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Big Fish Rice

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Everything posted by Big Fish Rice

  1. This is my first year participating in Fantasy Fishing, so I can't compare the rules to last season. I'm enjoying it so far though.
  2. I suppose I will try and contact an FLW representative and post my findings.
  3. I would like some clarification from anglers that know: The 2011 FLW Logo Policy states that an angler must not wear a logo that conflicts with the list of sponsor categories on days 3 and 4 of an FLW tournament. Official Rules Let's say I have a lure manufacturer as a sponsor. Are these companies included in this rule, or can any pro advertise any lure manufacturer on their person? I am simply asking because I want to know if these anglers can advertise "the little guy" or "smaller companies" that could benefit from advertising.
  4. I wouldn't call yourself dumb. I think people are just very efficient with "google" these days.
  5. Even pro's pay attention to what their competitors are throwing - we all communicate about what has worked or has not worked at some point in time. I may be throwing the same type of lure, but I always try to throw a different, off the wall color. It has worked well for me even in clear water conditions.
  6. There are too many schools for me to cross reference for you. Go to this link, choose your division, and then go to the "results" tab and make sure 2011 is selected. This will show you all of the registered teams for that lake, so you can look through each competition and whether or not you have a close school that is participating.
  7. Pierre, First, the school must be a 4-year University. Second, you either need to start a fishing club at your school with the help of the sports director, or join a fishing club if your school currently has one. After setting up your club, you'll obviously need to recruit members and raise funds which will help your travel expenses. After the club is ready to go, just follow FLW's recommendations for signing up a fishing team for College Fishing competition: http://collegefishing.com/startaclub.cfm It takes some work setting up a fishing club, but your school should help you gather all the resources you need.
  8. I think it's a great way to get college guys and gals fishing. There were many anglers fishing the tournament as a first time competitor. There were many repeat teams from last year and the crowds were the largest FLW has seen at a Qualifying Event. Pretty cool to see the action from the weigh-in scale!
  9. What a great experience! This was my first tournament, and our EWU Fishing Team (my partner Nick and I) came out with a 6th place finish out of 40 teams. Besides this being my first bass fishing tournament, it was also my first experience with spotted bass. Great fighters and they proved to be a tough competitor. I absolutely suggest that if anyone is an undergraduate at a University, joining or starting your bass club should be a fun and exciting challenge to undertake. I cannot explain how memorable this experience will be later down the road - a huge thanks goes out to FLW and The National Guard for such great hospitality! Here are the official results: Eastern Washington University http://www.collegefishing.com/tournament.cfm?tid=6720&t=results
  10. You've received a lot of great answers already, but here's an option. If you prefer to have your tension set a little tight, the lure won't fall as easily. You can keep the tension where it is at, but you will have to either manually pull some line if you need to help the lure fall straight, and always make sure to feed your line by dropping your rod tip. If you have your reel in "free spool" without tension, you shouldn't have to feed your line or strip it manually. Just do what's comfortable for you, and that will make a world of difference. Personally, I like free spool where the tension isn't affecting me whatsoever. The lure does all the work, if it's heavy enough.
  11. In his behalf, Fish's show isn't designed to be your "average" show with "re-told" tips and tricks that almost every angler knows about. He was in a tree stand, out in the middle of the lake, like a hunter would be in the woods. He was even wearing camo. Sometimes you just gotta sit back and laugh. He has a unique personality - something to endorse, not burn down. I don't think his target audience is older tournament anglers in the first place. Seems more directed towards younger anglers who like quirky shows. It's not for me, but the guy is playing his cards right. ;D
  12. Watching the southerners bass fish while I stare out the window at 17 degree temps. Oh, and ski boats pulling the 'ole fly by method.
  13. Watching the southerners bass fish while I stare out the window at 17 degree temps. Oh, and ski boats pulling the 'ole fly by method.
  14. Watching the southerners bass fish while I stare out the window at 17 degree temps. Oh, and ski boats pulling the 'ole fly by method.
  15. That's the key right there. Big or small, just remember that their metabolism dictates liveliness, so the slower the better during cold temperatures.
  16. That's the key right there. Big or small, just remember that their metabolism dictates liveliness, so the slower the better during cold temperatures.
  17. That's the key right there. Big or small, just remember that their metabolism dictates liveliness, so the slower the better during cold temperatures.
  18. Thad, are you using a router? If so, unplug it. Connect your mac straight to the modem, and turn it back on. See if that has any performance difference.
  19. I have tried to find it, but to no avail. I think I watched a YouTube video of Dave catching a fish on just a bare jig head...with some sort of attractant if I remember correctly? Or, I could be thinking of an entirely different person lol.
  20. The site has been just fine for me. Although, I ended up getting rid of Internet Explorer and switched to FireFox. Try a different browser to compare.
  21. "Self entitlement" is not a newly formed characteristic. Like JFrancho stated, the internet just makes it easier to reach out and extend a hand. The great thing about these potential field staffers and pro staffers, is that they are learning the hard way on how to deal with professional organizations who ultimately have the say-so of this very "argument". I have been seeing 13 and 14 year olds trying to model their heroes on television; kids are out there fishing and trying to become better anglers. ...So what if they ask for some free plastics or a discount on gear; they aren't getting in trouble or stealing your trolling motor off your bass boat for drugs. As a side note -- Why is it that money is the only estimator of value? Research, time, and actual practice out on the water counts for something right? If so, who is to say these kids are getting something for free?
  22. Spokane angler here, but I'm looking to also add an Idaho license next year. Idaho has some great areas!
  23. I'll add another *Shimano* vote, but I don't think it's needed For baitcasters, Shimano is my only way to go. For spinning reels, I've used everything under the sun and have been pleased with several companies. (Shimano, Pflueger, Daiwa, Okuma)
  24. Just like fish, there are natural and invasive species of crayfish. The dangerous aspect is that the invasive species competes for the same resources, like food and habitat. There is a fine line between keeping all populations happy; unfortunately we are usually on either side of that line. We as people may not see the harm in another species of crayfish, but our environment is a product of the "domino effect". One thing will always affect another. I'm not a professional, but my opinion is that it would be quite difficult to rid our waters of invasive crayfish. We have other invasive species that have proven too tough to get rid of - What strategy is being implemented to gain success over current conditions?
  25. Just like fish, there are natural and invasive species of crayfish. The dangerous aspect is that the invasive species competes for the same resources, like food and habitat. There is a fine line between keeping all populations happy; unfortunately we are usually on either side of that line. We as people may not see the harm in another species of crayfish, but our environment is a product of the "domino effect". One thing will always affect another. I'm not a professional, but my opinion is that it would be quite difficult to rid our waters of invasive crayfish. We have other invasive species that have proven too tough to get rid of - What strategy is being implemented to gain success over current conditions?
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