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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. I am so ready for fall! Fishingcowboy and I have been busy fishing nearly every weekend or helping out with the Hero's on the Water Kayak club for our Vets. We are right now leading the standings in our club, which is a once a month tournament trail. Flipping for Bass has always been my weak area, but actually caught 4 bass doing just that (Because I didn't have much choice if I wanted to get the line wet.) We found the Megadaddy Craw was working pretty good in the grass lines. We managed to get down to Okeechobee for the first time in a year and they were hammering my fluke in the baitfish color. Heading this weekend to Lake Gentry then the next to Lake Garcia.
  2. Just one request if you do have the deer whistles on your vehicle. PLEASE do not stay behind someone hauling stock or horses in a trailer as you travel. The animals can't get away from the sound and it cancause them to injure themselves while trying to get away from the sound
  3. We've been catching 90% of our fish on a weightless texas rigged fluke. We put a very small weight on if it is a little windy. Using a Mardi gras or watermenlon candy color. My husband won the team tournament day with the PVA (Paralyzed Veterans Assoc,) using a fluke or follow up with with a craw, if they miss the fluke. He and his partner weighed in 22 lbs of bass, nearly 10 lbs ahead of 2nd.
  4. Just a suggestion, but the lake front at West Toho, inside the Big Toho Marina basin is a good spot. I just helped out with the bank fishermen competition at the Paralyzed Veteran's Tournament this past weekend. These guys mostly fished from their wheel chairs and used shiners. However; we caught two 2 lbers, a 4.6 lber, and a couple 1 lb bass, and another veteran was fishing near the docks (he wasn't wheelchair bound) and caught a nearly 5lb bass and it was on a zoom fluke. It is accessable to the public, and if you get hungry, the marina has great food at a good price.
  5. Roger,I totally agree! There are some seriously big bass way up on Shingle Creek. Our family probably ate a record book bass in 1971. Dad caught it Jigger pole fishing from a john boat. a 2lber ate the porkrind frog and then a monster bass ate it! I remember looking at that huge fish which completely filled up a big green Coleman Cooler, with the tail of the other bass sticking out of it's mouth. We didn't think of weighing it or if we did I don't remember. I was about 11. Mom and I have been looking for the photograph or at least a negative of it.
  6. Mine is alittle self explanitory. I came from an outdoors ranching family, riding and rodeo was my first passion. Learned how to fish from the bank on Shinge Creek where it ran alongside my Grandparents ranch. Because I wanted to cast to where the bigger fish hung out, I would get my trusty pony, and ride him out to where the water touched his belly. I could reach the other side of the bank easier, and we would kinda "troll" around to different spots. My parents always knew after school, if my fishing pole and pony were missing, I was out fishing. Fishing Cowgirl.
  7. I really enjoyed being boat Capt in 2012, it was a rewarding experience. So much, that my husband Fishing Cowboy said he would like to be Boat Captain this year. So he is signing up and I will assist one of the Bank fishing vetrans instead. I do reccomend anyone who can be a Boat Captain come out and help. You'll always remember it.
  8. Oh good! Checked my calendar, I believe I can help out this year.
  9. i was lucky enough to have been born into a family with generations of outdoorsmen and women. From starting out with a cane pole/worm at Shingle Creek, to meering my now husband, who mentioned he'd used to fish FLW and ran the Teen Angler tournaments, but was without a boat at the time. Figuring this was something besides our horseback activities, that we could both do, I bought a boat. After fishing a year on a tournament trail, we downscaled to a smaller couples club and a local weekend series. I would often go out on the boat by myself when he had to work weekends. most time to famiiarize myself with that darn foot control trolling motor, and other times to locate fish. While I was doing that, I met a lot of fishermen out there, very few were rude, and the vast majority displaying positive remarks about a "lady fisherman". Often to the point of telling me what they were using and where they had some success.(thank you to the elderly gentlemen in the johnboat on Shingle creek). Since then my husband and I have made numerous friends through fishing, that we wouldn't have met otherwise. My husband is VERY competitive, even more so now, since we are now sitting 3rd in the year end standings in the weekend tournament trail against some 26 +, very good fishermen, and we are the only husband/wife team. Its a lake draw tournament, with no size excemptions, So if we draw a particular "stingy, tough" lake, I keep saying "just put our heads down and fish" , when he would start getting frustrated at the lack of bites. I just look at it as a challenge and it rubs off on him, he gets less frustrated and just "fishes". So fishing has helped our relationship grow, and expanded relationships with others. We now upgraded to our "retirement boat", being the last one we will ever purchase (unless we win lotto) and put everything on it we could afford. So if you are ever in the central Fla area and see a couple on a white/siver Phoenix, shout out a "howdy".
  10. The Everglades original seasoning is a pretty good all around flavor.The youngest son insists on it in his scrambled eggs. I,m happy to give you a start on some fun top water action.
