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Grey Wolf

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Grey Wolf last won the day on October 30 2011

Grey Wolf had the most liked content!

About Grey Wolf

  • Birthday 10/26/1948

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three

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Grey Wolf's Achievements

Double Digit

Double Digit (9/9)



  1. Very bad results with the red crap , wouldn't use it again if you paid me. You must not have met many anglers.
  2. Glenn and Keri.......MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!! I hope many good things come your way.
  3. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :xmasicon_razz:
  4. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay here. It truly is a great site.
  5. Why do you think they would do away with the 5 fish limit ?
  6. You may be surprised this time around.
  7. No comparsion on these two . Stradic by a mile but it should be since its really a higher priced model than the other one is.
  8. Hope you will enjoy your stay here.
  9. It'll do the job.
  10. I'm relieved to find out there is another coach besides Clevelands that puts his quarterbacks health in jeopardy when he shouldn't have been allowed to play the game on one leg. WIN AT ALL COST !!!!!!!!!!!! What a shame.
  11. That looks like an accident waiting to happen. Save your money on this one.There are many more viable options out there.
  12. Why's every one so happy ? Now we have a twenty something year old kid running a communist country that is geared for war . That's something that's scarey.
  13. You base this statement on what ?
  14. It's funny that so many people who are watching the same thing , see it in so many differant versions.
  15. It really is the old "SKY IS FALLING" theme by people.
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