I really like the TT forums. It blows what happened. There are some INSANE people on that forum. Like insane. People spend $500 on a Steez, then spend another $500 getting it tricked out. Crazy! But, it's just like people that deck out their truck, collect guns, cigars, or play golf alot. Just another hobby.
I did notice it started to make me want to paint reels and stuff of that nature, but then I took a step back and realized that was beyond "fishing" and somewhat took the fun out of it. I found I would be so focused on the "perfect" rod or reel I wouldn't think like my little bass mind normally does, which catches a whole lot more fish. Heck, I want to get a Dobyns DX744, but when I "take a step back" and look at it from the perspective of "I just fish ponds, and I'm 17" it seems ridiculous. I caught my PB on a $70 combo. I doubt a ~$500 combo would catch me any more fish, even though it would be 3 ounces lighter and a lot more sensitive. -rant-