enter on Saturday morning, just pay the $150.00 in cash. We are already packed and just have to get some groceries to take along. We are getting up and leaving at 3AM thrusday, get some practise in. We'v never fished that end of the lake before. Getting really excited and ready to go! Gartracker, haven't seen Bob's boat yet, we didn't fish last Thursday because of that storm that came through.
  11. R.I.P. to a fishing legend
  12. It in front of the grass lines or the lily pad, grass mix,
  13. I think it is also who manages their fish better. As in having go to areas that will last you throughout a 3-4 day tournament, versus a couple spots that has great fish, but doesn't replinish quickly under the conditions. A 1 or 2 day tournament I'd go with the locals, but after that, it would be the pro or local that has a better fish managment plan. We've had locals dominate in the BASS Opens first days, but on the last day struggle to make a limit or it's a small one. The guy who was consistent or versatile, ended up winning.
  14. I've signed up, just hoping to land one that qualifies
  15. I'm looking forward to seeing y'all and fishing Okeechobee..and getting the Phoenix next Thursday. The powerpoles will on and the console is ordered. Tonight will be the last night we fish in the Stratos. The 619 is white with silver, and a black hull
  16. I would have left claw marks in the seat hanging on.
  17. Tartan, you should try a blk and blue swim jig, with a green pumpkin trailer on Butler. We had the bigger fish on them. placed 3rd with just 3 fish on a 6 fish limit. I couldn't catch even a cold that day and my step son culled from 8-1pm. (Couples-ladies must catch 3 and guys must catch 3 nd can't cull for each other)
  18. i just bought a 2013 619 with the 200 Mercury. I was sold on it when I marshalled for J. Todd Tucker in his Phoenix on Okeechobee last year. smooth ride on rough water. I traded in the Stratos for it and pick it up next Thursday after the powerpoles and Lowrance upgrade is done.
  19. I'm in, we are staying with friends from Tallahassee PD, who have a condo by Rolands. We will have a new boat too. I traded in the Stratos for a 619 Phoenix.. Looking forward to fishing on Okeechobee and in the new boat! We will be down Thursday pre fishing since we've never fished that end of the lake.
  20. All of the previously menioned and a couple more. Check out a management lake where it is catch and release only, start out wth shiners or have them on hand when it looks like she may be getting bored or frustrated. (works for the kids too). If and when she she starts getting into it, show her how to tie some knots, and set up some cans for pitching practice. She made need a shorter length rod than you use. If she wants a "pretty color", let her use it. I'm pretty sure the bass don't see it that much, and may want some thing "different". During a couples tournament, I had a sexy shad plastic swimbait that had a watermelon red bleed on it in the heat we have down here. Hubby said" you aren't fishing with THAT are you??" I look at him, grin, cast it out while he's shaking his head... >> doink.. fish on... 3lber. cast out again.. >> doink.. fish on.. 2. lber.. He say's I'll just shut up now and be netboy. We won that tournament. Check out and ask around for a local couples tournament for fun. Or start one. We have one 1x a month, go to different lakes so the same couple doesn't travel a great distance every time. It is from safelight until noon, we weigh in and all go meet for lunch, and tell stories. We get limit excemptions (10" minimum), the ladies catch 3 and the guys catch 3. You can only cull your own 3 fish. If the lake has a restriction or start time like 8 am, we all meet for breakfast, convoy to the lake, and eat after the weigh in and tell stories. We usually pay 3 places and big fish. last place gets a $1.00. When she sees other ladies out having fun with BF, husbands, fathers or sons (we have a grandmom that flat kicks our butt on big fish catches), she'll get hooked on it. most of all, don't get into a competition with her if she hooks into a big one, or try to reel it in for her.. Just encourage her, be Netboy, and get excited.
  21. Great job! Well deserved congratulations
  22. Welcome!! Feel free to jump in here and all over the forums. There a lots of fishing friends to be made! Just the other weekend, my husband (Fishing Cowboy) took two highschooler's fishing for the Florida State Fishing Championship. We met them through Bassresource when they asked for help with a coach for the tournament. They all had a great time!
  23. Your friends won again last night on East Lake Toho. They were flipping the outside and we were in the inside shallower.
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