Well we set out early yesterday to Lake Okeechobee with intentions of wearing out the 11 yr old on some schoolies. We set him up with a zoom fluke, hook exposed and showed him how to pop it a couple times, let it fall then watch the line take off. He was soon setting the hook, reeling it in and finally lip his own fish. That made 3 goals accomplished!He was having the best time, laughing and working the fish by himself. For us, this was an accomplishment, because he would rather play video games and count the minutes until we were off the lake on most of the other fishing trips. He would flat refuse to touch a fish, much less lip one.
So Lake Okeechobee has become his favorite lake to go fish and he wants to go back a soon as we can. Sweet success!
I managed to attain a goal of my own, in catching my first fish on a swim jig. I put a Space Monkey as a trailer and hubby and I had a blast. If there is such a thing as 'Stupid Fun", we were having it.
We even entertained a few anglers out there. When Kevin would get ready to set the hook, I'd squat down so I wouldn't catch an elbow, rod or fish in the face. Twice we both doubled up, fighting fish at the same time. Both times, I was watching him work to get one out of the reeds and next thing I knew was my rod being snatched down and I'd have a nice bass on. One angler was in a local tournament passing by on the inside grass line and we asked how he was doing? He said "not as good as we were".. We gave him a couple of what we were using and told him they were hitting on the outside, not inside grass lines. Hope he did well. I know we were having the time of our lives down there.