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  1. Thank you sir! Can't wait for one like yours.
  2. Nice fish! So are you back in Florida full time now?
  3. Thanks Bass-Brat.
  4. Thanks a lot!
  5. Thanks everybody! Fishing can be pretty slow at times... 8-)
  6. Thanks guys!
  7. I caught my new PB Largemouth today at my friend's pond near my house. I caught what I believe was the same fish last year, but it was well after the spawn and 2 pounds lighter. She was already staging for the spawn. I spotted her and another female almost the same size hanging out next to a log under a weeping willow. I had a good bit of trouble last year getting big females to bite when sight fishing. I thought a lot about what my go to bait would be over the winter and it seems to be a winner. I'm using a 4" Black Neon Beaver on a 1/8 oz. standup jighead. It was caught using a Falcon Cara 6'7" "Weightless Worm" rod and a Shimano Curado 201DHSV reel with 50 lb. Fireline Braid. Here she is. Just over 8 lbs.
  8. Very nice!! It's great to see young people catch nice fish. Their eyes say it all.
  9. Good grief...when it rains it pours. Glad you at least caught a couple.
  10. Wow Paul...that is one heck of a cat. I bet your daughter's worn out when she catches him.
  11. Great fish!! I'd say she's at least 6 if not 8...
  12. Good to hear. A few bass of any size this time of year is nice.
  13. Nice fish and don't worry about the lighting. Sometimes it is what it is...
  14. Keep it up...you'll get there. At least you have some nice water to fish.
  15. Got my subpoena this morning. Court is in a couple weeks. The two cops that served me said I should have killed they guy. Oh well.
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