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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. Nice fish! Thanks for sharing
  2. Which one? the odd spotted one or the nearly solid black bass?
  3. FishinDaddy, on 06 June 2011 - 08:58 AM, said: I pull a stratos 201 with my f250 powerstroke and feel nothing. When I pull it with my wife's f150 with the 5.4 triton it struggles just a bit. With a smaller boat you should have no problem with any half ton truck or truck based suv. X3 Mine is a 99 F250 7.3 and I still get between 17-18 MPG. We pull the 194 Stratos. (Besides it's been paid off for 9+ years) I also agree the newer lighter trucks will do just fine. I've been checking out the Tundras.
  4. Wow.. what an example of NO respect.
  5. Ditto on Sporting Clays. I nick named it Golf with a Shotgun. I've shot 50 straight a few times. I like wobble trap too.
  6. It has me nervous about our 2 day tourney coming up. At least I have 2 days to pre-fish and put around. I have a feeling the spots we hit a couple months ago are high and dry.
  7. Wow, that is awful. Hope they were able to get prints off the vehicles.
  8. Agghhhh I've been catching them, but nothing over 5lbs. With a state record of over 17lbs.. oh well. I'm still fishing, who knows. Some very nice fish being posted. Congrats to all.
  9. I've helped encourage my step-son to fish. We took him fishing to Lake O. He was "into video games only, now he's beginning to like fishing".
  10. Shaw Grigsby, Denny Brauer, KVD Shaw Grigsby His choice. To see his techniques and tactics on Florida waters. I don't envision myself competing outside of Florida in the near future and I would like to improve myself here first.
  11. Hope you get well soon. See ya in June!
  12. The 1998 Tornado in Kissimmee killed 42 and injured 260, but it is small compared to the devastation of Joplin and the earlier tornando just weeks ago. My prayers, thoughts, and hopes are with all.
  13. Ditto for that. I'd help, but my town is in the running too. Kissimmee with Lake Tohopekaliga. Sorry, but good luck anyway!
  14. Well spoken. I've donated clothing for kids and adults, and working on more. I can add in some kids fishing gear with no problem. I well remember the hurricanes that passed over my home 3x in less than 6 weeks,in 2004. I felt like my county had a bullseye painted on it.
  15. I liked Kim Bain's show, and better than some out there. (But have Shaw Grigsby as the my favorite)
  16. I was thinking the same thing!! Congrats to your friend!!
  17. Congrats Mike!!
  18. Thanks for the heads up gar-tracker. We will make sure to lighten up our boat before we head down next month. It is a scary thought of busting up something. At least we have a push pole, if we need it to get in closer.
  19. My husband thinks he has created a "monster"..LOL. Instead of sleeping in on some weekends, I'm waking him to: "let's go FISH!!"
  20. I feel like I am contributing to the pot too, but I consider it getting experience and I want to compete in the LBAA some day. Probably when I retire. I have the Stratos Owners Tournament out on Lake Kissimmee this weekend. (2 day). We are still still trying to find some quality fish and may have to make the run up to Toho. All I got Saturday was some hits, but no takers and one VERY large Pickerel on a jig. It was at least a 5 lber. My husband got a 10lb catfish on a jig. It was exciting until we saw what it was.
  21. Awesome fish there! Sounds like a great time.
  22. Congrats !! Feels great doesn't it!
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