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Everything posted by Sfritr

  1. You sir, are a total A@@ CLOWN!!!!! Your Narcissistic Personality Disorder makes me sick to my stomach. I can't actually believe I missed sleep to watch that train wreck. No remorse, no sorrow, no guilt. It was like watching a life long politician up there. (no political talk intended) Did anyone else watch that before tossing your cookies?
  2. That is AWESOME!!! Love the girl who starts crying...
  3. EXCELLENT...... http://www.duluthtrading.com/ Also, the fire hose pants are very good quality
  4. Chris: Sorry for your loss However, thats called "thinning the herd" What would have been even funnier is if you would have jumped out of the car, snatched up the bird, looked around quickly like John Belushi in Animal house, jumped back in the truck and sped off.
  5. Whats even more amazing is that the coach has stayed for 27 seasons. In this day of the "no real contract obligation" college ranks, a coach of such tenure should be commended. It has long been an argument in Ohio that Union should be moved up a division to a D2 level. they are pretty good
  6. hahaha Talk about a PUCKER factor
  7. Thank you again for your service!!! Congratulations your welcome in my boat anytime.
  8. Thanks AJay!!! As soon as I got home yesterday my wife and son had the box sitting on the living room floor staring at it. LOL I kept telling them that it was addressed to me and only me so they couldn't open it. I couldn't wait till christmas so we tore into it. It was then that the horror washed over me as I realized that in my giddiness to wrap my gift I had forgotten to put in the card for my giftee.. Sorry Jeff I cannot wait to toss these baits!!! Live Target Frog Live Target Smelt Live Target Perch 10' Power Worms VMC Tungsten weights Trokar worm hooks God Bless
  9. I have a buddy named Larry. His landscape trailer and business cards have a picture of the three stooges and reads Larry moes, where's Curly? Give us a call, we'll cut early
  10. Zona is a goof. He is also a good guy. That is funny stuff
  11. Best part of my job is leaving it..........
  12. Last year was extremely fun and funny to see reactions. Helpful hints: When you get your person, read through his/her posts on the profile to get an idea of their needs etc. Make sure you post a picture of your gifts and or reaction once you open the present. That was a cool aspect last year IMO. Happy Holidays
  13. NOT a fan of Taylor, not country... BTW, what happened to Faith??? She looked like a train wreck!!! I get the braces thing, but, have a slice of pizza and a doughnut for heavens sake... I always thought she was beautiful but it looks as if the gelcoat is getting a bit oxidized.......... Carrie looked amazing! Also, I didn't see or hear anything from Jamey Johnson??? That guy is a total throwback and I think his music is fantastic
  14. X3 on this
  15. And don't forget Kentuckians, you cannot purchase alcohol until the polls close. So, stock up on Monday One of the dumbest laws out there. Its not 1860 and we are not slicking the hands of voters with moonshine. We have bettered ourselves since those days. Now we slick the hands with special interest groups and drug money....
  16. 50+ mph winds and now snow here in Cincinnati. Sandy, I am NOT taking you to prom this year........ I picture Rhino sitting on top of a lobster boat screaming at Sandy like Gary Sinease in Forrest Gump during the storm scene.
  17. I would second what Shooter stated above. As far as a brand for a young shooter, the Diamond Razors Edge is an excellent setup for a young shooter. The bow can grow with the shooter(or vice versa) The draw length and pundage can be adjusted from 15lbs up to 65lbs and the limbs can be adjusted. My son is 13 and has had the bow for 3 years. It will be his bow up into his late teens unless he upgrades himself. good luck
  18. I am so sick of the constant droning and excuses the national media has made for the "storied" Yankees....... Guess What? YOU GOT SWEPT BY A FAR BETTER BALLCLUB!!!!!!!!!!! Once again Detroit's accomplishments get swept under the rug... 2 earned runs in 36 innings of baseball. Nuff said Looks like I'm driving back to the "D" to watch a world series game next weekend....
  19. Actually, as much as I hate St.Louis the ump got the call right. Although he made it WAAAYYYY late: Rule 2.00 (infield Fly) "On the infield fly rule the umpire is to rule whether the ball could ordinarily have been handled by an infielder - not by some arbitrary limitation such as the grass, or the base lines. The umpire must rule that the ball is an infield fly, even if handled by an outfielder, if, in the umpire's judgment, the ball could have been as easily handled by an infielder." Agreed: a split second before the ball hits the ground is a bit late. And, at least it was good to see Chipper end his career on a hit.
  20. Every Day smokes: oliva NUB, Fuente short Story, Fuente Hemingway Bonfire relaxation smoke: Padron Anniversary,
  21. Correct. Especially red meat. Besides, any creepy crawlies that may be on it will burn off once it hits a 375 degree grill. Think of taking a sponge that is plump full of the best steak juice imaginable and putting it under running water. What happens? all the yummy goodness washes away leaving, well, a sponge. Also, if you purchase meat from a store like kroger etc. and it is packaged in the styrofoam tray covered in plastic do not run that under water to thaw if you put it in the freezer. It is best to remove it, place it on a plate, and let it thaw in the fridge. Then, once it is thawed, allow your steaks to sit out at room temp for a bit before cooking. You'll be surprised at the difference in flavor.
  22. I am overcome by correct responses to this question so here are a few answers: 1. Yes, I have been known to wake up next to a few in my time 2. No, but I have seen a Bigshoe 3. Yes, Shaq's 4. Not usually until I wake up 5. No, but I do have a pet Chupacabre
  23. And on the flip side of this topic, YES wash it frequently. Nobody likes fromunda cheese.......
  24. NO!! One HUGE misconception regarding beef, venison, poultry, etc. is that you should wash it before cooking. As unappetizing as it may seem to some, blood = flavor. When you run red meat under water is clears away blood which will cause the meat to actually cook faster and dryer. Also, it will remove any flavor once its cooked. Blood keeps the meat moist and allows the muscle fibers to stay intact during cooking. This also keeps the meat tender. If the meat is bad, water isn't going to help you out anyway. Remember, the temperature danger zone is 41-140 degrees. Any meat, fish, poultry left in this temp range for more than 4 hours should be given some SERIOUS consideration before eating. Bacteria growth almost triples every hour in this range. That is why it is so very important to harvest your animals humanely and field dress them as soon as possible. The quicker you can get any meat from that temp range below 41 degrees the healthier, happier you will be when you enjoy it on the table.
  25. Well, Summer is officially over. More significantly, my son's baseball season is over. I can finally have free time again. After six months of 6 day a week practice/games it is done. The boys made an impactful season taking 3rd in the nation at the Ripken Nationals in Myrtle Beach. They compiled a record of 40-8 with two tournament wins and an impressive showing at the Perfect Game inagural 12U tournament. My Son threw a six inning perfect game striking out 9 with 3 flyballs and 3 weak grounders. Very Proud of them..... Time to start training for next season starting next Wednsday. www.cincinnatispikes.com Proverbs 27:17
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