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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. great boat, I sure love mine!
  2. Ditto! they copy and paste the info from e-bay listing, stick a ridiculously low price on it, and then get the money third party.. big time scam. they use this on everything from equipment to livestock websites selling high dollar horses they don't own.
  3. You are going to love this place!
  4. Well, how did you do??
  5. Can't hardly wait to take out the boat tomorrow..hitting W. Toho.. see y'all out there!
  6. Man I love that hit on topwaters! Frogs/toads are my favorite!
  7. So that's what it's called.. been there..did that.. At a public lakefront with people doing the walking exercise and riding bikes. Was flipping grass from the shoreline, which was recently remodeled with concrete slopes. I felt a good hit..lowered the rod..tightened up the line..stepped forward to get a good hook set..and > > put my tennis shoe right on some slippery algae on that concrete! I did the splits.. which I couldn't do on purpose ever..and slid the rest of the way..bump..bump..bump.. down each concrete bag into water up to my chest! I still had my rod over my head reeling like crazy.. I don't know who was surprised more.. The fish for getting caught and or me coming down to the fish! I had an elderly gentleman laughing so hard he nearly fell off his 3 wheeler saying " I looked like a female impersonation of Bill Dance! I said I was the unofficail lakefront entertainment. darn nice fish though!
  8. We have one coming up at camp mack on lake Kissimmee next Sunday,(28th) its not all that far and it is a great group of people. Come check it out. It's a once a month and easy to plan ahead for.
  9. I knew there was a reason I liked you guys! tournment wise, I want weight. Photos I want pretty. Getting them in the boat is always great no matter skinny or fat
  10. me too.. and start saying "ooooh ooooh don't come off"
  11. I use skincueticals sunblock, recomended by my dermatologist. It is UVA/UVB rated with a higher blocking additive than what you can get over the counter. I get skin cancers cut off every 6 months, but I catch the differences in freckles very quickly, so the area removed is very small. (sooner gone, smaller scar) I constantly re-apply, wear good fishing shirts, and finally found a cap with wide brimmed bill and neck flap.
  12. The bait monkey whispers to me too..so both of us are doomed..
  13. That was happening w/ my Fiance..he 'd rip the hook right out using the braid, whereas I would give a little less of a hookset and started bringing more fish into the boat. I was just not getting a good hookset with the mono and loosing them when they started thrashing near the boat.
  14. Welcome
  15. I dress for the weather and plenty of sun block. I have issues with skin cancer and getting carved up by the dr every 6 months. I have one of the ball caps with neck flap, fishing shirt, shorts and still plenty of sun block. Always put on a little makeup with water proof mascara..don't want to look like Alice Cooper in case of a rain shower coming through.
  16. Windy days is another reason I like my new Powerpole. Wears him out less having to keep the boat in position, and I can use a worm or senko in places longer. (Of course I take my turn running the trolling motor too).
  17. I ended up buying two flipping sticks One for Fiance for father's day and to replace the one he broke and one for ME!
  18. x2.. I caught several just because he didn't get the reaction bite, but peaked the bass's interest enough to grab mine.
  19. Very informative and very glad i found this site. It has already helped with my fishing technique.
  20. Bobby, I'll be giving you a call later this morning. The catalog is giving me fits and I want to buy a flipping stick for my fiance for father's day.
  21. I bet on a gar or pick
  22. Thanks, I just love being out there on the boat and love it better when I am on a fish... Kevin laughs at me, because I just can't seem to say '"NET"..I am going.. "ohh ohhh ohhhh!!!" instead!
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