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Everything posted by Fat-G

  1. Alright guys, have'nt been able to post a good report all weekend. So here it is Friday I went out for two hours, nothing much, biggest fish was about three pounds. Saturday I was on the James River all day guiding a catfish trip with Captain Mike Ostrander of the James River Fishing School. (Heckuva fun time) Sunday was raining the ENTIRE day. Even so...went out for two and a half hours. Right as I got there the rain stopped :-? Needless to say the fishing was waaaay slow. Actually got skunked ;D Sunday I fished a new pond pretty hard. Caught three on a spinnerbait.....and missed one. The fish I missed was in about a foot of water, and when it struck it's entire head came out of the water. This fish was a GIANT. I'll take a safe bet and guess 7+ Tried for another hour to get her, but came up empty. Yesterday I raked leaves the whole day So...moral of the story: DON"T EVER GUARANTEE BIG FISH!!! Here's my prediction for this weekend: I won't catch any fish at all. If I do happen to catch one it will be about 5-7 inches ;D ;D ;D How'd ya'll do this weekend?
  2. Great job bud. Real swell thing ya did here kiddo.
  3. Your the man! Thank you so much!
  4. Okay. Let me rephrase this. I'm fifteen. I can't go out and spend $6 on a bag of worms, unless on certain occasions. The Super Speed worms work. There it is.
  5. Hey everybody. Just wanted to share a few things I learned this weekend. Zoom Super Speed Craws are a fantastic replacement for Rage Tail Craws/Chunks. (To make it more chunk-like bite of a little bit of the head) Stanley Finesse jigs paired with a 3" Chigger Craw is a really great finesse jig. P-Line C-XX is amazing. Enjoy!
  6. He needs to show his ***. This is just lame.
  7. Day 1 of my four (five, went out today) weekend. Had a tough, slow day. Didn't catch a fish until the last hour, but the one payoff was 3 pounds. Tommorow I'm guiding a trip with Mike Ostrander of the James River Fishing School. Will be fishing all day for big cats with some clients. I'll keep everyone posted about the cats, bass and my quest for "The One". ;D
  8. Hahaha I'm not fired up guys....I just haven't caught a big one in while.
  9. As I would still be considered a "kid", I'll tell you first hand.......that was very, very, very kid friendly ;D
  10. Ahaha. That's one big ol' carp!
  11. This weekend we have a four-day weekend. It's over. This little streak I have of not catching a "big" fish is done. I will fish from dawn till dusk every day for four days if I have to. This weekend I hope will produce a 7+ pounder. It's all or nothin'. I'll keep ya'll posted. Till next time.......
  12. What knot do you guys use to connect mono or flouro to your braid when your fishing jigs? I just learned how to tie a Surgeons knot, and it seems like it would work.
  13. I usually hold fish like this: This fish was 8 lbs. The way I man-grip them does them no justice, so I need to start not holding them like that. I'm gonna start holding them like lightninrod. His fish always look huge! I mean, look at this fish: This one was 6 lbs, and 23 inches. But the way I have all of my fingers under it's lower jaw makes it look way smaller.
  14. Okay, so as you can see in the previous thread, I was thinking about getting some molds to re-make some plastics. I was going to get the 5 1/4 " Senko mold, and the Pork Chunk one. Here they are http://www.lurecraft.com/catalog.cfm/molds/aluminum-molds-~-new!!!!!!/pork-trailer-mold:2321 and http://www.lurecraft.com/catalog.cfm/molds/aluminum-molds-~-new!!!!!!/seinko-type-worm:2332 Can someone give me a quick tutorial on how to use these, what I need, how to pour them, how to take the baits out, etc. I am totally clueless, but I REALLY want to start doing this to save a little money. Thanks a million!
  15. I was looking at this: http://www.lurecraft.com/catalog.cfm/molds/aluminum-molds-~-new!!!!!!/pork-trailer-mold:2321 This: http://www.lurecraft.com/catalog.cfm/molds/aluminum-molds-~-new!!!!!!/seinko-type-worm:2332
  16. So would it be worth it to invest in a melting pot and everything and start re-pouring the plastics?
  17. Haha! Whenever I go to Wal-Mart, and the people ask if they could help me, I ask for either braided fishing line, off-set hooks, or Senkos. The stares I get are priceless.
  18. Ummmmmm......... SAME!
  19. I would stick with the MH. You'll be anle to do more with it, and it will serve you well. But stick with the MH rod.
  20. Hey guys, I got to thinking about when I get the time to go wade fishing for some smallies in a nearby river, what the best setup for me would be. I was thinking that the rod would have to be at least 6'6", and at least a ML. The reel is obvioiusly going to be my 2500 Sahara As for line, I was thinking of doing a braided line with a 2 or 4 lb mono diamter, with a 6 pound flouro leader. In the lure category, I like little 3-3.5 inch tubes, Craw Papis, and little Bitsy bug jigs. What are your setups for wading smallies? Also, what do you guys wear and how do you carry your lures? Waders?
  21. One thing for certain, the charging flop fouls against your oponents wil go down a bunch I agree, however he was the best player in the country...
  22. Nice fish! With your luck you should try Smallmouth fishing.
  23. Fat-G

    Nice fish

    How do you resize them if you post them from photobucket.com?
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