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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. Ditto to Mike. I would also suggest willow leaf blades with a silver and gold combo, white skirt. There was a shad hatch and they were busting on them outside the grass lines. Throw a Gambler Fat Ace too.
  2. I hope everyone had a great weekend of fishing, we certainly did. It was our Classic Weekend for our Tournament trail, everyone gets a paycheck, how much depends on which bracket you end up in on day one and on day two where you place in that bracket. You fish against another angler to determine brackets, since we were first we fished against the team that qualified (8 tournaments minimum) with the least weight and so on. We drew the lakes Saturday morning and it was Lake Gentry and day two lake was Lake Marion. (Day two lake is immediately off limits until day two). Being Anglers of the year, we were first boat out and we decided to hit the canal from Alligator Lake, since they had the locks open and there was some current. We usually don't fish that spot. I started throwing a crank bait and caught a couple keepers (14" min) but they were certainly skinny. Kevin caught two more throwing a Fat Ace stick bait. After catching more shorts, we decided to go to the other end of the lake where the canal runs into Cypress. We caught #5 and #6 culling a skinny bass. These were fatter here. We decided to take a breather for a quick drink and some crackers, and it was about 8:30. I sat there with my cracker and told Kevin, "I'll throw this Fat Ace out and let it sit while I eat". I hand my finger under the braid and he was saying he didn't feel any hit his bait, they were just there when he picked it up. About that time I had a cracker in my mouth and felt this little "TIC" on my line. I said "Oh. a fish" and did what he describes as my "ejection seat" move, jumped up and could see the grass start to lay down. I set the hook and told him this is a "better one". Then I could really feel it pulling drag and I keep it set tight. He was grabbing net and after a few seconds which felt like forever, I hauled in a 6.54 lb bass. Then I was looking around for my cracker and realized I'd swallowed it nearly whole. The lump I felt down in my throat didn't go away until that night. He had stepped all over his crackers getting the net. But what a cull! We had a Big Bass pot for each day and on that lake, we felt pretty good about out chances. At weight in, we met another Team, good friends and they came in second to us, and we call them Freaks of Nature when it comes to fishing, they said they had one that would go about 6 lbs too. Their story was just as good. About 5 minutes before weigh in, One pitches in to a mat and breaks the line setting the hook. They see the line still on the water but slowly moving. One grabs the line and fights the fish, hand lining it in. The whole time praying it isn't a mudfish (Bowfin) as they pull the weeds and grass off, saying watch the teeth. It was a nice bass. Their Bass weighed 6.58 lbs. They won Big Bass and well deserved. But what good fish catching stories. Day two lake was moved to Lake Kissimmee as the back up lake, since 20-30 MPH winds were predicted out of the west and Lake Marion was an West to East lake. The issue was safety as there wasn't anywhere to get out of the wind and the waves on a small Florida lake could easily sink some of the smaller boats. We were last boat out this time and two other tournaments were also out of the same ramp, so we got a very late start, mostly because trying to get launched and parked. We went to our one island where we could deal with a little less wave action and all such areas were very crowded with other boats having the same idea. We managed a decent bag for the conditions, with a couple of 3+ lbers and solid 2 lbers. He even told me to "sit down and eat some crackers more than once, LOL" We managed a 3rd place finish in our bracket and received our Angler of the year awards. Again what a great year and fun way to finish it out, with some many great anglers and friends. http://weekendwarriorsbassclub.net/
  3. Best trash pick up I found was a large nearly new Coleman Cooler floating in the reeds. That took a ride home with us after the tournament. (Nothing in it..lol) We've collected boat bumpers, small coolers, hats, floating sunglasses, along with yards and yards of line.
  4. There have been a couple as far north s East Lake Tohopekaliga. I've seen a few smaller ones, but one Ginormous one was caught after a cold spell at the East Lake Fish Camp. A few other fishermen had reported seeing it in the reeds before they found it. It had just eaten a large goose from the petting zoo at the Fish Camp. Anaconda captured at Osceola County fish camp Mounted-patrol training turns into snake handling January 13, 2010|By Jeannette Rivera-Lyles, Orlando Sentinel A 12-foot green anaconda was captured this morning by Osceola County deputy sheriffs at the East Lake Fish Camp in northern Osceola County. The reptile is the first of its kind to be caught in the wild in Florida, an official with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said.
