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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. yes, Why?? What happen?
  2. Nice fish there, Bruce!
  3. The only time I am even slightly worried in a large tournament, is where I can beach the boat or park it to get my partner (husband)on board after he parks the rig. Limited dock/shoreline and even limited parking for the rigs. When it's a tournament of over 100 boats, we get up much earlier than usual to avoid the jam up at the ramp and trying to avoid other boats trying to squeeze in at a spot. Other than that, it's the take off (like NASCAR on water)and avoiding other boaters who suddenly make a change of direction in front of you. Once you are out on the lake, it's just you and the fish. They will certainly notice you, when you weigh in a nice limit.
  4. I think you will doing well just to multi-task between Net and camera! You are seriously going to be busy!
  5. It said traumatic injury was found, assumably the boat hit him. The kill switch not used or malfunction was possibly the contributing factor in it. A real tragedy any way you look at it.
  6. You sure do know the right moves for the big girls! Awesome fish!!
  7. Sounds like y'all had a great time! I love it when my husband meets me after work at the boat ramp and we fish just for fun!
  8. I make sure we have the kill switch attached and we both bought the auto inflatable vests to wear.
  9. http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2011/apr/13/body-found-bank-st-lucie-river-near-sewalls-po/ They just found a body. It's not known yet if it is him.
  10. I thought the at sea burial of Capt. Phil was perfect.
  11. That made my heart skip a beat!!
  12. I took the youngest to Lake O, near J&S, east wall area. We trolled in and just looked for bait getting busted on top. We set him up with a fluke and left the hook exposed. He caught 10 in 1/2 hour. They were hitting on cranks too, but I didn't want to dodge treble hooks until he got better at his casting and hook sets. The fluke (watermelon red)was catching the bigger fish. But I think it was any where they were schooling. They were feeding like crazy all over. Michael was a worn out, very happy camper, who is ready to go back to Lake O any time.
  13. Thanks Big O. He's more than ready and insisted I stick some "Space Monkeys" in his tackle box. The fish that ate the jig,had it way deep in their mouths. They were loving that Space Monkey as a trailer.
  14. I threw skinny dipper next to some reeds and watched a small keeper bass leap out of water and dive right on top of the dipper. I was saying "go for it little guy!!" That was at 1:00pm and we left them still busting in the grass.
  15. They really wanted to see what type lure you were using.
  16. It was crazy fun Saturday! We were just playing around, getting 11 yr old on fish and easily caught 50. He caught at least 10 by himself (after he learned how to work the fluke). If we'd bother weighing them, we would have averaged 15-16 lbs. Twice Kevin and I doubled up on bass, both times I'm watching Kevin work one out of the reeds and I'd get slammed right next to the boat on my jig. I'd ge saying: "Alright.way to go Hun... Whoa.. I have one too!!"
  17. I think our fish did exchange notes! I set the hook and both times the fish made runs at the boat faster than I could reel! The water was dirty and I couldn't see past a 6" down. I had one on a lipless crank bait that was wedged solidly in it's mouth top to bottom. Not sideways, but just crammed in there. The Kid definetly wants to come back! So it was a great trip all the way around!
  18. It was absolutely great out there! We caught about 50 fish even with a late start. We thought we'd get there from St/Cloud at about daylight, but were about an hour behind. Our main focus was getting the 11 yr old on some schoolies at th East Wall area and spent a little time getting him set up in what to do. I was thankful for the warnings about the lake being low and trolling into the fishing areas. We having so much fun and it was like a frenzy out there. They were inhaling everything we threw and one fish still had a piece of mono down it's throat. It didn't seem to keep it from feeding, because it slammed the brush hog. I lost two when they wrapped up under the Power pole mount and the other under the motor jack. It worked back and forth until the braid frayed. I didn't get a look at them, but they sure felt good.
  19. Thanks, The kid was whooping us in having the biggest fish until we moved over to Kings Bar and I caught the two bigger Jig fish. The biggest was about 3 lbs. Sorry for the small photos. I've going to check out how to post the larger ones if I must. My next trip down there, I hope to have a new personal best. Then we took him to have his first Okee Burger.. He took half home
  20. Here are a couple more images rom the trip.
  21. Well we set out early yesterday to Lake Okeechobee with intentions of wearing out the 11 yr old on some schoolies. We set him up with a zoom fluke, hook exposed and showed him how to pop it a couple times, let it fall then watch the line take off. He was soon setting the hook, reeling it in and finally lip his own fish. That made 3 goals accomplished!He was having the best time, laughing and working the fish by himself. For us, this was an accomplishment, because he would rather play video games and count the minutes until we were off the lake on most of the other fishing trips. He would flat refuse to touch a fish, much less lip one. So Lake Okeechobee has become his favorite lake to go fish and he wants to go back a soon as we can. Sweet success! I managed to attain a goal of my own, in catching my first fish on a swim jig. I put a Space Monkey as a trailer and hubby and I had a blast. If there is such a thing as 'Stupid Fun", we were having it. We even entertained a few anglers out there. When Kevin would get ready to set the hook, I'd squat down so I wouldn't catch an elbow, rod or fish in the face. Twice we both doubled up, fighting fish at the same time. Both times, I was watching him work to get one out of the reeds and next thing I knew was my rod being snatched down and I'd have a nice bass on. One angler was in a local tournament passing by on the inside grass line and we asked how he was doing? He said "not as good as we were".. We gave him a couple of what we were using and told him they were hitting on the outside, not inside grass lines. Hope he did well. I know we were having the time of our lives down there.
  22. You guy's have fun! I'm headed to Lake O tomorrow to wear out the 11 year old on schoolies (So he has fun on something besides video games), then see if I can upgrade my personal best for something I can post on the "State vs State" thread. I've caught bass, had fun with dinks, but would love to catch a biggun. We'll be up at the north end in a Red Stratos. Then we'll catch some panfish for a fish fry, with sweetcorn bread,cheese grits, and turnip greens.
  23. My husband and I were fishing a team tournamnet on Lake Kissimmee by Jack Slough. We were flipping some really thick Kissimmee grass mats and he flipped a 1 ounce weight to a "dark spot" in the middle of one. Well the "dark spot" turned out to be the head of a VERY large alligator. There was a roar, a lot of splashing, (which was hitting us), brush and grass shaking. Both of us looked at each other, our feet were running in place, but where you gonna go? The gator came out next to the boat and right alongside as though to get a good look at disturbed it's nap. Our boat is 19'6" and he was just about 16' long. He continued past us, not bothering to submerge as though he KNEW he was the baddest gator around. He swam off towards some other anglers, creating his own wake and we could easily see his entire top line until he went to another grass mat. I told my husband to take "closer look" at the dark spots before he flips something at it. (It's not easy climbing on top of the back seat)
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