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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. Great, we will see you there! I was worried about the lake levels too, thanks for the heads up. Thanks for the info Bocabasser, that storm was scary even up here, I would have hated being out on that lake in it. Glad y'all came out of okay and in the middle of those schools.
  2. Thank you! I have a tournament the middle of June. (Law Enforcement/Firefighter Olympic's) I've never fished Lk Okeechobee and looking forward to it. Any other tips would be greatly welcome.
  3. This one looked like a submarine pushing water till he got her out of the hydrilla
  4. Here are the photos. Y'all have a great weekend!
  5. WOW!! I can only dream to catch one like that.
  6. Dropped off the camera and should have some photos tomorrow. I found this one from an earlier trip with a bass nearly twin sized to the smaller big bass. We caught it at about the same spot Sorry I had to keep re-sizing it to fit.
  7. Hubby and I have been hitting the lake after work whenever the weather permits and had a great time the other evening. We leave from Whaley's landing and cruise west of North Steer fishing the grass areas. We were both throwing super flukes weightless watermelon seed watermelon red. I was catching some 1 to 3 lbers fairly consistently and was loving the BPS carbon light rod with split handle. Hubby was doing well too. I was watching him get ready to set the hook on one, while I was safely at the back of the boat. (it only takes getting whacked in the back of the head with a one ounce weight to keep my distance) Hubby looks like a pointer ready to flush a bird just before he sets the hook. He sets the hook and this object goes flying past, I think I blinked because I couldn't get a good look at it. It went to the other side still on the line while we were looking at each other saying..what was it?? He pulls it up as it is trying to swim frantically away and I swear it was the smallest bass ever.. maybe 4 ounces! (He wouldn't let me get the camera). That bass had half the fluke crammed into it's mouth. I told hubby we had just taught that little bass a lesson in eating and flying. But just a bit later I saw a swirl at some sticks out in the open water and pretty pleased him into trolling near there. My cast fell short and his was just right, landing a 7 lber that was screaming drag on his reel. I cast again and just missed the hookset and he threw again this time catching a 6 lber from the same spot. I took photos but have to get them developed since it was a disposable type camera. I'll post them ASAP. Later just before we had to head back, I was reeling in another 3 lber, Hubby was watching me while still reeling his line in, which was behind him and a bass snatches his bait right at the boat. Which startled us both and it was a good 2 lber. I still haven't caught a LMB over 3lbs, but still working on it. I've caught huge Mudfish, biggest 6 lbs, but still looking forward to a new Personal best. Tightlines!!
  8. Great story!! Love the photos! Congrats to you both!
  9. Slim Jims or beef jerky, Vitamin Water or Gatorade, and ceral bars or a Payday peanut bar for energy (If a tournament) For pre-fishing or just fun: Arizona Sweet Tea on Ice, waters, a PBJ sandwich, slim jims or PayDay bars.
  10. When I take the boat out alone, I have to make sure I backed the trailer far enough into the water, so I can get the boat off the trailer. I put the Emergency brake on, truck in gear (manual shift), crawl into the bed of the truck, (because having to back so far, most times the water is past the front of the boat) then crawl over and balance on the trailer tongue. Then I can un-hook the front strap. But I love wearing those comfortable foam shoes, that are Crocs knock-offs. Those things have zero traction if there is dew or the trailer tongue got wet. Yep, you guessed it. Feet slip off, mad grabbing for the trolling motor, shoes hit the water and those concrete slab boat ramps have just enough algea, it feels like a slip and slide. Submarine impersonation, with one hand still hanging on to the trolling motor cable. Shirt half hung up on the front of the boat winch, (thank goodness for bathing suit top) and luckily just most of the shorts got wet and it was summer time. I get my self back on the boat, with what diginty I could muster, get the boat off, park the truck and get to fishing. So I can say I was the boat ramp entertainment for that morning.
