I cast a jig with a Rage Tail Space Monkey and while it was in the air, I caught sight of a Marsh Hen fying towards the area of where I had cast. It seemed to be in slow motion as I watched the jig smack the bird, which let out a started 'Squarwwwarrkkk", knocking it down out of the air and disappearing under the water. As my husband turned around at the birds noise, asking what on earth just happened, I was thinking maybe I'd killed it, & if not, I better start reellng it in so it doesn't drown,and how was I going to untangle it whn I get it to the boat? Just as I was reeling it in, it popped to the surface, giving me an angry bird glare, and squawking at me as it swam to the grass. Fortunately, i didn't have to unhook it after all.