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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. Nice one! We caught a few monday on Toho, but nothing like that. I did see some little schools of bass fry in the hydrilla and a few big ones hanging out by beds.
  2. Good luck Flyboy. If Kevin and I weren't already committed we'd go.
  3. Welcome Laus! Glad you are here and please join in on all the forums. There is a great bunch of people here and I've learned such a huge amount from very many!
  4. I have to say my experience has been very positive in the couples club and the other tournaments that I have been in. If I could afford it on this government pay, I would go to more. As it is, we just pick and choose when and where we go. My husband and I are planning a trip to Okeechobee for a weekend in May and try out our new Lowrance.
  5. I found myself fortunate to have grown up in an outdoors family and along Shingle Creek. I started out with the old cane pole and worm, working up to my Zebco and a cream worm (black with chartruese tail). My parents would come home and find the homework done, fishing pole gone, and my pony missing from the pasture. I'd be sitting on him in the middle of Shingle Creek, toes in the water, and catching bass. (There is the origin of my name) My husband "Fishing Cowboy", used to fish the FLW, and when we met he didn't have a boat, so we bought a 2007 Stratos 294XL, started fishing a monthly tournament on Lake Kissimmee and I was hooked! I bug him to go fish all the time. I would take the boat out alone to locate fish and also because I like to fish slower than he does. We now fish a monthly couples tournament and the lawgames tournament in Okeechobee once year. I will say I've had the variety of responses from male anglers when they see me loading and unloading by myself. But the best was heading into Shingle Creek and I could see two elderly fishermen coming up in a johnboat..I could hear them say: Is that a lady? It is a Lady! That's a nice boat she has there! I got to call my son and tell him there's ladies fishing down here..( Visions of the Single ad of "Wanted single female with bass boat, like to fish etc.. send picture of bass boat" flashed through my mind) ;D We exchanged greetings and they idled down about 200 yards then turned around. They came along side and proceeded to tell me which baits were working best, where the bass were schooling at, etc.. 8-) I do see women and I believe more than one was fishing as a boater in the Southern Open held on Toho last month. If a lady angler wins one of those, it earns a spot in the Classic. So it "could" happen and I'll be cheering for her when it does.
  6. And if you are up for the good for laughs, politically incorrect, couldn't make that movie today: Blazing Saddles http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/blazing-saddles-greatest-scenes-in-359-seconds-best-of-fart-to/cc751510671966c715e4cc751510671966c715e4-561995449036?q=blazing+saddles+video&FORM=VIRE3&adlt=strict I also liked John Waynes "McLintoc" (View trailer) http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi150864665/ (you got to get past the Bambi preview :)
  7. I'm thinking the field.
  8. My Stepson fished co-angler in his first BFL tournament here. I'm very proud of him for winning Big Bass with a 7-13lber. He'd caught about 13 others, but none of those reached the 12" keeper mark. So the Big Bass was the only bass he weighed in, getting him a check, a trophy, and ranked 63rd out of 150, with 138 points. http://www.flwoutdoors.com/bassfishing/bfl/gator/coangler-standings/2011/?dpl=1&all=1&sr=1&rpp=50&&sort=pl He did thank me for having him "practice from the back of boat", when we went fishing, instead of up front as usual.
  9. I agree That sums it up for me. But I do like a variety..from 80's, -up, Celtic, Appalachian Hill Songs, Cowboy ballads etc.
  10. Yesterday I watched the "Adam and Eve" special that Fish did. We liked it better than the others.
  11. The nine, definetly! It would be my PB.
  12. I'm going to go watch the weigh in and cheer the kids on.
  13. x2 and husband agrees!!
  14. Florida The woman's world record was also caught at West Lake Toho and weighed an impressive 14 lbs. 5 oz.
  15. Roast (beef, or pork) (How much of the following ingredients depends on size of roast and crock pot) Potatoes (I like the red taters) Green beans Carrots Mushrooms (can be left out) Onions ( I substitute onion powder) Season how ever you like 1/2 cup red wine (and a little for yourself, thx Justin Wilson, the Cajun cook) 1 can or container of beef stock (depends on size of pot) Cook on low all day or until the beef/pork is falling off bone or your fork can shred it easily. Hint: Don't let it cook at night, because the good smell will wake you up
  16. Just turned 50 and so did hubby Fishing Cowboy
  17. Still can't get in, tried 7 times, refreshed, etc. i'll keep trying later.
  18. x2 I'm going to try later.
  19. It's happened with boats literally parked in front of the boaters room. These boats were parked at the rear of the motel, about 10-15 minutes from the lake. I plan on buying a baby monitor set up like someone else suggested and packing heat.
  20. I just broke mine too! Right below the third guide from the tip! I bought mine at BPS in Nov. It's going to Abu Garcia tomorrow. Mine was the Veritas Heavy VRC70-7 . I couldn't tell how big the bass was, never got it out of the grass to tell.
  21. It should be pretty good. Have fun and show us some photos!
  22. Bingo! That's why a lot of pros stay at campsites. The theft occurred at one of the hotels, outside of town. Big lake, big event, nearly 200 boats, spread out through hotels/motels all around the city. These guys were in and out of the parking lot in 40 minutes. The hotel had camera surveilllance in place, as do many others. It can happen anywhere, the thieves aren't amateurs, came with power tools, probably the battery operated type. The detectives have been checking Craigs List, local flea markets, and pawn shops. I'd bet they already had buyers for the stuff, targeting the wrapped boats and those nearby. I bet it can happen anywhere, even the Classic.
  23. Welcome to the board!!
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