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Everything posted by Robertqq

  1. Hello, Thinking of trying those Roboworm Rebabrb Hooks that were recommended. Really want to use some hooks made of very light wire, and these were suggested. I do mainly small pond fishing; small stuff.with plastic worms. Sizes 1/0 and 2/0 mainly. Have always used hooks with the "offset" bend near the eye for plastics. I see that these Roboworm hooks do not come with this bend. Is this any "problem" ? What is, therefore, the correct way of rigging them on a worm (from the nose) ? I tried to find a good youtube video showing, in detail, how to do it, but could not. Is there one ? Thanks for all the help, Bob
  2. Hello, Do small pond fishing with plastic worms generally. Small size stuff; mainly 1/0 and 2/0 size Offset hooks. Trying to find some hooks made with very, very thin wire. The hooks I now have, and see in the stores, are made with wire heavy enough to land a Tarpon, even in these smaller sizes. What brand and "series" should I be looking at, please to find hooks of this size of really thin diameter wire ? Thanks, Bob
  3. Hi, Do small pond fishing in Mass. Was thinking about "nose hooking" them, which I've never tried. Small size Crappies, etc. Most of the plastic worms and Craws I use are on the small size, perhaps 3-1/2 or so. Question: When using plastic worms like the Senkos, or plastic Crawdads, do you folks advise using the offset (I think they are called worm hooks ?) hooks with the small bend near the eye, where you thread them thru the nose, rotate them, and then back thru the worm an inch or so back, or does simple "nose hooking", usually, work just as well ? Thoughts on both would be appreciated. e.g., when would one possibly work better than the other ? Again, small plastics, 3-1/2 inches or so size. BTW: saw a video where the demonstrator used a screw thread into the nose, and then hooking the line to this. Claim was it saves a lot of plastic when nose hooking. Seems like a good idea. What are these called ? Brand ? Thanks, Bob
  4. Hi, Small Pond fishing here in Mass. Mainly smaller size Crappie, Largemouth & Smallmouth too, but "small". With the Mepps Aglia's, do you folks prefer the treble hook or the single hook ? Why ? If the single, do you always use with a Trailer ? If so, what do you usually use as the Trailer ? Thanks, B.
  5. Hello, =If a double Post, I apologize; pc acting up again " I do small Pond fishing here in Mass. Would like to try the Texas Rig, which I haven't ever. Two questions, please: a. I assume that the use of the slip sinker, besides getting the worm to the bottom, is to allow a fish to take the worm without actually feeling the weight of the sinker. True ? b. Pond depth is about 8 or 9 feet, max. What would be a good length of line to allow the sinker to slip thru; e.g. from the hook to the knot that would prevent further movement of the sinker up the line ? Is 1 foot adequate for 8 or 8 foot depth fishing ? Thanks, Bob
  6. Hello, Do small pond fishing mainly. Nothing "big" in it, but lots of smallmouth and largemouth. Usually fish 3 inch or so plastic worms. Have been given a few packs of 6" worms that I would like to try, but not sure how to rig them. Question. For a 6" worm, the hook is likely to be no more than, say, an inch or so back from the leading edge. No problem with the 3" size, but for a 6" worm, would, e.g., a 1 lb large or smallmouth still swallow enough of the worm to actually get to the hook ? Or, is there a better way of rigging these "larger" size worms that I should use ? Thanks, Bob
  7. Hi, Guess it's always a case of whatever works, but what is the generally accepted method for rigging and fishing those small rubbery Crawdad imitations ? e.g.: a. Always fished as a jig ? Ever just used without the jig, with just a hook rigged thru them, and dragged along the bottom ? b. And, I see now that the ZMan products have these Crawdad imitations that are buoyant. So, what's the best techniques for using these; again, as a jig, or... ? BTW: Fish ever find, and take, Crawdad's that are not on the bottom ? Or, Crawdad's always on bottom ? Thanks, Bob
  8. Hello, Great Forum; have learned a lot. Regarding the ecopro tungsten weights that Will Wetline mentioned: http://www.ecoprotungsten.com/pro-wacky-weight/ Looks like an interesting approach. Question: re the hook-eye in the middle of the weight that the hook point is ultimately threaded thru: is this metal loop from the weight supposed to be pushed all the way thru the worm until it exits on the other side, or should it be just buried 1/2 way thru the worm's diameter ? And, any hints on using or rigging ? Thanks, and best regards, Bob
