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Everything posted by Push_Button_Bassin

  1. Going to be a glutton for punishment and give the bass another shot. Last weekend (except for a 3 lb pickerel) and yesterday, I couldn't scare up a single bite. I'd still rather be fishing than Christmas shopping.
  2. I hear you Nashua. It's tough fishing but I've been having good luck switching between weighted tube worms and deep diving crankbaits. I read something the other day that said to fish away from the weed beds because they suck up the oxygen while they're dying off and it worked like a charm yesterday and I boated 4 bass in the 2-3 lbs range fishing with my back towards the weeds.
  3. Ice out on Thursday, kayak in on Friday. 4-lber on Saturday (after losing a nicer one yesterday). The bass are definitely "poppin" today. Found a shallow pattern that seems to be working so I'll head back out again in a few before the weather changes again.
  4. After fishing with my Dad forty something years ago and watching him take his fisherman's billy to a large pickerel that had chomped his jitterbug, I decided that bass, having no teeth, were a much better fish to catch and have worked on tactics that would avoid pickerel.
  5. I live in southern NH and the pond I live on (90 acres) has 6 inches of clear blue ice. I use a power drill with a 3/4 inch bit to drill test holes. It's quicker and easier than my auger. Not sure whether the rain we had affected the pond. Saturday was packed with ice fisherman. Nothing today, but it is a Monday.
  6. Nice fish there Shane. My biggest was 5 lbs 2 oz. My Tracker's been put away for a month, but I usually run my jon boat til the ice comes in. This year, I've been having more fun in the kayak. I'm finding that, when I'm in the kayak, the fish end up pulling me rather than having the line snap when I'm in the boat.
  7. Took the kayak out this afternoon onto Kingston Lake. Only got one bite, but it was a 4 lb 7oz. LMB. I'll take those kind of bites. Nice and fat. Couldn't resist a weightless Senko while the wind was pushing me around the lake. Caught it at 2 p.m. in the sunny shallows.
  8. Drifted a senko on Kingston lake and managed to boat a 1lb and 2 lb LMB in the kayak. Should have brought a camera, but didn't think I'd get the bite.
  9. The bass were definitely waking up on the pond this weekend. It was nice not catching pickerel for once.
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