  5. I flopped on Sabine too. Worst I'd ever done. I have Martens, Howell, Defoe, Christie, and Evers.
  6. "Seriously???" If I saw it was a big bass "Must be a pickerel" if I didn't see it. "That's why its called fishing, not catching" if it was a small bass "Deep breath and silence" If a really nice keeper bass. (Also useful that hubby can't see my face because of the buff)
  7. Thank you all, It is now starting to sink in a bit. We picked out our jackets for the embroidery at Bass Pro with the director. Grey and a lighter weight jacket. I;ll post photographs after we get them. We will get them and the plaques on the 26th, when the two day classic is done. We don't know where the two lakes will be until the morning of the 25th when both are drawn. (Second lake is off limits.) Can't believe it is already pushing 90 degrees, it will be a hot summer!
  8. I cover up completely. The sun gloves are great, you hardly notice you are wearing them. I actually feel a bit cooler without the sun touching my skin.
  9. We did it! Still hasn't sunk in yet, but My Hubby (Fishing Cowboy) and I, won Anglers of the Year in our tournament trail. It was a close race going into the final tournament on Saturday, with us 1 point ahead of 2nd and 2 points ahead of 3rd. It is such a great club, of 27 more or less teams. Saturday was the make it or break it and Fishing Cowboy couldn't fish it with me, because he was hired by the PRCA to work in the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo. The race was on for more than a month to find a partner to fish with me. It seemed everyone had another tournament, or other commitment. We found Austin, a son of one of the other club members, who could. fish with me. But on Saturday, we all meet at a Restaurant to eat and draw which lake we fish. (No exemptions, 14" minimum, only one over 22" per angler.) But Austin didn't show up until after the 5 AM drawing time and everyone was figuring I would fishing solo and offered to help with launching the boat. I would just say, put my head down and fish. (Some ramps are pretty small). But he showed and we had a great time! We had a large lead over 4th place and knew we just had to catch a better bag than the the other two teams. What a great year and great club. From freezing cold, soggy rain days, 100 degree days, stormy days where the wind and rain was blowing so hard, trying to get back to the ramp, we weren't the only team running through areas and saying we"didn't remember seeing those Shiner poles before!" Me throwing my "oh why not baits", from what the director called a "crackhead looking worm" to an Ospry nearing dropping a bass on my head, bird's getting tangled in the line, gator fights by the boat, me hand lining in a 4 lber because the line wrapped around the eyes of my rod, to falling out of the boat going after a rod, (me again). I think that is just the bonus parts of being able to fish. The scenery, camaraderie, and pitting yourself against the fish. I guess it will sink in next month at the Classic when we get the plaques and jackets. http://weekendwarriorsbassclub.net/
  10. My Halo rod and Curado reel now rests in 10' of water, in the Butler Chain of Lakes. I do plan on going back there with a treble hook retriever and my down scan to try and find it. I fish with gloves and they had gotten wet as they do. I made a cast and watched the rod slip out of my hands onto the deck, then into the water. I ended up in the water trying to get it, but lost it anyway. I now have those rod cushions that float.
  11. There is a Hump and a shell bar just outside the mouth of Shingle Creek, there's a pole in the middle. That area can be good. Also hit the areas of grass on both sides of the creek. In front of the ramp, near the Idle zone, there is a deep hole, that can have some nice sized bass, as well as a small canal near the ramp, on the west side. Hit near the lakefront as well. I throw a weightless fluke, watermelon, mardi gras, or watermelon red. A big ribbon tail worm does well, worked very slow.
  12. They could schedule it in Florida easily in February. 50 boats wouldn't create the lock situation that 200 boats would as in the past open or up coming FLW event. (Not counting the spectator boats or camera boats. The nice thing about the chain of lakes, the spectator or camera boats can launch from lower lakes in the chain and wait for the pro they want to follow when they come out of the canals or river. ) We have had the classic before on Toho, Kissimmee Chain of lakes.A grind would be the summer months, with 98 degree to 100 degree heat. Brutal, but we fish it. My personal best was on a 98 degree day tournament, on a crank bait. nearly 8 pounds. October would be nice, but I agree,these are the best of the best, and they will manage to bring them in.
