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Everything posted by Sfritr

  1. Nope sorry, only in the pouches. www.grinds.com
  2. Used to do a can a day. For those looking for a healthy alternative try Grinds. Www.grinds.com It is flavored coffee grinds in dip pouches like bandits. They come n three favors mocha,chocolate mint, and cinnamon roll. Each pouch is like a 1/4 cup of expresso. I have found that it satisfies the oral habit of dip and Gives you a caffeine fix in the process. Grinds were designed by two ex minor league ball players and were on shark tank. Give them a try you won't be disappointed.
  3. Just remember: Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another" When you need a laugh or a little pick me up your BR bretheren will be right here.... God Bless
  4. A few things: 1. That model was a standard on my 96 Stratos. It just had a Johnson sticker on the side instead of Evinrude. The thrust was 47lbs and it pushed my 18ft bass boat until about 3 months ago. Those TM are tanks!! you can purchase parts, props, pins, covers, etc. online. 2. You may want to be careful as I believe they only come in 42 in shaft length. That may be too short for a toon. Also, IMO that would be underpowered for a 24ft toon. 3. There are two sized props for that motor, I believe it was an 8" and a 12" You'll have to check the bottom of the prop to determine which one fits. Good luck
  5. My first thought: Is the kill switch not attached? This may cause the key not to slide into the hole and would also cause the motor not to turn over. Second: And this is more of a comment, why take the key out of the ignition, ever? Mine stays in the ignition 24/7. I keep a spare hidden on my boat and in my truck just in case. Your key may be bent or something causing it to not slide into the hole properly. Good Luck
  6. Post the photos here or send me a PM. My neighbor is an expert in rare fishing lures. He has made a good living buying and selling old fishing gear. His basement is a museum. There are a few that he has in his posession that are worth more than my boat, truck, and first born child...
  7. Welcome to the forums Tylor!! You will find everything you could ever need right here on the BR forums. Let me know if you ever need any assistance
  8. First boat was a 96 18ft Stratos 278 w/ a 150 Johnson. Still fishing out of it. The best bass boat I have ever owned. (and the only one). I am the third owner and it still looks new. Hits 63mph on the water with normal loads, is very good in rough water, and fits in my garage. BTS on the outside and Seafoam on the inside religiously. I've had to replace two power packs, and one set of steering cables. I paid 5k for it 6 years ago and could still get 5k for it in my opinion. Treat them well and safely and they will treat you the same...
  9. X2 Also, Check out Kens Marina on 9 mile. Best burgers on the lake made fresh.
  10. There is a very good chance that a bird snatched that little guy from the lake only to drop him accidentally on his way back to the nest.
  11. Then get yourself some BTS and watch it shine.. http://btsprotectant.com/ At one time they were a sponsor here. Only thing I use on my boat
  12. NHL doesn't start until the "second season" Although, an impressive feat nonetheless. Go REDWINGS!!
  13. Looks like a lump of coal in my stocking every year isn't such a bad thing after all.
  14. hahahahaha AWESOME!!! "No, I did not eat those sprinkles." How was Mom not laughing her @$$ off???? I could not have interrogated him with a straight face.
  15. Yeah, most of us are crazy already anyway. I always *** my HVAC guys. they get to leave at the end of the day.....
  16. My wife does OK.... She uses a St.Croix rod and a Zebco push button reel. Fishes for an hour, sunbathes for 45 minutes, etc. But, the girl has skills
  17. I truly respect the opinions and feedback given on this site. Recently, I have been going through a mid life crisis of sorts. Like many, I no longer enjoy my job. I have been in the restaraunt/bar business for almost 20 years. Its just not fun anymore and to work 65-75+ hours a week and not enjoy what your doing weighs heavily. My wife and I have, within the last year, welcomed God into our lives. I don't consider myself a bible thumper by any means but I do acknowledge he plays a role in our lives. And, I have felt his presence in my daily life recently. I feel the need to change my line of work. First and foremost, because I'm unhappy but I also feel the need to help others in some fashion. The problem: I don't have the foggiest idea?? I would love to work with our returning heros in some fashion or with children. Really, I just feel like I could be making a difference somewhere and cannot in my current line of work. I make a modest salary so money isn't the goal. I'd be happy to move somewhat laterally and have more time for family. I just feel a bit stuck and want some honest feedback. Thanks everyone
  18. It always amazes me when the discussion of "the best NBA player ever" gets brought up. Arguably the best player in my opinion, who is often overlooked, The Big O.... Oscar Robertson. How can anyone deny a player who averaged a triple double for an entire season. All time leading scorer in ICIncinnati history and only played 3 years. The man was sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet before it became cool. He JUST PLAYED
  19. Good Choice and Congrats!!! I have a 96 Stratos (3rd owner) and it has performed well above my expectations for 6 years now. Great in rough water, fast, reliable. I turn the key, she starts. I have had to replace 2 power packs on my Johnson. Also a 96.
  20. Weighed 6.7lbs Biggest fish on the trip to Patoka Lake in IN. Funny thing is my wife fishes with a St.Croix rod and a zebco 202 push button reel. LMAO She just prefers it for some reason. Its not the equipment, its how you use it..... (Also, what I tell my wife)
  21. <--------------------------------------------------- the wife
  22. Hey Raider I lived in flint for almost 10 years and just moved 2 years ago. How do you have an affiliation with the 810??? Btw, Scorcher, your underage? The owner is paying you without paying taxes? That usually works out about as well as a fat kid trying to play dodgeball......
  23. Beckham is out of a job at the moment..... His wife can make cookies for the kids.
  24. I have one on my 96 stratos. Been there since the factory. I am the third owner of the boat and I said I would upgrade when it broke. I saw no need to replace a perfectly good working motor. Well, its ugly, it doesn't have a ton of thrust, but it is a tank and is still running fine. (My wife says its just like me) I have replaced the prop once in 6 years. However, I have busted the pin that holds the prop in place. Its only a $6 part but I think its time to put her to rest as I bent the shaft last summer as well. I actually like the foot pedal better than any on the market so I'm not sure what brand to go with next. It kinda like a Chevy vs. Ford thing with TMs
  25. Have any of you had the chance to use this product yet? I wonder if it would hold up on a boat? It seems like a home boat wrap kit in a can. I can definately see myself trying a few cans on my trailer.
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