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Everything posted by flipping-pitching

  1. I live over in Wister.
  2. Get you an "O" ring and slide it about half way up your worm. Take your hook and slide it in between your worm and the "O" ring. Pick you out that secrect spot where that big one is waiting and cast your worm over to it. Let your worm sink . Don't work it or anything, just let it sink. Once it hits the bottom, You can raise you pole up and bring it off the bottom and let it sink again or bring it all the way in and cast it out to another spot. Pay attention to your line. It may take off to the left or right. I hope that helps. I could prob. show you better than I could tell you. Good luck.
  3. 3X baits at .10 a pack. I'll takes $20 worth.
  4. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! What a pretty boat Glen. One of these days.
  5. The fist boat I bought was a 1971 14 ft. Quaticha fiberglass with a Chrylser 35 horse. A great motor by the way. Started right up, even on the coldest morning. I though the stick steer was pretty cool. I now have a 1995 Bass Tracker Pro 18 Jet with a 90 horse Merc. I really like this boat. It is perfect for the lake here by the house. I upgraded the electronics to Lowrance and will soon change the trolling motor over to a Min-Kota All Terain. Been a good boat so far.
  6. I have a 95 Pro 18 Jet. It has a 90 hp Merc. on it. I've had it for about 2 years now. Have not had any problems with it. It's perfect for Prague Lake. It is full of stumps and you have to be reallly carefull on it. I will more than likely keep this boat when I get a bigger one.
  7. I have just really started fishing plastics my self. So far I like fishing a 6 or 7 inch worm weightless or with a 16th oz. weight t-rig on a spinning outfit. I'm hooked on the c-rig. I'm having a ball with it. It takes some getting use to. I've been using a 10in floating worm with it. Good luck and enjoy the worm deal.
  8. The Woo Daves videos are great.
  9. I don't feel so bad now. My wife wanted to know why I don't ride with her anymore. All I could say was that I was going fishin'. It's like a drug. I'm highly addicted. I hope she can adjust, cause I'll sure miss her.
  10. Central Oklahoma Flippin' t-rigged 7" watermelon worm along weedbeds. Draggin' 10" pumpkun seed floating worm on a c-rig off points. Shallow to deep. About 2 ft leader.
  11. Yea, I'm having a good time with them. I think I'm getting more bites than I was just cruising down the bank chunking a spinner-bait. I kind of like the change of going to the deep water with the c-rig. I'll be fishing them for awhile before I decide to put eveything back in my boat.
  12. So far I've had the best luck useing a floating worm. I'm using the terminator 10 inch pumpkin seed. I have a boat load of plastics but have never took the time to REALLY learn them. I've caught others useing a slpit shot and flippin' a trig. But none of great size. I've caught 3 over 2lb. on crig so far. I'm hooked. Thanks
  13. About two weeks ago I decided I wanted improve my game with plastics. I decided to take every bait that was not plastic out of my boat. I flip a worm every now and again, but I found myself chunking a spinner-bait or a crank-bait after a while. Well, anyway I've been out about 6or7 times since I did this. I'll tell you, when all you have on your boat is plastics it don't take you long to start paying attention to what your doing. I caught a 6.5 lb. last friday using crig. I think I may turn into a crig type of guy. Thanks. Great stuff on here.
  14. fishing P-Line or stren
  15. senko For the crig. Floating worm or sinking?
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