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About Cavfirst

  • Birthday 08/19/1972

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    Lower Arkansas

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  1. Torn between what action is best I know its probably personal preference but just wondering which action everyone prefers. Will be using mostly KVD and RC 1.5's, H2O's and every once in awhile probalby a Strike King Series 1 this rod will also double as a Lipless crankbait rod in fairly light cover. Should I go with 7 MH Mod crankbait rod glass/graphite or a 7 Medium graphite with a fast action okay and if that aint enough of a choice I also have a 7 graphite Medium with a extra fast action all these rods are G blanks rods built on batson blanks I beleive. So come on guys and let me have your years of fishing knowledge.
  2. Drinking a Posting what a great way to spend all these rainy days. Now everything is flooded tournaments posponed more drinking more posting. Oh Yeah I dont think you will be disappointed with the ALL Star rods specially if you are on a budget very good rods for the price.
  3. Daiwa Black Widow II...Awesome little reels
  4. Used Kistler rods for several years from the first Graphite Plus rods, Mags and even a few Heliums they make a great rod fairly light, good guides and reel seats had to use their warranty on a couple ocassisons and never had a problem Trey has a great company with great service from my experience now with that said are there rods out there just as good and at a cheaper price you bet IMHO but the MAGS are really good rods but be sure to handle them before you buy them handles are alittle shorter than most and the actions are alittle softer than most manufactuers so get what you are comfortable with and chose wisely young Jedi
  5. Found it to be pretty good line not very abrasion resistant though and did have some problems with knot tying would break if you didnt pay close attention to your knots but with some KVD Line and Lure very manageable and would probably work on spinning gear just fine just keep it in open water.
  6. My first one was and 6'6 Worm Rod 1 by All Star man I had fun with that rod for about 50 bucks couldnt beat it they still sell the All Star Classics at Academy Sports I fill like that is probably a great starting worm rod MH fast action 6'6 or 7 footer your choice on brand just make sure you are very comfortable with it because when you are "ginding" it out pitching a worm it can really wear you down in the course of a day but alot of times thats what you got to do slow and low to catch a good bag of fish.
  7. Excellent advise by all one thing that helped me some is of course making it a habit to close the bail by hand each and every time I cast and sticking your index finger out and leting the line hit it as it goes on to the reel for the first few turns of the spool after a cast it puts alittle tension on the line reducing line twist.
  8. Have two of these they are a daiwa look alot like my Sol internally but went alittle cheaper in a few places specially the hybrid anti backlash mechanisim big difference there its kinda strange uses a magnetic type like the team daiwa 153 but adds the centrifigal braking system diffrent than any I've seen seems to work well though dont know how well its gonea hold up over time throws small lures very good and feels really good in the hand just alittle smaller than my daiwas but has the same profile. It does not use the free floating spool design daiwa is popular for and the drag is not as good some guys are "super tuning" them using daiwa parts I think I will fish em as is for awhile and see what they are about before I really look at new parts seem like really goood reels for the price I think BPS hit the mark this time time will tell
  9. Have two of these they are a daiwa look alot like my Sol internally but went alittle cheaper in a few places specially the hybrid anti backlash mechanisim big difference there its kinda strange uses a magnetic type like the team daiwa 153 but adds the centrifigal braking system diffrent than any I've seen seems to work well though dont know how well its gonea hold up over time throws small lures very good and feels really good in the hand just alittle smaller than my daiwas but has the same profile. It does not use the free floating spool design daiwa is popular for and the drag is not as good some guys are "super tuning" them using daiwa parts I think I will fish em as is for awhile and see what they are about before I really look at new parts seem like really goood reels for the price I think BPS hit the mark this time time will tell
  10. Rods are my thing but you can get a really good rod with great component for alittle over a 100 bucks these days. Really good reels are always alittle more expensive unfourtantley. I have found that balance is the key and I like reels with metal frames they last longer and are defintely worth the extra money and dont forget Line the key that holds it all together good line will make a cheaper rod and reel setup feel and preform alot better than it really is IMHO.
  11. THE THUMB has to be educated but reel setup is a must I usually set my spool tension to just were the spool doesnt move left and right and the brakes alittle tighter. DONT SCIMP on a Reel for this technique spend alittle extra and get a good on with a good brake system I see you've taken care of that already then watch KVD's video pitching to heavy Hitters after that back yard practice practice practice this is were the ThUMB goes to school, anyways works for me hope it helps.
  12. Own the 7ft glass crankbait rod used it last year worked well for deep cranks up to 1/2 oz or so seemed alittle overmatched with really deep cranks like DD22 overall it was pretty good and was really light for a glass rod
  13. I started out with the same model Convergence Rods some years ago and I used them for exactly what bluebasser recommended they did me proud for several years the 6'6 even landed one of the 9lbs on my wall.
  14. Looked at these the other day WOW was my first impression also the looked good and felt good let me know how they work out for you at that price unless the blank is just terrible which I doubt considering they put such high end components on it should be a awesome rod!!
  15. Super awesome MH all purpose spinerbait, pitchn rod at a great deal.
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