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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. LOL, Lost internet connection and it wouldn't show that it posted.. I guess it did.. many times. It was shipped Thursday and it was priority mail.
  2. Shipped out priority yesterday. Shipped out priority yesterday. Shipped out priority yesterday. Shipped out priority yesterday.
  3. Thank you for any and all tips. I'm not a chatty person and know most pros are fully concentrating on getting their 5 like I am on getting my my lmit too. I'm also bringing extra money for the pro's to pitch in for gas and oil. What would be the suggested amount? I know it would depend if they run all the chain of lakes or just stayed on one lake. For each day would it be approximately $40? $50? This will be my first and probably only time I fish an open, bucket list thing..I go in to win of course but realistic too about its a who I draw and such. I'm lucky in that its on my home lakes where I tournament fish a lot, so I have that in my favor. Should I ask if they need help launching or loading the boat, wiping it down, things like that? I don't want to tick off someone unintentionally.
  4. Thank you for the tips.
  5. Ohh, I get to go shopping!!!! Yippee!
  6. Agree with the suggestions above. We are involved with high school fishing clubs and they award scholarship money. Some young anglers have received full rides to fish on college teams and they tend to major in business type degrees. I encourage those who aren't interested in college degrees to look at the trade schools that are involved in the fishing, boating industry, like marine mechanics. They would be able to find a good paying job anywhere in the country. Law enforcement for wildlife, fish and game are also suggestions I saw.
  7. Thank you!, I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks for any suggestions. I'm used to fishing from back of the boat and really looking forward to this.
  8. Signed up, paid and confirmed to fish the Kissimmee Chain Southern Open. Husband is fishing it too as a co-angler. Both of us wanted to challenge ourselves and do this level of tournament atleast once. We've both fished tournament trails together and the PVA Bass tour is a favorite. The chain of lakes is home waters and we are looking forward to a great experience and maybe making new friends. Any suggestions or tips would be welcome. My birthday gift from my husband was a roomy back pack style tackle system and will limit myself to about 5 rods.
  9. A flip flop or a baseball cap will dive, run sideways, and shudder. Then embarrass you when you get it to the boat. A mudfish (bowfin) will roll and a bass with grass covering its face will stop fighting till you are getting it in the boat. Then the hydrilla starts flying. Pickerel have taken many of my baits as bling bling jewelry. Lost jigs, spinner baits, and a couple nice crank baits. You could hear him swimming around rattling it.
  10. On Lake Minneola on the edge of the outside grass line a black and blue senko with blue tail worked very well. That same bait bait works very well on the Kissimmee chain especially around reeds. Use a fluke too. Pop it a couple times and let it fall. Right now they are either hitting it hard or ninja biting. Just dead sticking it then when you pick up, it’s just heavy
  11. There have been some orange colored Largemouth caught on the Kissimmee Chain of lakes. 99% were caught in Lake Hatchineha.
  12. PM sent. It was fun.
  13. US Army, 1980-1984. Basic and AIT at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Azbill Barracks-Russelsheim Germany, Ft. Hood, Texas.
  14. My husband does random noises too. I refer to those as his fish call. The louder the bigger the fish.
  15. Trying to get away from a gator fight is always interesting. You can hear the gators when they grab up a wild pig or bird. Scariest is the duck hunters. You see ducks swimming and realize one group of ducks isn't swimming, and they are actually decoys. You just announce out loud.."we are leaving. this spots yours!" But you have the poachers too that drive along shooting at ducks in the water and they don't care how far you try to get away from them. (Yes, I did call the Game and Fish agency on them because it's not only illegal but dangerous to us since they were aiming our direction too.) This was on Lake Kissimmee.
  16. Kinda like Star Trek and the Borg.. Resistance is futile... You will be assimilated. I always have one on. It does help with the flies and hydrilla gnats. I hate those things around my nose or ears.
  17. We have still found them shallow. Just fishing flukes (Mardi Gras) dead stick slow, and very barely moving a speed worm in Junebug. I just caught two trophy catches in June and July, the first 8.2 (Stick bait black and blue) in reeds and the 9.2 on the speed worm crawling it over submerged hydrilla. Both were in less than 2' of water.. Husband caught his 2nd trophy catch (8.3) on a floating frog (white), slowly twitching by gator grass. It cleared the water like a submarine and crashed down on it. I think the heat is just harder on us than the fish. Its like you have to drop it or drag over them.
  18. Everything mentioned previously works pretty well, at least until your fishing partner (husband in my case) flips a 2 ounce weight int that "dark patch in the brush," which turned out to be between the eyes of an 12' gator. Any witnesses would have seen two people running in place and no where to go when it exploded out of there, ending with me perched on the back seat like a rooster.