  9. Hello, I fish small ponds here in Mass. Crappies and small mouth mainly; nothing "big". Would appreciate some advice as to the "best" or correct way to rig a plastic work for the Wacky Worm style of presentation. Have looked at a bunch of videos, and they seem to show both of the following ways: a. the way I do it now, is I slip a piece of electrical shrink tubing over the worm, and then thread the hook point thru the tubing AND the worm body. So, the plane of the hook, and the point, is at right angles to the worm's long axis. b. For the folks that use an "O" ring, then slipping the point right under the O ring results, of course, with the plane of the hook, and it's point being parallel to, and right along the worm long axis. So, which is "better" ? Why ? Pros and cons ? Thanks, Bob
  10. Hello, Never certain as to what is the best, or correct, method to rig a plastic worm. Would appreciate some advice on. Pretty new at this. I do small Pond fishing here is Mass. Typical Crappie, and some large and smallmouth Bass. I guess there are two basic ways: One being the use of those hooks with the small bend near the eye. The hook point goes in at the end, and then almost immediately comes out again. The hook is then rotated so as to allow the small bend to align itself. Most of the hook shank is then exposed along the underside, and the point is pushed thru the worm. Then, There seems to be the other technique where the hook (no small bend near the eye this time) is simply threaded thru the worm as far as it twill go, and the point then brought out. In this method, the hook is essentially buried in the worm, totally (except for the breakout of the point). *So, which does one use where ? Why ? *And, for small jigs (the hooks with small lead piece by the eye) which would one use ? Why ? Much thanks, Appreciate the help, Bob
  11. Hello, Will probably be purchasing a Spincast Reel for Grandson. First time fishing. Small Pond fishing. Will let him try mine first, of course, but my guess is that he would probably have trouble with the typical open-face spinning reels. I have never used a Spincast reel. a. For a good quality Spincast reel, perhaps the Zebco Omega ones, can you cast a very lightweight lure/spinner "well" ? Thinking of the very small Mepps Aglia of around 1/12 or 1/8 oz. Rod length probably 6 foot, max. b. And, for a righthander, do most retrieve with right or left hand for this type of reel ? Any thoughts would be most appreciated. Thanks, B.
  12. Hi, Will be starting my 5-1/2 yr old Grandson out for the very first time. Small Pond fishing. Would you recommend at his age, and for the first time(s), I get him the typical spinning reel like I use, or one of those Push-Button spinning reels like the Zebco ones that seem to have been around forever ? I think they are call Spincast Reels. I've never used one. Why ? Which is "easier" for a beginner ? What dis-advantages perhaps ? Or, just bit the bullet, and get him the typical kind ? Don't want to turn him off on the sport if he has to spend all day trying to untangle the reel. If the Pushbutton type you suggest, which ones ? Why ? Much thanks, appreciate the help, Bob
  13. Hi, Since the fishing catalogs have just started coming, I guess it means that winter is officially over. But, it is still below zero up here in New England. Won't be long though, hopefully. Would appreciate some advice with this. I do small Pond fishing mainly; lots of smallmouth and largemouth bass. My go-to lure is usually a small Mepps Aglia; sizes from 0 to perhaps 3 at the largest.. Always seems to work; much better than most anything else I've ever tried. Can't imagine what the fish actually take it for ? Thoughts ? I bought a few more Mepps for the coming season, but thought I'd try a Single-Hook version. What would you recommend as a Trailer ? Should I even use a Trailer ? So many zillions of rubber gizmos as potential Trailers, thought I would ask your opinions. And, how would I rig them ? Just a simple through the worm nose with the hook, or try to hide the "entire" hook into the Trailer worm (or perhaps a Craw imitation) ? New at this, so any and all thoughts and opinions on what to use as a Trailer, and how to rig them, would be most appreciated. Thanks, appreciate the help, Bob
