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About powerfish

  • Birthday 12/30/1961

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    <p>Bakercity  OR.</p>

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  1. Thanks guys. Tried the lizard nothing but perch, However I threw a top water till i was ready to throwup, started to catch a few, need to fine tune the size, color speed ect. but starting to get on them. Thanks for the help.
  2. Both replys are execellent. I will head up there tonite and give both ideas a try. Thanks... I'll report back.
  3. Hi Everybody, I fish a lake in oregon full of yellow perch, I mean millions of them. the lake is about 3 miles long and 1/2 mile wide so not very big. Fall is approaching and the bite should be hot. I have a spot on the lake where the bass reside in the fall and winter, and as I went over it last week my graph was black with balls of perch thousands of them. I know the bass are there but cant hardly get through the perch to the bass, 3-4pound bass are common and when I do, NOTHING! I covered the lake from 1ft to 60ft of water. The perch are everywhere and cant keep them off 1/2 oz spinner baits, 5 inch jerk baits, senkos, jigs, top water, Tubes to C-rigs and ect. Small baits are useless also. . The bass wont eat! Is it because they are gorged on the perch? water temp is about 62 degrees. Kinda baffeld. Any Ideas? Thanks
  4. Should be good, The water temps should be in the fiftys. Will be prespawn, ( Jerks baits, rattle traps, spinner bait ect. ) so look for that pattern. Depends what area of the columbia your fishing but it has some nice flats next to deep water. It's big water with alot of current at times. Lots of grass also, I have keyed in on grass flats and killed them before. Biggest thing is look for the current breaks. Enjoy
  5. Hi everybody. Heading to the river tomorrow and would like some advice. I fish the snake river for smallies, this is a resivoir more than a river. It has little current and can be as deep as 200ft. No cover to speak of just rocks and bluffs. The water temp is 50-54 degrees. The water has turned over and according to the water temp guages at the dams, the water temp has equallized. First question is why are the smallies still in 30 - 50ft of water. I have tried to catch them on the banks and I catch largemouth about 10 to 1. At what point will the smallies head to the banks and be catchable, If at all. I'm puzzeled! Seems to me they should be putting on the feed bag. I can drop shot them in 50ft of water but sometimes that doesnt agree with them very well. I have tried coves, points, secondary points, flats and bluffs. Water clairty is good 8-12ft. weather has been a bit unstable, with some rain and a bit of wind for the last week. I just started fishing in the late fall so I'm a bit confused. The smallies are deeper than the Largies. Any ideas, Thanks
  6. Lots of good info guys, Thanks. Most of our tournys are won in the same places also, It's just a matter if your there at the right time. I would think mabey some of the fish would stay aroud because of the food supply and the type of structure ect. Most of the river looks the same with suttle changes. Thanks Ray
  7. Ok sports fans here's a question thats been plauging me for awhile. I fish the snake river in OR. not that that matters but, the river is about 1\4mile wide at it's widest points and up to 100+ feet in depth and the portion of river fished the most is about 35-40 miles long with smallmouth being the dominate fish . Now...... when we fish tournys say 30 miles from where we weigh in, and release the fish at 100-300 yards from the weigh in point, will those fish travel back to where they were caught? Or part way or just find a new place somewhere close and live there. And is it the same for largies as smallies? What kind of range do they have? Thanks Ray
  8. Yep, Thats outstanding. Looks like a good fishing platform. And 54 MPH! two years ago I would have killed to go that fast with a 120hp on the back of mine. Nice work.
  9. I have a 1999 Champion 187, And use a 1997 Dodge ram 1500 with a 5.2 liter (318 cu.) 5 speed. good gas mi. But lacks a little power. I guess you have to sacrifice some where.
  10. Thanks for all the input, I will consider all your advice.
  11. Hello everybody, I was just pondering the thought of a boat towing, on the water mech. retreval type of service. Does anybody do this where they live or know of anyone that has a busniess like this? This would be on a river/man made reservoir thats about fifty+ miles in length. I have broke down before and had no where to turn and would have paid good money to get me and my boat back to the dock. Just thinking. Any input will be appreciated. Ray
  12. Hey bassattack sounds like you will be in my neck of the woods. I live about 2 hours from the columbia and have fished some tournys there. It is a awsome fishery however it can be fickel also. As far as what holes to fish...pick one it is a giant river and depending on what part of the river you plan to fish, ie. upper, mid or lower. The smallie are huge and the largies are even bigger. It has a lot of current when flowing, very deciving and can be very calm when the current is shut off. Be carefull it is big water and can get very nasty when the wind blows, I mean six foot rollers that will swamp you in a hurry. However it's a blast to fish, Find grass beds for largies and throw a craw colored yo zury or rattel trap and rip it through the grass. drop shot or c-rig for smallies and dont be afraid to fish them in fifty to sixty feet of water, But try shallow first and where there is and river or tributary entering the main river. Other than that have fun.
  13. I live about 1 hour from both fisheries ( snake and columbia) and I think they are great. I have seen bags of fish during tournys that are 20 plus pounds from both rivers, five fish limits. You can catch up to 75 and mabey more fish in a day on the snake with alot of fish in the 2-3 pound range, But you also catch alot of 1 pounders. The columbia has bigger fish overall I think but not the numbers, for me anyway. I dont have any other rivers to compare them to but have had very good results from both rivers.
  14. Can you tell me what the color is called and or the brand, I'm always looking for something new. Thanks.
  15. Wow thanks, lots of info there. baby diaper yellow? hmmm, I havent seen that one yet. Might give it a try. I tried the jerk bait and had only a couple hits, Caught 5 or 6 on a 1/2oz spinner bait, but caught most on a dropshot tube, most were about 1-1 1/2 pounds would sure like to find a 3-4 pounder . I will focus on the main areas you discussed. Thanks Ray
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