  11. I'm glad it fianlly made it to you. Getting "mispalced" in Mesquite for those 3 days, had me a little worried itwouldn't make it in time. I threw in a few non-bail/lure things in there, that I've tried and got rave reviews from the family about it, plus it is a little regional "flavor' .
  12. Bass n Chris, apparently the package took a detour and got lost at Mesquite Texas for 3 days, it's back on track. I'm pm'ing you the tracking #.
  13. Wow!!! Thank you Bass n Chris!! You really did your research. Especially that one lttle item from a post I made about loving fishing. How I enjoyed the early morning, sitting in the boat at a tournament, waiting for safe light. hearing the soft conversations of the other boaters, the splash of a fish, the sound of the insects, and the water birds making their racket with the only thing missing was..... TARZAN'S YELL. That little push button Tarzan's yell, was a very special, thoughful addition.My husband said it was DEFINETLY going in the boat. It was fun watching my husband and step son staring at the box.. "you going to open it?????". I am going to put the Space Monkey's to good use on my jigs. I love the extra goodies you sent. Thank you so much and Merry Christmas. Your's should be arriving before, on or close to the 17th. UPS wouldn't be specific, because of the winter weather you are having and the Holiday mail load. Thanks again!
  14. It should be recieved by the 17th, depending on Holiday mail..according to the Big Brown Van (UPS).
  15. Gift all packaged and being sentTuesday!
  16. Thank you as well, this is always fun.
  17. I like my goo--Megastrike goo that is..You'll be getting an order from me soon..this evening.
  18. Friday and Saturday, the 6th and 7th. Getting up early Friday and driving down, then we will fish until we can check into the Pier Ii. Probably after we watch the weigh in for the Wild Card. We've been doing pretty good at our local club, Weekend Warriors Bass Club, St. Cloud. Sitting 5th right, after a win on Kissimmee, and Big Bass( that I caught, which caused us to throw back a 7 lber, due to the 2 over 22" rule, and no size limit excemptions), a 3rd at Garcia, and a 3rd Saturday on East Lake Toho. 5 more tournaments to go, then our classic.
  19. We will be down in two weeks., mostly the north end, just fun fishing. We haven't been on the lake since June for the Police/Fire Olympics. We hope to see some of y'all down there. We have a 619 Phoenix, white/silver, with black power poles.
  20. I really like my Rage Tail Spacemonkey or the Rage Craw as a trailer for my Jigs. Green Pumpkin, June Bug, or Okeechobee Craw are my go to colors, in that order. Pair it with a black and blueswim jig.
  21. PM sent. It's been alot of FUN.
  22. I've been in male oriented careers all my life and from family of outdoors men and women. They raised bird dogs and hunted every season, then fished in between or during them. I don't let other's opinions get in the way of enjoying something I love to do, especially since it is legal. If someone tells me I can't do something just because I'm a woman, It usually makes me try harder at it. I've fished since I was old enough to hold a cane pole and bait my own hook. I was always encouraged by the family and in fact it was expected that I know how to catch it, clean it and cook it. I found a fantastic man who is a wonderful fishing partner, who doesn't mind and in fact encourages me to get out and fish, even if it is by myself or with someone else. (He found out that some fishermen will give me tips on lures that wouldn't breathe a word about it to others.) By fishing in local Sunday afternoon tournament by myself, I made contact with a fellow,now a friend, who ran a monthly couples tournament.This was much more affordable than what we were doing, it put us in contact with other couples who lived locally and loved to fish, which led to fishing in a larger monthly tournament called Weekend Warriors Bass club. We now fish both, have a great time, and right now I'm the only woman to fish in the Warriors club. We've ended up placing 1st and had Big Bass on Lake Kissimmee,where I caught the big bass. This made the other guys take notice. We moved from 11th to tied for 4th in that. We moved up again the next one, where I caught the only fish. That kept us in the top ten, since that is a tough lake and alot of teams didn't even catch a fish (14" +minimum). This last Saturday was a fun, no points tournament on Lake Garcia and Hubby was happy to be netman for me. I caught a 1.9 lb, 3lb, 4.9lb, and a 5.50lb, coming in 3rd place with less than 1 lb between 3rd and 1st, and missed Big Bass by less than 3 ounces. I've now been nicknamed BFL (Big Fish Lisa) lol. Some of the guys were even asking me what lure I was using. Just "one of the guy's now" To go fishing, hearing the wildlife, gators calling and carrying on disagreements with each other, the waterfowl making their racket in the pre-dawn while you are waiting for safe light and the only thing that seems to be missing is Tarzan's Yell. That is part of an experience and making memories that will last until I can't fish anymore. I've enjoyed meeting and being Caption for the PVA and Wounded Warriors. They didn't have a problem with being assigned to a female captain and their wives didn't complain. I've encouraged other ladies to get out an fish and told soem to take their little girls fishing.
  23. Because you can experience evenings like the photo's I've attached with your husband, wife, significant other, family or friends.
  24. Baitcaster, though it took a lot of trial, errors, "professional overruns, or Bill Dance get out the scissors birdsnest".
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