This is for all you smallmouth fisherman out there. I just visited my brother in Belton Texas and went down to take a look at their lake, properly named " Lake Belton". I was walking the bank near the dam and noticed a lot of smallies along the rocks, I normaly wouldnt give them a second look but these bass were toads, I am talking 3 to 4 lbs , and a lot of them. I immediately went and bought a pole and went after them. These bass were in ultra clear water about 6 to 8 ft down, I threw bitsy bug jigs, small tube jigs, wacky worms and every other finess bait I thought they would hit with no luck. I tried to distance my self from them due to the clear water but could not get them to bite. What has me stumped is the fact that while I was trying to hit the smallies the largemouth were all over me. Why would the largemouth hit what I was throwing but not the smallmouth. I am on a mission but need some help from you smallmouth veterans !!