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Everything posted by Busy

  1. A lot of times you need help stopping (re: you have to start slowing down sooner) when pulling a heavy load for your vehicle. The thing I would worry about is having to slam on your brakes and your front tires coming off the ground because of the short wheel base. If you try it and steering is affected I wouldn't pull it anymore. Surely the Jeep can do it, it's just the "what if" emergency scenarios. Having to slam on the brakes, weight comes off the front end and you could lose control, possibly wreck. If the insurance company decides you were overloaded if something goes wrong they may not cover you. Just things to think about although I'm sure the Jeep would pull it.
  2. I believe it! I've caught them on artificials just never a worm. Usually its been an in-line spinner coupled with a sudden drop in barometric pressure or high water/fast current conditions.
  3. I have caught and cleaned skinny bass that were unhealthy looking with huge heads and starving bodies. Each time I've found a plastic worm in their intestines. I've never seen a catfish take an artifical worm but I'd guess it's something similar like I've seen with bass.
  4. I use brakes and don't thumb the spool until the bait hits the water. Can't stand the thought of my thumb slowing the spool down LOL (unless I have to to control accuracy).
  5. I don't buy that switching is a 'bad' habit. I think the 'common sense' notion that RH reels are for lefties and LH reels are for righties is anything but. If that were the case there'd be more LH reels on the market than RH reels, which clearly isn't the case. The reel companies aren't catering to lefties, who are a minority. Doesn't make sense at all. Do what you are comfortable with and you will catch more fish than doing what you aren't comfortable with. My left hand is retarded, if I could teach myself to reel and cast with it I'd bowl with it, throw a baseball and football with it, and write with it but that ain't happening But I CAN hold a rod with it work a bait. That's why I switch. It is a lot like baseball, you don't see a lot of guys that throw right-handed and bat left-handed or vice versa do you? I don't think thats too much different than casting with one and reeling with the other.
  6. Thank you for posting the sweet spot on flouro for spinning reels. I put 14# on a spinning reel a few years to try out the flouro that everyone was talking about and was disgusted. It literally flew off the reel everytime the bail was opened. I just went back to using mono and braid. Might have to give it another try.
  7. I'd like to go out tonight but it's looking like that is a long shot. Too hot for me lately though!
  8. I do this more often when fishing from the shore but also if I sight fish from a boat and you gotta cast quickly to hit that fish. I cast like I'm hitting a backhand shot on the tennis court, still with rod tip down. That said I've been hit a lot just as soon as the bait hits the top of the water. I've never pitched but I'm going to work on that and I'd imagine that I'd prefer to hold the rod with my left hand and throw the bait with my right and reel with my right and keep using all RH retrieve reels.
  9. I cast right-handed and reel right-handed on both spinning and casting set-ups. Sometimes I switch hands before the bait hits the water but it's not something I think about. I too will set the hook before or while engaging the handle with jigs and weighted soft plastics by thumbing the spool because I usually don't engage the handle until I hit the bottom.
  10. I use nylon rope. Not worried about it rotting.
  11. I'm tired of my anchor ropes getting tangled, too! I haven't done it yet but I was thinking about just using an empty gallon ice cream bucket and just winding the rope into it. Should be easy and quick to do when pulling the ancor up and keep it tangle free.
  12. I have a Pflueger President 6920X and it is a tiny, tiny reel. At just under 6 oz. it balances with my rod nicely. There are spinning reels that I like more but for the money I would recommend the President! I have mine mounted on a Cabelas Tourney Trail Moderate action Ultra Light power 5' rod that throws 1/16-3/8oz. and 6lb. Suffix mono. I use mine for tightlining crappie but I can't say enough about the reel for the money.
  13. Sensitivity isn't just about detecting bites, it's about detecting EVERYTHING. I don't have any rods that cost more than $200 but I can tell there is a difference between a $50 rod and a $150 rod. A sensitive rod will let you feel exactly what is on the bottom, the difference between wood, rocks, grass, sand, etc. Especially when searching with a C-Rig, this will probably help your fishing more than being able to detect bites better. All you need to have to catch fish is a stick, line, and hook, but better gear, and better-suited gear will make you more successful. It is not necessary, but it IS helpful.
  14. Not a night time experience, but while shore fishing last year I was standing still and fishing. I hooked a bass and my drag was too light, so I thumbed the spool and looked down to turn the drag wheel a bit and saw a large copperhead sunbathing immediately under me and between my legs. I couldn't really move and didn't want to land the fish very badly because I'd have to move. The fish ended up getting off and I just stood there for about 15 minutes when he finally slithered off. The snake was about 2 and a half feet long. It was a fairly nervous 15 minutes on my end! To top it off that was the only good fish I'd hooked all evening.
  15. I want to pick up some bladed swim jigs and try them out!
  16. The worm I would probably hook in the hard bend and fish wacky. Lots of options here though.
  17. In a boat you can just go to the other side of where the lure is stuck and it will usually pop right out. I think it's probably ture that if you aren't getting hung up every once in a while you aren't fishing the right spots.
  18. I didn't even notice that. Sorry if my post was not correct. Haven't heard of an allen head jig.
  19. Off of the Northstar website: "Alien Heads are the king of wood cover, the recessed line tie protects the knot around abrasive cover, while the wide boxy sides help the jig head deflect off of cover without getting hungup, all this and your trailer stands up off the bottom in that defensive posture everyone is looking for. While the Alien head is king of the brush it can also pull double duty as a flipping jig around heavy weedcover!"
  20. hahahahahaha
  21. Busy

    Jig Sizes

    Not at all, sorry! Heres a link to the article: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/bass_fishing_worms.html I was just trying to say that there really isn't a single best way to do things. I think the jig is a very versatile lure, although I probably wouldn't burn them very often lol.
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