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Everything posted by 7mm-08

  1. Well I hunted with a 30-30 for many years but as my screenname would attest, I'm a bit very partial to the 7mm-08. I prefer short actions and I love the .308 family from the .243 on up to the .358.
  2. Slice of bread will do the trick as well.
  3. Pretty nifty. I've never seen those before.
  4. Nope they are definitely not needed. I have a baitcaster but use it less than 22.897% of the time.
  5. I haven't used Owner worm hooks, but I've had good luck with their treble hooks.
  6. I used to fish Roostertails a lot and they catch a ton of fish but they don't spin quite as reliably as some others. A quick pop at the beginning of your retrieve will usually get things spinning. I didn't use Blue Fox spinners quite as much but they do work well. Beetlespins are just as effective as any. The inline I have used exclusively the last few years is the one made by Terminator. The ones I own have a dressed treble-hook. You can also get the same spinner but it has a single-hook and grub and is sold as a weedless bait (at twice the cost). This is a fish-catching beast and on an ultralight it can be cast for pretty good distance. Inlines and especially the Terminator will probably always be my "if all else fails" bait.
  7. I fished UL almost exclusively for a few years until I got into topwater frogging a few years ago. Inline spinners are my favorite UL baits by a lot. You can catch about any species and any size of fish on them from 4" bass fingerlings to 8+ lb catfish. I don't use it much anymore, but I always carry my UL setup for those days when I can't buy a bite. If they aren't biting the inline spinner, then it's time to enjoy the scenery or go home.
  8. I love the President but if you want a little cheaper you may look at the Abu Garcia Cardinal 100-series . I've put mine through heck and it has held up very well.
  9. I remember wading the creek with my G-pa as a kid catching Redeye/rock bass on live crawdads. The lake I fish most frequently is full of chunky Warmouth which is basically the reservoir version of Redeyes. They'll hit about anything a bass will and they are great for fish tanks if you like native fish.
  10. Either round would be great for deer. I would go for the rifle that suited me better.
  11. I had read a lot of good reviews on the Vendetta but I when I handed it I thought it weighed a ton (relatively speaking). I handled the Veritas today at Dick's and was pretty impressed. If I can catch a good sale on one I may have to add it to my collection soon.
  12. Well I guess I've caught several fish on what was intended to be the last cast. The only thing is that if I catch a fish like that then I am certain to cast a few more times. So I guess the answer is no, I have never caught a fish on the last cast.
  13. Well before everyone tells you to read the FAQs and this gets locked.......the snake is not well respected around here and it is definitely overpriced. That said, I have seen that it can be effective. It works decent for bass and the warmouth love it even though it is longer than they are.
  14. I love spinning rods and I love using them for frogs. I tend to use the lighter frogs such as scumfrogs so I can cast them much better with a spinning outfit. Get a rod with a decent backbone and spool up some premium, low-stretch line and go have a blast. It may not fit in with some of the elitest opinions around here (JK), but I've found a cheap ol' Lightning Rod works very well for frogging. I've moved on to more expensive stuff for my other styles of fishing, but for frogging I keep going back to the 6'6" Lightning Rod. I'd be willing to put my hookup % on frogs up against most people's. The aforementioned may not apply if you are catching 8+ pound sows with regularity, but it definitely will put nice size fish in the boat with no problems.
  15. You are speaking my language when you talk of topwater. I don't have much to add to what has already been said but I'll throw in my 2 pennies anyway. A black and a white buzzbait will both work very well. Many people only use them at dusk/dawn and on overcast days but I have caught countless bass during the day when using them in shaded areas. I consider shade "structure" just like vegetation or stumps, etc. when fishing a buzzer. Spooks and poppers are fun choices but when I think topwater, I think hollow-bodied frog. There are finally getting to be several good frogs on the market and I've used several of them with good luck, but, the one frog I've had the most luck with (by quite a bit) is the lowly Scum Frog, more specifically the popping version. They cost less than $3 which makes them even more attractive to my bank account. I've found them to be quite versatile. They are great at fishing slop and vegetation due to their weedless nature. They skip very easily so it makes getting under docks/overhanging trees a breeze. They are poppers so they are good at drawing strikes in more open water as well. It takes a bit of practice to get the timing down on hooksets but it is so much fun I don't mind a few misses. Actually, getting into topwater like I have has honestly been a bit detrimental to my fishing because there are plenty of days I know I could throw on a soft plastic bait and do better but I won't. I just have too much fun fishing topwater and since I don't fish tourneys, having fun is what I'm all about.
  16. I'd say with me it varies a lot depending on the technique/bait I'm using, my mood, and even between different fish on the the same day. If I'm fishing a topwater frog, then the initial bite + getting a good hookset will be what excites me the most. With my UL setup, fighting a big fish on light tackle + the landing of said fish with UL equipment are going to be the best. Those are my two favorite ways to fish and give the same thrill in different ways. Some fish hit lightly then pull like a truck once hooked. Some dinks hit like an NFL linebacker. In a nutshell, I can get my "fix" on any of the four and I really couldn't pick a favorite.
  17. I think an Abu Cardinal reel would do the trick. I haven't used the Trion specifically but I love my Pflueger President and Supremes.
  18. Lol, I've dreamed about catching fish out of puddles in my grandparents yard a few times.
  19. Yeah I've caught a few channel cats on Roostertails over the years. I've had friends catch some nice flatheads on soft plastics as well.
  20. Another vote for Flooger President.
  21. I've caught many a nice bass on small inline spinners such as roostertails and blue foxes etc. I ALWAYS keep a Terminator inline spinner tied on my UL setup for days when the fish just don't want to bite.
  22. I can't attest to his surfing habits, but I have a friend that got multiple viruses (virii?) while using Microsoft Security. I have never had a single problem with AVG and I have been know to browse questionable websites on occasion.
  23. I've been using the free version of AVG for several years now with no problems.
  24. Gonna be UK! Whoooo! First Final 4 since my oldest daughter was born! We've gotten revenge on every team that beat us this year except the Razorbacks. Should be a great game against the Huskies.
  25. 7mm-08


    Go CATS!!!
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