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About JellyMan

  • Birthday 08/15/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Gainesville, Florida
  • My PB
    Between 11-12 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Pretty much anywhere in Florida.
  • Other Interests
    Golf, surfing, music, horology, and a few others.

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  1. It's a 25hp. It honestly needs more top speed. it tops out at around 22mph loaded up with 2 people. It needs some fluids changed, new prop and plugs. Maybe after that, she'll really cook. Id'e love it if I could get her running out around 25-30 mph. The new propeller may make a big difference cuz the old one is shot. It's bent lol.
  2. Where'd this thread go? Anyways... A little update. New boat and new prey. Just picked up a skiff and because of the tough bass bite, doing a bit more inshore stuff. Loving it. I still get out for dem bass tho.
  3. Anybody have any pointers on why the bass have now shut down during the magic hour? I am seeming to get more action mid day that the last hour before sunset. A buddy and I were getting MURDED on frogs around some top water muck at like 4pm. I tell you, this Gainesville stuff is BS. I DONT UNDERSTAND IT!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!??? I want to go back to Orlando where it makes sense.
  4. Who's ready for Fall!? Temps are starting to drop, we are getting rain. Went out Saturday and the shorelines were active. More active than I have seen them all year. Tons of bites but I just couldn't seem to get a hook set. The joys of pitching. Unfortunately, got rained out during the magic hour.
  5. All the bass are gonna die. It's been like 100 degrees and will be for the next 3 days. Florida is doomed...
  6. Best wishes and good vibes to all involved. And as far as updates... TOO HOT. I haven't touched a rod in 3 weeks. My buddy just bought a skiff so Redfish... lookout!
  7. We got raaaain!!! Good amount... cloudy and 10 degree lower temps for the last 2 days. Hopping to find the bite this weekend. Ive been golfing almost every day otherwise lol.
  8. We are fully in the fallout. I have no plans for going out for fresh water till we get either a BUNCH of rain, or fall sets in. Golf is heating up...
  9. I'm a hypocrite... I went out a couple days ago and was hotter than sin. I haven't gotten a body tan in YEARS so I decided to take the shirt off for the day for some color and Vitamin D. I'm not gonna lie, it felt fantastic and I finally got some color back.
  10. Is it cool if I go in the street outside your house and chip golf balls toward and around your property and every once in awhile make contact with your property? I know we are playing semantics here but you have to be respectful. We all know that that one guy that didn't want you fishing up in his dock ruined your chances of your lifetime PB, he is a jerk, it's not against the law, blah blah. Just move on. It's not the end of the world, folks. Lets be adults. I'll tell you right now, if I had lake front property, saw somebody fishing my dock and heard all the banging, clanking impact from weights on my dock and boat, I would say something for sure. I wouldn't mind people fishing my dock but I have seen the majority of people that snoop around docks. They smack everything and that is enough to tick the owner off to where nobody has special dock privileges. They get fed up. Wear a shoe on the other foot.
  11. I don't know... if somebody threw a fit about me fishing their dock, I would mumble under my breath, "*#^$%* &%^!*$@@&$", and say "no problem". Whatever. I would rather be courteous. If I asked somebody the same with my own concerns, I would expect the same back. Get off my dock fool.
  12. Skunked again today. I had one tiny bite on the rage toad right before dark. Thats it. Oh, and about 5 mudfish. I hate those things. Gainesville is über lame. Orlando Orlando Orlando! I miss it! Fish all summer long. What I have learned about this area, is that you may find a few here and there, but it's just tough. No way around it. When we do get a bite, we have large numbers of double digit fish on the line. I have seen it. Otherwise, just stay home for the most part.
  13. Get ready for the addiction. I'de stick stick to the salt bite till we get some solid rain or start cooling off a bit. It's been tuff this summer. Cant beat that inshore bite. Welcome.
  14. Ive got pretty sun resistant skin to begin with. I have some cherokee in me somewhere along the line. People mistake me at times for hispanic... I am as white as you can get lol. When I burn, I don't actually burn, I just get dark. I know friends who get red, blister, and peel. Gross. Those are the ones I worry about. But still... I try to get a burn every once in awhile just because I like the color and I love how it feels. I am a surfer as well so getting some sun really makes me feel good. Now getting older, I really pay better attention. I usually go with a long sleeve shirt when out on the water. When I play golf, I ALWAYS wear SPF40 or up. It isn't with it guys and gals. I am also a member of a few local surfing forums here in Florida and you would be amazed how often there is a thread about skin cancer and or somebody passing on. Surfing REALLY does a number on you without protection. Almost your whole body is hammered by UV radiation. I myself have been out on the water surfing for over 8 hours. Only a couple breaks for water and food in between. It's scary and really a shame. It's an imperfect world we live in. Please be safe guys. When you are days away from death from cancer, you don't want to say, "all I had to do was wear sunscreen or cover up, but now I am going to die." Thats a pretty dark statement but it's true.
  15. Watch out for Vibrio! I know it's most likely blown out of proportion but still, careful. I wanted to do some wading for Reds and Trout this weekend but I might just hang back. Sure a hell not going out for Bass... too hot. I think I might knock the rust off and play some golf. Get ready for the fall and winter golf season. As hard is it is to believe, I do have other hobbies. Golf is a big one. I used to be pretty good at it too.
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