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pa mountain man

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About pa mountain man

  • Birthday 09/13/1981

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    north central pa
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  1. I understand "Flaunt it if you got it", and even dumping a pile of cash into a house doesn't mean squat it this market as far as investments. Don't get me wrong, I can uderstand beauty in objects(look in my gun room), but its hard for me to grasp all of the time, energy, and sweat equity put into a machine I can't (legally) open up, or have to park a mile away to avoid door dings and bird bombs. I would probably stroke out just from worry . I'm married with children, I have enough stress .
  2. OHIO said it best. I saw the preview for season 3, I didn't care for anybody, though it was only a minute or two long, but the challenges looked impressive.
  3. I'll be the bad guy in the thread... I just never seen the point for fast, expensive, or the "after market overloads". I don't need speed, thats already regulated, and having an expensive or loaded out the wazoo vehicle depreciates with every turn of the key, it's just not a good investment. My only needs for a vehice are 4x4 for the winter, an 8' bed for firewood, and a tow package for the boat.
  4. Before I had a trailer for my boat, I hauled it in the bed of my truck(what a pain). I just loaded up from an all night trip, it was noon when a deer popped out of the brush ahead of me, and I couldn't avoid it(who hits a deer at noon?). The outboard flew through the back window almost hitting me, landed on the dash, and spider webbed the windshield. I know it was noon on a Sunday because as I was finishing the bawling deer off with a tire iron, all of the blue hairs leaving the church 200 yards down the road were all rubbernecking.
  5. It happens to everybody once in a while. I usually act as if every dink is the next world record, complete with whooping, hollarig, and jumping...I really love it when its a 3" bluegill.
  6. I'd look for a bigger used unit first. I paid $100 for a used 12.5' deep v tinny(still use it) with a 5 hp eska. I used to haul it in the bed until I hit a deer and the eska ended up on the dash,lol. Over the years, I added a trailer, fish finder, #40 trolling motor, johnson 9.9, and a small casting deck. I now have a perfect unit for myself without needing a boat worth more than my house.
  7. A few more... 1. People in public who ignore their kid who is having a meltdown. 2. Most auto part store workers...I'm there now with cash in hand, put the phone down. I've left alot of them for that reason. 3. Farting in public, I have GI issues and I can hold it. 4. Not making welfare recipients take random drug tests.
  8. 1. Ramp etiquette, have a game plan before you hold the ramp up for 45 minutes. 2. Preventive maintenance, I understand things go wrong, but having a 30 pound block of corrosion for a battery and what looks like melted gummy bears dripping from the carb. is no excuse to hold the dock up while you try to get your shoestring wrapped around the flywheel to get tubin' before you're beer gets warm. 3. Litter...there are 4 dumpsters and 7 trashcans at the lake I work at, is it really that hard? 4. Personal space, if someone wheels in and fishes beside me, I make every dink out to be like the next world record, complete with whooping and holloring until they get the message. Ever notice you never see "premium" beer bottles tossed out? Its always rotgut.
  9. 1. People who tailgate. 2. People who pull out in front of me(causing me to darn near lock the rear brakes up) when nobody is behind me, then they want to make a left turn a quarter mile down the road, and they wait for the car thats a half mile away. 3. People who put those aftermarket "burn my retina" lights in their car without changing over to a proper housing or adjusting them. 4. People who don't check their equipment. I work at a lake, and I'd guess that 40% of the trailers that I see have no working lights...I pick enough parts up off of the ramp/parking lot a year to fill a 1 ton dump truck(litterally).
  10. I read alot more than I post, and it does seem to be a little slow around here.
  11. I'll share someone else's moment that I happened to be semi involved in... My buddy and I were night fishing on a moonless swealtering night, and had just entered our favorite cove about 0300. This cove is a mile long, and has a road that runs halfway down it, but the fishing is excellent on the opposite side of the road. Through the darkness we hear "Toby! Thats it, you're done, I'm over it, get in the truck!" about once every 2 minutes. We expected to see some poor kid getting yelled at when we reached the back of the cove. As we get closer, we see that Toby is a beagle that nips at the owner's ear, who is laying on the ground surrounded by beer cans, which causes him to yell his trademark phrase. I'm running the TM, and being very quiet as I go by him, but as we're right in front of him, my buddy ripped the loudest fart I've ever heard, and that guy sat up like he was waiting for a reason, and asked if we were doing any good, but before we could answer, he layed back down and passed out. We hovered around for a while, and fed the dog our food, and watched as the guy had 100's of bugs crawling on him. Though he probably doesn't remember it, I'm sure that was one of his worst fishing trips. As for me, I hung a rattle trap up in a low hanging limb, and instead of going over to unhook it, I jerked the line, and watched the chrome missle come at my head in slow motion. I pierced my left nostril with one of the treble hooks. My buddy snipped the barb off, and I removed it with no trouble, but I bled quite alot for a while.
  12. They may not grow on trees, but they do grow in the bushes around trees. ;D
  13. Dude, eat 50 pounds of food in one sitting, and it's not "lifelong healthcare", its "your gonna die very soon" care. I agree she won't see her senior discount at Mcdonalds or ihop, but we'll foot the bill for her 2 weeks in the I.C.U at $1000-3500 per day(averages), while they try everything short of a heart transplant, that is if she doesn't eat the staff.
  14. I gaurantee we all pay for her life long health care. >
  15. I have the upmost respect for emergency services, but that kid thought he was the commander in chief ;D. I could write a book on the weird stuff that happens in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. For example: One January morning(3:00 a.m.) I'm making my rounds, and as I enter the parking lot, I see a large group of teenage girls clapping and screaming. Farther out in the parking lot, I see two teenage boys racing in nothing but their underware. I pull along side of them and ask if we were sponsoring the "undie 500" this year, and they told me they were trying to impress the young ladies, in which I replied that running naked in January won't impress too many ladies if you get my drift.
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