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Fishing Cowgirl

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Everything posted by Fishing Cowgirl

  1. We will probably see you around. We have a couples tournament going out of Southport that day. Let me know what you think of the Phoenix. We are considering one when we do a trade up on our boat.
  2. My goodness! I'm glad you are both okay.
  3. I received my packet yesterday and will be on for the 3 days.
  4. I hope my husband and I have 50 seasons
  5. Thank you WMD in Kentucky; That was very helpful. I'll be Marshalling at the 2nd event, Lake Okeechobee.
  6. I cast a jig with a Rage Tail Space Monkey and while it was in the air, I caught sight of a Marsh Hen fying towards the area of where I had cast. It seemed to be in slow motion as I watched the jig smack the bird, which let out a started 'Squarwwwarrkkk", knocking it down out of the air and disappearing under the water. As my husband turned around at the birds noise, asking what on earth just happened, I was thinking maybe I'd killed it, & if not, I better start reellng it in so it doesn't drown,and how was I going to untangle it whn I get it to the boat? Just as I was reeling it in, it popped to the surface, giving me an angry bird glare, and squawking at me as it swam to the grass. Fortunately, i didn't have to unhook it after all.
  7. That's terrible! Prayers for the family. I hope they got them.
  8. We are planning on a trip down there this Saturday (if weather permits). Probably putting in at Scott Driver.
  9. Being the Tomboy that I was, I "appropriated any tackle boxes and rods" not being used at the time. I despised Barbie stuff. My parents got the hint pretty quick.
  10. Catching a nice peacock bass is most definetly on my wish list for 2012.
  11. Welcome!!! I like the shirts. Great group of people here.
  12. Take her where there is a good chance she will catch fish, like a managed stocked lake, get some shiners and let her fish them. Once she get's to catching them regularly, you'll have a fishing partner. Especially after her first topwater fish! You may have to play guide a couple times, really focus on her but not too pushy. Don't take the rod from her if she hooks into a good one. That'd shut her down from fishing. (I've seen it happen, and about whacked my step-son over the head with my rod to keep him from snatching the rod from his GF)
  13. I'm going to give it a try next year. I will be registering to Marshall for the Elite event there in March.
  14. I agree!!! Good article.
  15. Ft. Hood brings back memories.. Have you contacted any of the local bass fishing clubs or media?
  16. Many lakes in my area have decent access from shorelines. A couple have boat rentals, where you and the wife can get out on the lakes. I've had luck around grass lines with a jigs and frogs. Good luck !
  17. I've always fished. First taught by my grandparents, moving up to sitting on my pony and using a zebco in the middle of the creek. My husband (Fishing Cowboy), rekindled my interest in fishing back when we were dating,so I bought a 2007 Stratos. We fished some monthly 75-100 boat tournaments, some times finishing in the top 12, but out of the money. We just aren't able to get out on the water as much as we'd like, but happy with how we did compared to those who guided or out daily. So we moved on to some more "fun" couples tournaments. There we all fish till noon, weigh in, then head out to a local eatery and tell fish tales! My husband taught me how to use a baitcaster, now I have 5 of my own including a flipping rod, carbon light rods, and a couple Abu rods.I've bought him some rods and reels on various holidays or just because he really did need an upgrade. We have so much fun together and he calls me his best fishing partner ever. We both fish as much as possible and in fact we are going out with a friend to Tampa bay tomorrow and get in a little sea trout fishing.
  18. Great post and many thanks for the awesome photographs. I wish I could compete, but I plan on it in the future.
  19. Welcome! This is a great place and I have learned alot from many members here and even met some at tournaments.
  20. Space monkey!
  21. All Kinds. Lakeland Bass Masters one I can think of. There are tournament schedules at several fish camps like Camp Mack
  22. Soft shell turtles are the best tasting..BTW I'm writing down that receipe
  23. Well, I already know I am going to register to be a Marshall on Lake Okeechobee.
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