  13. Twice. From a bass boat. At a tournament. (Small club but it made the rounds anyway) First time, I was wearing my comfy crocs and it was at launch. We had to get on the trolling motor right away, because the water was too low to use the motor to back off. I had backed out of the way a good distance and being dark, I felt rather than saw the lily pads wrapping around the trolling motor. So I had to press on the back plate to raise it up with the cord. Well it was nice and wet from dew and my croc just slipped on the dew and I just remember feet flying up and hitting the water back first, still hanging on to the trolling motor cord. I pulled my way back up and hanging off the side, walked the boat back to shore, hand over hand around to the back and crawled on like a seal. Not very graceful at all. My husband comes back from parking the truck and see's the other couples trying to get it on video (too dark..whew) and says" Why is my wife in the water??" I just said I can honestly say there are NO fish by the ramp! ( I never wore Crocs fishing again!) Second time, most recently, and cold.. brr water, but almost at weigh in time anyway. Same little couples club. Having a good day, I caught my limit of three decent keepers and hubby was trying to finish his limit. I was wearing gloves which were a bit damp, and made a cast, watching my rod come right out of my hands, bounce off the deck into the water. I got down, grabbed missed, then grabbed again ..Got it! Put my left hand down on the side rail, (which hubby likes to keep polished up) Felt my hand start to slip.Then felt my momentum and rear end slide me over the side like a giant slinky. I still had my left arm hanging onto the side rail, had my vest on, but with the cold and extra clothes, It was tough staying up. Plus I wear a face buff and with it being soaked, I was sucking in water. In all that struggle to stay at the boat, I lost the rod and hubby pulled me on board. Its in 10' of water, but next time we are on the lake, I'm dragging a big treble retriever there. I know the reel will be trashed, but I want my Halo rod back! I am also buying those floating rod, cushions!
  14. Add in the Mardi Gras color to the flukes and Plum Apple to the worms. A big ribbon tail worm on a Carolina Rig or texas rigged is doing well. Put a green pumpkin or black/blue trailer like a craw on the jig. Throw a 1/4 ounce swim jig slow around the grass lines and reeds and a heavier jig or senko near them as well. Black and blue Mega daddy craw or River Bug is doing good for the ones that want some bulk. Not sure about guides for artificial
  15. Thanks. I can't say yet what colors we used because Hubby is taking a team of high school anglers out there for their tournament this Sunday. Osceola Anglers. Sometimes I take the girl team when their regular Captain is otherwise unable to. They finished 3rd last time on Okeechobee. Those two ladies are intense! They have their regular Captain this time so it was hubby's turn to help out. I love seeing the kids fishing and more young ladies getting involved.
  16. We drew Lake Kissimmee for our tournament trail on the 31st (we draw the lake the morning of the tournament). It was pretty cold in the morning, but warmed up so that we could feel our fingers at least. We found an area at one of the islands that let us get up pretty shallow the weekend before and went straight to it at launch. They were NOT biting at all like the first time and weren't chasing anything. The flipping bite wasn't producing either. Hubby was getting frustrated and I was a bit worried too by 9:00 Am and not a single bite. We don't fish with exemptions, so they had to be 14" minimum. I started "dead sticking " a fluke/skip shad, and would just barely twitch it, with long pauses. When the bait just felt "different", I set the hook and had a 2 lber. I managed to put number 2 and 3 in the boat, with Hubby exclaiming, "I had just thrown in there!". So he started dead sticking too and we had our limit of 5 by 9:56, with him catching #4 and #5. Apparently we drew some attention because we a boat,(not from our club) cut through the lilies, and took the path in front of about 50' from us, and started working the path. That bothered us both a little, but I told hubby they weren't fishing like we were and probably wont get bit. So we left to go find "Big Momma" and let the fish settle down some. I probably should have been specfic about requesting Big Momma. Because hubby caught instead a 10 lb big Momma mud fish. So that was my fault I guess LOL. It was a good fun, fight though.. Had our hearts pumping like crazy until we saw it. (That was the only flipping bite) So, we cruised back to our first spot, the guys had left and we started culling by ounces. No big bite. I had some 12" monster sized worms and Hubby did my "Oh Why Not" move, and started throwing it. They were Hammering it! No sneaky Ninja bite there! He lost one about 5 lbs that wrapped him around the lily pads and pulled off (estimating from what we could see of it). Still not able to put anything bigger than 3.5 lbs in the boat and they were fat, ready for spawn and peeing all over. We ended up with 12.45 lbs and first place. Only one club member out of 22+ boats was able to boat a bass weighing over 5 lbs. That move put us back up on top in the standings with two more tournaments to go for Angler of the Year. We just have to keep our heads down and fish.
