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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. Sounds like trash-fish tournament time. Clear out some of these gars, give some bass some breathing room and have a contest while your at it.
  2. At least you can see that one coming! They blend in down here.
  3. We (Kevin and I) finished 19th overall out of 76 teams, with 5 fish weighing 14.60 lbs on Lake Kissimmee. (We have a 14" minimum and 6 fish limit per boat). Caught some dinks that no matter how much you stretched or smooshed, weren't going to touch that 14" I had been prefishing Lake Toho for this tournament,( where I had been finding quality fish) but with the locks closed, back to plan B. It was a bright day with a lot of current, and unlike the overcast day of Friday, there was almost no top water action. After zero hits on the frog, we stuck to the flukes and senkos pulling in 3 nice 2-3lb+ bass. We had a ton of small bass grabbing the bait and hauling it to the grass, but most were apparently just grabbing the tail ends. We left the creek after the airboaters churned the mud up to where you couldn't see your bait 3" under the surface. Moved to another area and fished the lilypads and hydrilla/Kissimmee grass, where Kevin landed a nice bass of 6.05 lbs, out of some thick lilypads. He made her look like a buzzbait coming across, once he got her turned.(got to love braided line) I pulled in another 3lb one on a black/blue senko. It was getting near the weighin time, so we idled out to open water... gave it the gas... naddah.. no acceleration..new boat..not going anywhere fast.. I get up on deck, grab my white ball cap and start waving it to get the attention of any tournament boats blasting by. Two young guys(Colby and David) in a Ranger boat, pulled along side and gave me, and the bass a ride to the weigh in. They ended up being the winners of the tournament with a bag of 25.15lbs. Sorry no pix, I didn't grab my camera for any weigh in photos, as I was too busy putting fish in the bag, for the ride in. Kevin managed to get the boat going and made it in without being towed. It is apparently a throttle plate or sensor problem, so back to the shop it goes. When it gets fixed, we will be fishing Toho again for later this month.
  4. Welcome! This is a great resource for information! I went to Scotland in 1990, tracking down some family history and took a trip down Loch Ness..beautiful. Maybe we will see you on the lake!
  5. Welcome. I want your receipe, please. I promise I would only use it on the 14"-16"bass that get hooked wrong, and bleeding too bad to put back. (It's the 14"-16" ones that taste best anyway!)
  6. Welcome! We have a Outdoor/ Adventure place near my house that has stock ponds of Barramundi. I plan on giving that a try sometime! This forum has the most and best information I have ever seen, I'm looking forward to trying out some of the suggestions at our tournament this Sunday.
  7. 0-1. Get home, change to comfy clothes, hair in ponytail, ballcap, hook up to boat and head to nearest boat ramp (If I have to fish solo that day). If fiance has beat me home from work, he's already hooked up to the boat, I do the quick change and off we go for a few hours before dark. Weekends, we hookup, top off tank, grab some vitamin waters, ice, slimjims and headoff to the lake for a day of it. all less than an hour before we are in the water from the house.
  8. Yippee for your father in law!! Awesome job!
  9. I think that was really nice of you to do that. I love helping out kids who start out. It seems their parents like seeing a lady fishing, and don't mind their kids asking me for tips.
  10. FYI for those who lock through to Toho from the Kissimmee chain. "Inspection to Lake Toho lock. In preparation for inspection and refurbishment, the S-61 navigation lock on Lake Tohopekaliga will be closed from Tuesday through June 12. The S-61 navigation lock, also known as the Southport Lock, is located at the south end of Lake Tohopekaliga, where the C-35 Canal, or Southport Canal, flows south from Lake Tohopekaliga into Cypress Lake."
  11. Thank you all for the great welcome. I did make that little horse put up with a lot. He would watch the bobber for me, so I kn ew when to set the hook, everytime his ears would flick forward and he would snort at it. I'm heading out tomorrow and check out Lake Kissimee. We have another tournament next weekend and I heard the Southport locks will be closed during that time. Thanks again!
  12. I found this forum, while looking for fishing reports. I liked what I found and I am looking forward to being a member here. I've fished all my life starting as a little kid, with a cane pole on a horse's back, knee deep in Shingle Creek. I have a Stratos boat and fish club tournaments with my Fiance. (I never knew till the opening run of a bass tournament, that it was like Nascar on water! ) Incredibly exciting but not like when you land that nice lunker!
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