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    <p>Owensboro KY</p>

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Fry (1/9)



  1. Looking to get some opinions on these two reels. One of which I will be picking up shortly. Going with the high speed gearing on whichever one I go with. I know the Curado is a little cheaper, so does the smoke have anything that warrants the extra cash? I like the external breaks of the smoke more than I do the pins on the Curado. Hopefully someone thats owned both can weigh in here.
  2. If you dont get in on the Curado deal, I recommend checking out the lews speed spool. The base model runs like $89 and its great! I picked up the reel and a 7'6 gsx rod at Gander Mt. and love it. Probably going back to get another. Its super smooth and pretty light. Got a lot of good reviews!
  3. Bringing this thread back from the dead, maybe I'll get a reply. I also live in the Owensboro area. I fish peabody now and then but dont catch much without a boat. Used to go out to windy hollow and fish pits out there but now you get run off because its all private property. Id like to try and fish the Ohio as it seems most people just fish for cats. Above there are those places mentioned where you can bank fish but how do you get down to them? Obviously you can drive right up to the Little Hurricane docks but the barge outlet at obo grain and the place at OMU? Are those areas easy to get to? Im open to any tips on finding the fish because I love doing it but there just isn't much in this area.
  4. I live about 2 hrs north of ky lake and with all the old strip pits getting turned into private property its getting hard to find a nice place to fish around here anymore. So on my day off ive decided to take my gf down to ky lake to go fishing. I dont have a boat and really dont have the extra cash to rent one at the moment so I was wondering if any of you locals knew of any good places to fish from the bank. Really on Ky or Barkley, doesnt really matter to me. Thanks for the help guys
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