  17. I agree. You can catch some great fish here and fish year round. But the Florida fish are finicky and do the "Ninja Bites" or be Mafia bass (They only get in trouble when they open their mouth). It can take 30+ lbs to win a tournament on the Kissimmee Chain or Okeechobee, or you're pushing to make a 20 lb bag to make a check a week later. When I was a Marshall on Okeechobee in 2012, I was kinda surprised when I listened to several of the Elites saying they were just trying to "Survive" Florida. I even saw KVD scratching his head and flipping reeds. (then an hour later he catches an 8 lber). Everything "looks" like it should be holding fish and your electronics will light up with all of them, but you end up throwing everything in the tackle box at them and they just aren't interested. Some of say there are 90% of the fish in 10% of the lake. Then its they are here today, gone tomorrow.
  18. We will be at the weigh in today, maybe the sun that came out today will help with catching some bigguns. Looking at some of the photos, I figured out where a couple were fishing. Turned out it was some of our "go to" regular spots.
  19. Dwight, I hope you are registered in the Florida Trophy Catch program, those are some money fish, plus points for a Phoenix Boat. Awesome catch!!!!
  20. Casey Scanlon was the first pro I was a Marshall for. A great guy. It was his rookie year in the Elites and I knew right off, he definitely deserved to be there.
  21. Hi Rolo, My job has me busier than ever, makes it hard to get on here. Nice to get back on here. We are fishing Cypress /Kissimmee tomorrow, the W. Toho next Saturday. Maybe see you out there.
  22. The male Bass will squirt all over you while you are trying to unhook him.
  23. Yep, He says he's my Net Man. LOL. Seriously, I enjoy fishing with him, we've even hauled the boat to Guntersville for a week of fishing. Right now, we are 1st in the standings for our Monthly Tournament Trail, but we don't count on that lasting long, because there's still 6 months left, unknown which lakes we draw and some excellent fishermen in the club. we are pre-fishing tomorrow for our club tournament which is next weekend and he's signed up to Captain some teen anglers for their tournament on Sunday
  24. Those tournaments are out there and at different levels from the fun Couples tournaments, to the ABA tournaments. I'm looking forward to a lady winning an open and making it to the classic. I loved it when Pam Martin-Wells was the first angler in the Classic to have a limit and for her to make the cut. I also fish the Law enforcement/ Fire fighter games, bass tournaments, and a weekly evening tournament.. My husband and I compete in a monthly tournament and for a while was the only co-ed team. Last year we were and finished the year in 4th out of 27 members. This year, there is another co-ed, husband /wife team. So far in the standings we are sitting in 1st. http://weekendwarriorsbassclub.net/ Of course there are seven more tournaments before the end of year 2 day classic. Our goal is to catch our 5 keepers each time and if we catch some big ones, even better. It's a lake draw. no size exemptions, and we don't know which lake we go to until the day of the tournament, where we meet up a zero dark thirty, eat a breakfast at the restaurant, then draw the lake. Some lakes are notorious for being tough and one I hate, not because of the tough water, but the ramp is difficult to launch and load from. It's Very narrow and no sooner than the boat is off the trailer, you are hitting the rip rap on the opposite side. I'm already planning on taking a class in gel coat repair from the gouges we got the last time we drew it. I'm known for throwing crazy things when the bite is tough..My husband will see me rummaging around in the bait box area, with the lid up and hear me say : " Oh Why Not!" and drag out what the tournament director described as a "Crack head looking worm" that I caught a 2 lber on, which came across thick hydrilla to go after. And hand lining in a 3lber when it hit so hard the braid wrapped around the eyes of my rod. Gee, I love fishing!!!
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