I have a few questions that have eluded me over the many years I've traveled to fished Toledo as well as other lakes.
I've always felt the need to put my crank bait, spinner bait, top water, etc down mid morning, slow down and fish plastics.
1. How does one know whether or not to slow down and fish plastics after the morning bite is over? I notice a very large number of folks fishing plastics at this time of day and I do the same. I guess I have this preconceived idea that once the morning shad spawn or morning feed is over the fish go deep and need to see something slow in front of them. It literally blows my mind when I here about people fishing crank baits or topwaters all day with blue bird skies. I'm thinking downsize, slow down.... I continually watch people fish over areas during the day and I come in behind them and catch those fish by slowing way down. But, these pro anglers throw jerk baits all day and catch kickers at 11:30am!
2. After the morning bite is over where do these fish go? Do they settle back to deeper grass only 30 ft away or do they travel back to 20ft+ depths? If I'm hammering fish on a point during the morning shad spawn and it all the sudden stops, do I back off that point and fish deep? Are those fish still there?
I'll be heading to Toledo for my yearly tournament visit end of April. In your opinion how should I spend my prefishing day? I have some shallow water areas that produce well in the mornings but I go brain dead during the heat of the day.
Thanks so much for your insight! I really enjoy this forum!