If you haven't hooked yourself you don't fish enough. My worst came on the St. Regis River in the Adirondacks. A tiny small mouth hit my chug-bug while fishing in my kayak. About 20 feet from the boat a 30" pike devoured the small mouth and my lure. Got him to the kayak, line way too tight. Chickened out from grabbing the fish with the really nasty teeth so I grabbed my line above the lure and the pike gave his last fight right then and spit the hook catapulting it into the index finger of my left hand burying it well past the barb. Be darned if I could get it out. My chug-bug now hangs in the glass showcase in the hallway of the Saranac Lake, NY Hospital Emergency room with more then 1,000 other lures that they have dug out of fishermen over the years.
Until later,
Led Blimp