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Grey Wolf

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Everything posted by Grey Wolf

  1. Follow the water.
  2. Fantastic as usual !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Welcome Steve.
  4. Thanks for remembering our four legged friends.
  5. Welcome.
  6. Welcome.
  7. Throw all your non-shimano products in the trash , replace them all with shimano products and send RW a cerified check for 100.00 and he will send you a certicate stating you are a bonafide member of "the posse".
  8. Welcome. Some of us don't care where you're from , we're all fisherman/women here.
  9. Too early to tell but LSU will tell you what your Mountaineers are made of.
  10. rifles aren't allowed in Ohio to hunt deer are they ? It's been a long time since I've been hunting for anything , just curious.
  11. I've got all the fishing equipment I'll ever need but I'll probably buy alot more before I croak.
  12. That's a big under taking for a 15 yr. old. Good luck with your endeavor.
  13. That's kind of scarey !
  14. Carp probably , never have seen a brownish channel cat.
  15. Fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I used to have that problem when I had too much to drink.
  17. Are you sure they were senko's ?
  18. Man why in the hell would you let the whole fricking world know your personal family life and making your wife look like she's a selfish crying idiot. You're got a lot to learn about being a man. Grow up.
  19. West Virginia.
  20. Give him a big atta boy from me !!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Welcome again.
  22. Stretch braid defeats the purpose even if it does what its susposed to do.
  23. It doesn't matter what we think , hope you enjoy your new reel.
  24. I think as long as you keep the colors seperated you'll be OK.
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