One HUGE misconception regarding beef, venison, poultry, etc. is that you should wash it before cooking. As unappetizing as it may seem to some, blood = flavor. When you run red meat under water is clears away blood which will cause the meat to actually cook faster and dryer. Also, it will remove any flavor once its cooked. Blood keeps the meat moist and allows the muscle fibers to stay intact during cooking. This also keeps the meat tender.
If the meat is bad, water isn't going to help you out anyway. Remember, the temperature danger zone is 41-140 degrees. Any meat, fish, poultry left in this temp range for more than 4 hours should be given some SERIOUS consideration before eating. Bacteria growth almost triples every hour in this range. That is why it is so very important to harvest your animals humanely and field dress them as soon as possible. The quicker you can get any meat from that temp range below 41 degrees the healthier, happier you will be when you enjoy it on the table.