Hi Everybody, I fish a lake in oregon full of yellow perch, I mean millions of them. the lake is about 3 miles long and 1/2 mile wide so not very big. Fall is approaching and the bite should be hot. I have a spot on the lake where the bass reside in the fall and winter, and as I went over it last week my graph was black with balls of perch thousands of them. I know the bass are there but cant hardly get through the perch to the bass, 3-4pound bass are common and when I do, NOTHING! I covered the lake from 1ft to 60ft of water. The perch are everywhere and cant keep them off 1/2 oz spinner baits, 5 inch jerk baits, senkos, jigs, top water, Tubes to C-rigs and ect. Small baits are useless also. . The bass wont eat! Is it because they are gorged on the perch? water temp is about 62 degrees. Kinda baffeld. Any Ideas? Thanks