I bought the TT frog this past year and overall like the design of it but the plastic is so dang hard it seems like it would really hinder hooksets. I've got some Spros and they are okay but haven't found anything as effective in my area as the cheap little popping scum frogs.
Lifetime Kentucky fan, former student and longtime employee here. Don't like the Tarholes but I do respect them as being the 2nd best program around. Can't believe we have multiple Puke fans here.
I've done pretty well with the poppin Spro but nothing beats the old fashion scum frog. I fished the popper scum frog probably 90% of the time I was on the water this year and had my best year ever. My fishing partner fished a ton with Spros and I bet I got double the hits. I also picked up a Tru Tungsten frog which looks really nice but the plastic body is hard as a rock so I never really used it.
I used to fish the heck out of buzzbaits and had really good luck with both black and white. This year I fished with frogs probably 90% of the time (so addicted) and really didn't find a lot of difference between the colors. With the Spros I mostly used green but I also did well with black. My main bait was the little $3 popping scum frog. They are so cheap so I had several of every color and I found they all worked about the same. They were either hitting frogs or they weren't. If they weren't hitting, changing colors never helped, and if they were hitting frogs then they didn't seem to give a darn what color it was.
Yeah from my experience catching spots they definitely school more and are all over about any timber. I've seen a few decent spots and they are fun to catch but definitely average quite a bit less in weight. They were always very very proficient at pulling the tails off my zoom lizards.
I'm with you (of course I also spent 10 years studying serial killers and reviewing crime scene photos at UofL)...that ain't nothing!
Well the pics weren't THAT bad but thinking of UofLousyville makes me want to hurl.
I started bass fishing using 6 and 4 inch zoom lizards and caught tons of fish with them. I have since totally lost the patience to fish soft plastics but they definitely work very well.
Okay I found what game it was that I had. It was called Bass Tour and the designer was Dick Olsen in 1991. Now to find a download for it....
Ok here's a download. I can't verify that it works but I was able to download it fine.
Man I wish I still had it. I spent many hours playing. A lot of those old games are still floating around the WWW I just wish I could remember the title. I am going to do my best to scrounge it up.
I had a DOS game on floppy disk like that many years ago probably in the early 90s. The one I had was very simplistic graphically (somewhere between Atari and NES). I remember you could use scents and and in each lake there was one humongous bass that was nearly impossible to catch. Pretty sure it pre-dated Trophy Bass by quite a bit. I do remember losing lots of baits on snags. I think that was also the game where bowfins would mangle your lures but I could have it confused with another game. Can't for the life of me remember what it was called.
Haven't fished it yet but I got my TT frog in the mail last week. It is a good looking frog but it is made from much stiffer material than the Spro. I dunno if that will have much of an impact on hooksets although I imagine it would be less likely to hang up and grab moss. A good looking frog though and I'll hopefully be putting it through its paces after work today.
Yeah that is what I have come to believe also. I grew up with my Grandpa saying East winds are bad and it has proved to be pretty darn accurate in my experience. Not to say you can't catch fish with an east wind but bites are noticeably slower almost every time. This is in Kentucky btw.
I've been fishing two or three times since the cold front hit and have definitely been catching a lot less fish but the ones my friend and I have caught have been quite a bit larger on average than normal. We've been using popping frogs and getting hits on the outside edge of the weedlines and moss and some were open water about 15 feet out from the bank. Before the front hit they were holding much closer to the bank and deeper in the cover/slop. This is on a relatively shallow, vegetation infested lake in central KY (Lexington).
I had pretty good luck with the popper. I honestly catch more fish on the cheap little popping scum frog than I do on all the other frogs put together.
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