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About Bama_Bass_Tracker

  • Birthday 03/23/1965

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Okay, I have a question about this "Don't kiss the fish". We have ALL at one time or another swam in lakes, ponds, and or rivers where fish live. I would think the if kissing a fish can make one sick, swimming in the same water as the fish would also make one sick. I have never gotten sick nor have I got an infection from swimming in a lake, pond, or river. Nor have I gotten sick from kissing a fish. But then again I know the waters I fish. Also how many of us wash our hands after handling a fish, before getting something to drink or eat. Just about every fisherman I know puts their thumb or fingers in the fishes mouth to remove the hook, then wipe their hands off with a towel or on their pants, then proceed to grab a snack, or grab a bottle of water. Not trying to cause conflict here but it makes me wonder.
  2. With those you can pretty much do anything. I've had luck with drop shot, hard twitch, soft twitch, rise and fall, and just a steady slow retrieve. Zoom soft baits are #1 in my tackle box.
  3. Sure I do. Jimmy Houston and Bill Dance do too.
  4. What's the secret to casting this stuff?? I've tried it (12lb test) and back lashed just about every time. I still have an unused spool so I may try again, I now use Sufix Siege 12lb green, or Trilene Big Game 12lb green. I have 4 bait casters all Pinacle, 2 Sentara's 1 Vision vst10, and 1 pro series LP100. Any advice would help. Thanks, Bill
  5. No 10# here but my wife has caught one at 6lbs 8oz, and 7lbs 6oz. Which means she's the Queen of the pond, beating my 4lb 9oz, and 5lb 8oz. Our pond is HUGE and I know there's at least one in there that's close to 10 or better.
  6. I may have you beat on rods and reels, but I'm envious of your freezer! I'm slacking in the panfish area....I need to take my wife soon. There aren't any fish in the sea that compare to crappie, sand bass, or bluegill IMHO. I'll bring the cornmeal! Come on down, the wife makes killer fish batter. We'll even toss in some crawfish, sausage, and shrimp. Chase it all down with some ice cold brew and make it REAL party! ;D
  7. My #1 hobby is being with my wife cause she loves fishing as much as I do. Our Daughter even fishes with from time to time.
  8. 95 % of the bass my wife and I catch have been on Zoom Watermelon Red Super Flukes and U Vibe Speed Worms (same color). Late afternoon buzz baits have been working well too.
  9. Hmmm I wonder if my wife and I qualify as Junkies. Between the two of us we have 13 rods and reels 3 tackle boxes 2 fillet knives a few "spare rods and reels, and a freezer full of bass and bream ready for the next family fish fry.
  10. I know it's best to clean the fish you keep right away but if you can't clean it right away, how long can a fish be kept in ice before it goes bad?
  11. No flyrod I don't use straight shank hooks when using worms. I use offset shank worm hooks. I did find some tonight that are a thicker guage.
  12. cyb0rg, I use an Owner size 2/0 offset worm hook, Texas rig, but I use a 1/16th ounce weight pinched (so it does'nt slide) about 5 inches above the worm. this works really well for me, until the fish destory the worm that is. I've gone through an entire bag (10 ct) this weekend alone. Strange thing is that it doesn't happen with my other worms, just the super flukes. Think I'm going to look for some larger guage hooks. I caught a 3 1/2 pounder today and it darn near tore the worm in half. Thanks for the help guys and keep catching. 8)
  13. I've been fishing a large pond near my house, using 5" Zoom salty super flukes. Catching bass weighing 1 pound up to 3 1/2 pounds. My question is what can I do to keep the worm ON the hook. These fish are very aggressive and are tearing the worms to pieces. Sometimes they push the worm way up on the line, other times ripping the head of the worm off. HELP ??? ???
  14. My favorites? Shimano Corsair CS300 and CS300A. Both super smooth, super quiet, and strong. Both mounted on 6' Berkley Lightning Rod's.
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