  19. Big Toho Marina on the Kissimmee Lakefront has pontoon boats for rent and they can provide a guide as well.
  20. New personal best on Lake Kissimmee, 8.90 lbs. Submitted to Florida Trophy Catch. Throwing a Gambler Fat Ace.
  21. Well I didn't catch the 7 lber like I was hoping for the Tournament. BUT I did catch a new personal best and my first Florida Trophy Catch Bass. Submitted it last night. 8.90 lbs, 26" length. For the All About the Bass Benefit Tournament.
  22. Lake Kissimmee on White Terminator Spinner Bait silver and gold willow blades, white twin tail grub trailer. 7 lbs according to the scale. She was released right after. I do hope I see her again on a Tournament day.. like this Saturday would be just great!
  23. I watched one tournament of the Elite series, I think they were calling it "Long Lining". http://www.bassmaster.com/long-lining-how-deep-can-you-go#. I don't know if that is what you saw or not.
  24. East Lake Toho in St. Cloud is okay. There are gators but not so many as West Toho. It is a clear, cleaner lake with a beach, pavilions,swimming area. A lot of jet skiers too. The gators tend to hang out in the reeds, not in open water so much. Pretty good bass fishing too. We have a Thursday night tournament there. Bass have been hitting Senkos, Swim baits, and white spinner baits on the outside pepper grass pods.
  25. I hope everyone had a great weekend of fishing, we certainly did. It was our Classic Weekend for our Tournament trail, everyone gets a paycheck, how much depends on which bracket you end up in on day one and on day two where you place in that bracket. You fish against another angler to determine brackets, since we were first we fished against the team that qualified (8 tournaments minimum) with the least points and so on. (If we didn't have that kicker, we would have been in bracket 2, the other team did very well) We drew the lakes Saturday morning and it was Lake Gentry and day two lake was Lake Marion. (Day two lake is immediately off limits until day two). Being Anglers of the year, we were first boat out and we decided to hit the canal from Alligator Lake, since they had the locks open and there was some current. We usually don't fish that spot. I started throwing a crank bait and caught a couple keepers (14" min) but they were certainly skinny. Kevin caught two more throwing a Fat Ace stick bait. After catching more shorts, we decided to go to the other end of the lake where the canal runs into Cypress. We caught #5 and #6 culling a skinny bass. These were fatter here. We decided to take a breather for a quick drink and some crackers, and it was about 8:30. I sat there with my cracker and told Kevin, "I'll throw this Fat Ace out and let it sit while I eat". I hand my finger under the braid and he was saying he didn't feel any hit his bait, they were just there when he picked it up. About that time I had a cracker in my mouth and felt this little "TIC" on my line. I said "Oh. a fish" and did what he describes as my "ejection seat" move, jumped up and could see the grass start to lay down. I set the hook and told him this is a "better one". Then I could really feel it pulling drag and I keep it set tight. He was grabbing net and after a few seconds which felt like forever, I hauled in a 6.54 lb bass. Then I was looking around for my cracker and realized I'd swallowed it nearly whole. The lump I felt down in my throat didn't go away until that night. He had stepped all over his crackers getting the net. (Bacon cheddar crackers are pretty good snacks) But what a cull! We had a Big Bass pot for each day and on that lake, we felt pretty good about our chances. At weight in, we met another Team, good friends and they came in second in the year end points race, and we call them Freaks of Nature when it comes to fishing, they said they had one that would go about 6 lbs too. Their story was just as good. About 5 minutes before weigh in, One pitches in to a mat and breaks the line setting the hook. They see the line still on the water but slowly moving. One grabs the line and fights the fish, hand lining it in. The whole time praying it isn't a mudfish (Bowfin) as they pull the weeds and grass off, saying watch the teeth. It was a nice bass. Their Bass weighed 6.58 lbs. They won Big Bass and well deserved. But what good fish catching stories. Day two lake was moved to Lake Kissimmee as the back up lake, since 20-30 MPH winds were predicted out of the west and Lake Marion was an West to East lake. The issue was safety as there wasn't anywhere to get out of the wind and the waves on a small Florida lake could easily sink some of the smaller boats. We were last boat out this time and two other tournaments were also out of the same ramp, so we got a very late start, mostly because trying to get launched and parked. We went to our one island where we could deal with a little less wave action and all such areas were very crowded with other boats having the same idea. We managed a decent bag for the conditions, with a couple of 3+ lbers and solid 2 lbers. He even told me to "sit down and eat some crackers more than once, LOL" We managed a 3rd place finish in our bracket and received our Angler of the year awards. Again what a great year and fun way to finish it out, with some many great anglers and friends.
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