I truly respect the opinions and feedback given on this site. Recently, I have been going through a mid life crisis of sorts. Like many, I no longer enjoy my job. I have been in the restaraunt/bar business for almost 20 years. Its just not fun anymore and to work 65-75+ hours a week and not enjoy what your doing weighs heavily. My wife and I have, within the last year, welcomed God into our lives. I don't consider myself a bible thumper by any means but I do acknowledge he plays a role in our lives. And, I have felt his presence in my daily life recently.
I feel the need to change my line of work. First and foremost, because I'm unhappy but I also feel the need to help others in some fashion. The problem: I don't have the foggiest idea?? I would love to work with our returning heros in some fashion or with children. Really, I just feel like I could be making a difference somewhere and cannot in my current line of work. I make a modest salary so money isn't the goal. I'd be happy to move somewhat laterally and have more time for family.
I just feel a bit stuck and want some honest feedback. Thanks everyone