  14. Hello, Use, and lose, a lot of Mepps Aglia Spinners. Dressed and plain styles, sizes 0 thru 3, single and treble hooks. As you can imagine, and probably experienced, just tossing them (all) into a compartment in the tackle box results in an incredible entangled mess. Same problem if just put all together in a small Plano box. Anyone ever find any product like a small box, or whatever, that keeps then "neat" and organized ? Perhaps something from the fly fishing world ? Thanks, Bob
  15. Hello, For small size largemouth & smallmouth Bass, and Crappies, do you find for Mepps Aglias that a treble or a single hook seems to work better ? Why ? Assume bare hooks in either case; no trailers How about dressed Aglias vs non. ? Why do you think so ? Regards, Bob
  16. Hello, Do you find (small pond fishing) that Small & Largemouth Bass, and/or Crappies like Trout or Salmon eggs ? Single or Clusters ? Any advantage in Salmon vs Trout eggs ? Thanks, Bob
  17. Hello, What is the "proper" hook size for a 4-1/2 plastic Craw or Grub ? What hook style do you use ? Thanks, Bob
  18. For Delaware Valley Tackle: Thanks for info.; appreciate it. Did you mean "NO appreciable effect... "with appreciable affect on casting distance" Bob
  19. Hello, Still a week or so, probably, for the last of the ice to clear on our local Pond. Seems like the winter would never, ever, end up here. But, signs of progress. Will do lots of experimenting of course, and try to find what works best for me, but thought while waiting would be interesting to read others thoughts on this. For a 7-1/2 or 8 foot Light Spinning rod ("regular" Guides; not micro): Braided line. 12 pound test 10" or so mono leader I usually like to use a mono leader, and have always in the past kept the leader and any knots outside of the guides. Would like to increase my casting distance, meaningfully, this season. Thinking that the lure a lot closer to the tip when casting might be an advantage. a. So, how close to the tip do you folks usually come with the lure at the start of the cast ? b. Using an Albright Knot, have you experienced any "problems" getting the line-to-leader knot thru the guides; particularly the tip guide ? Do you try to avoid setups where any knots have to pass thru the Guides, or usually not a problem at all ? Hints ? c. Any general thoughts on increasing casting distancel ? Best regards, Bob
  20. Hi, Yes, the Mr. Twister Keeper Hooks is what I was referring to. Can you suggest some other brands, and what they call them, for the screw lock hooks besides the Hitchhikers ? Having trouble locating this type of hook on Amazon. Thanks, Bob (OP)
  21. Hi Folks, First, a thanks for all the previous help. Much appreciated, and nice of you all to take the time to. Regarding those Mr. Keeper Worm Hooks. The ones with the extra "barb" piece hanging out of the eye. Seems like a nice idea for rigging worms and Craws. A lot easier, apparently, than using the regular hooks with the small offset by the eye that you really have to thread very carefully thru the nose of the worm. With my eyesight these days, it has become a real chore; I really butcher the noses of a lot of Senkos, etc. in trying to do it. Any pros and cons for these Keeper Hooks ? General thoughts on, etc. Thanks, Bob
  22. Hello, I noticed that many of the plastic works, Craws, etc. can be had either salt impregnated, or apparently without. You folks notice any difference in effectiveness for: Largemouth ? Smallmouth ? Crappies ? Bob
  23. Hello, Regarding those smaller size ball-bearing snap swivels (sizes 0 and 1) for freshwater use, are all of the brands avail. now (thru Amazon, e.g.) "pretty much" the same ? Any differences between SPRO, SAMPO, EAGE CLAW, etc. Any to stay away from ? Thanks, Bob
  24. For SirSnookalot, et al, "...using an Albright with 7 wraps up and 0 down," Is this the regular Albright, or modified in some way.? Pix ? Thanks, Bob
  25. Hello, Will be trying a Fluoro leader this season for the first time. Will be tying it to Power Pro braid; 10 pound. Have had suggestions to use the Alberto knot, or the Albright knot. And, that both will go thru a rod tip, which sounds good. Question: do any of you folks "coat" the knot area to make it slip thru easier via having a bit more of a streamlined shape ? Good idea, but really not required, or just silly ? If good, what do you use ? clear nailpolish perhaps, or...? Any degradation of the braided line or fluoro due to using ? BTW: what's your favorite braided line to Fluoro leader knot ? how about for the Fluoro leader to lure connection ? Regrds, Bob
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