  11. I found a hard cover book while cruising through an antique store, during lunch. I see a book under a bunch of cowboy photos, pull it out and find the "Complete Book of Bass fishing". Oh my goodness, I can barely put it down. First edition (I don't know if there were any re-prints), tons of photos inside. Has anyone read this book? Or better yet met Grits Gresham or fished with him?
  12. I was introduced into fishing by my family, and come from a long ling of outdoors -oriented people. Starting from the cane pole and bobber then moving on to sitting my my pony, knee deep in Shingle creek with my Zebco and a creme worm. Lastly siting in a john boat as about 13 yrs old with my 11 yr old brother, flinging a Rebel hard bait around and hooking into a lunker so close to the boat, we were both soaked when it started head slinging and jumping! When I met my husband, he was "boatless" at the time, and expressed an interest in getting back into fishing. That led to a boat purchase and him showing me a larger assortment of soft plastics, and how to texas rig a toad or fluke. After the first top water bite on a toad, I was hooked! You've got lot's o great advice. We both have government jobs and fishing is our quiet, relaxing, and fun time. I suggest a local "couples tournament" in your area. We are in one that is maybe 5-8 boats, with exemptions, leave at safe light and end at noon, pay out then everyone go out to lunch together. No real pressure, but ton's of fun and fellowship after. other ladies and a common interest.
  13. Remember that her name isn't " Net".. lol ;D Seriously, let her use live bait like a shiner with a float, and a spinning rod, to start out with. If she wants to try a bait caster, let her try. I learned to pick out my share of back lashes..or "professional Over runs" as he called them. (still do) Then, Hubby showed me how to hook up the flukes and frogs. After that first top water bite on a Frog, I was hooked !!! Let her drive the boat too. You might create a monster, like me.. I ended up buying the boat, then a power pole, learning how to launch it, and load it by myself, practising with the trolling motor down a creek, so I wouldn't interfere with any one. Now hubby doesn't get to sleep late some weekends, telling his buddies he's created a fishing monster.. Check out a local couples tournament. Just a "for fun, laid back tournament with exemptions. We are in one that starts at safe light, ends at noon, then we all head out for lunch together. Once a month, about $25. fee, pays 2-3 places and big bass. There are 7-10 boats, and lately it's the women who've landed the biggest bass. Last month, you could hear her across the lake when she landed the 9+ lb bass. She ended up with the top weight and big bass pay out. The other time, one was fishing with his Mom and she caught an 8lber.. that lady was still grinning ear to ear at lunch. Everyone has a great time, with no real pressure. This weekend hubby has to work, so I am taking the boat out Sunday, pre-fishing W Toho for the couples tournament on the 21st. I'll be in the Red Stratos w/ powerpole.
  14. Thank you! Thank you to Glenn and Keri and all at this great site!
  15. Thats good!
  16. I have fished some on that lake, and where we have caught our limit was the lily pads on the North west end of the lake in Boggy Cove and near E lake fish camp.
  17. LOL ( I used to look like that at her age, my husband says I still do, I sure do love him!)
  18. I cared, I had hopes to participate in it when I retired. I am rooting for Pam during the Classic. I'm one of the gals who bought the boat, have no problem fishing our local tournaments with the guys, even if its bymyself when Hubby can't get off work. I'm interested in seeing who will start up a women's tour. I drive him crazy on the weekends to get up early to go fish.. ;D
  19. Mine is to concentrate on Jig fishing, and finally catch a fish on a jig. ( And get my Mom out on the boat for a cruise down Tiger creek!)
  20. T rigged, weightless, Zoom Super Fluke watermelon seed or Pumpkin if it;s clear and sunny. If it's overcast, a fluke in watermelon red or Baby Bass color. At least that is what we have been catching them on.
  21. And my husband would like to fish with Denny Brauer or Shaw Grigsby.
  22. I'd pick Skeet Reese, Fish Fishburne or Gerald Swindle. For local knowledge, I'd like to speed time picking RoLo's brain for fishing tips!
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